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Heroin Production


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I have been doing some research for Mrs Q in to an area I know nothing about, drugs.

I was particularly researching Heroin and its manufacturing and started to discover that there are strong links between Afghanistan, Mexico, Military occupation of Afghanistan and a few other bits and bobs..

Prior to the Taliban 'invading' Afghanistan it was the biggest producer of the opium poppy in the world supplying something in the region of 87% of the worlds 'needs'. The poppy fields covered, at that time, some 350 square miles of the place.

When the Taliban 'invaded' in 2000 they banned the cultivation of the stuff and it dropped by 96% resulting in only around 5 square miles being grown probably for internal use of addicts. The growers were not stupid, paid for by the Mexican drug lords they took their seeds and expertise to Mexico where they started growing the stuff and soon they were producing about the same quantity.

Now here comes the funny bit. When the west invaded Afghanistan the 'experts' returned home and restarted growing the poppies resulting in approximately some 280 square miles being cultivated (2009) employing of 3M people. Afghanistan has again become the biggest world supplier but Mexico has become the second biggest only producing slightly less than the Afghans. This means effectively the quantity grown world wide has doubled which in turn has reduced the street price considerably and that after Cannabis it is the worlds second most consumed recreational drug.

I wonder if any of the warmongering western politicians ever considered this before they illegally invaded Afghanistan. Makes you wonder who is winning, I mean while the troops are out there fighting them the Afghans are getting their own back by supplying a highly addictive drug to the folks back home and probably making more money than it's costing to keep all the troops there and we might have less addicts putting a strain on the health services in Europe. I wonder if there may also be a conspiracy (run by the people with the funny handshake perhaps [;-)] )but as I don't normally believe in conspiracies probably not.


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It's struck me for a long time now that poppies are very red and visible to satellites/drones or whatever so even if they were grown in a remote area of Mexico or Iraqistan, it would be pretty simple to get Monsanto to come up with a herbicide (or re-use Agent Orange left over from Vietanm) and just kill the lot off, job done, no more income for Drugs Lords, supply cut off at source.

What am I missing here ?  [8-)]


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Well the Americans paid out billions to develop, what we refer to todasy as Roundup (yep its the same stuff), to do just that. They supplied the aircraft, the chemical plus training to the Colombians to spray the Coca plants and thus stop the massive amount of Cocaine from being imported in to America.

The drug Barons aren't stupid, within months they genetically modified the plant in to a new breed called 'Boliviana negra' which is not affected by Roundup. Even better for them they entice their crops to be sprayed with the stuff as it kills off the weeds which means better plants grow and they get a bigger harvest per plant. The more I get in to this the more clever these bad guys are and how stupid the agencies are involved in stopping the trade.

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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]

It's struck me for a long time now that poppies are very red and visible to satellites/drones or whatever so even if they were grown in a remote area of Mexico or Iraqistan, it would be pretty simple to get Monsanto to come up with a herbicide (or re-use Agent Orange left over from Vietanm) and just kill the lot off, job done, no more income for Drugs Lords, supply cut off at source.

What am I missing here ?  [8-)]



Aren't opium poppies white?

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