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What woud you do faced with this ?


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It's all down to Mount Olympus, the mythical home of the 12 Olympian Gods (AKA the main sponsors) oops sorry that's the proletariat isn't it.  Ahh must be a case of the tail wagging the dog then!

How come Ambrosia haven't cashed in on this?

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To me the whole of the Olympics stinks and is purely business - and that includes the athletes who are no longer amateurs.

A vast amount of money being spent that the country does not really have enabling multi nationals to dictate what can and cannot be done (was it not only Visa that could be used to purchase tickets). Food being provided by McDonalds so very good and nutritious etc etc.

We have also seen the way that the 'sponsors have muscled out ordinary people who were going to carry the Torch - I did watch the procession in my area and the main things to stand out were the sponsors vehicles - the chap carrying the torch was sandwiched between vehicles.

Boris Johnson was on BBC News yesterday defending G4S - so prehaps a directorship in the future - and the police chiefs who have had to take over security claiming it will have no impact on their normal services, just hope that G4S have to pick up all the bills.

Safely in SW France away from all the rubbish going on.


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[quote user="PaulT"]

To me the whole of the Olympics stinks and is purely business - and that includes the athletes who are no longer amateurs.


As mentioned many times in the recent TV series about the Olympics sports both now and in 1948. As the athletes who are still around from the 1948 Olympics said, they had to work for a living.

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At the risk of being shot, I think it's quite right and proper that sport should be funded by commercial interest - I cannot see any decent argument for its being paid for out of taxpayers' money, except on the most basic level of keeping the population fit and healthy. 

The torch carrying thing is a great shame though because some of the carriers are people who have extrarodinary stories to tell and who clearly have been allowed to do this as a reward for their (often selfless) contributions to their communities, so if sponsors' interests overshadow this then it's very poor, I quite agree, Paul.  Not that I've watched any of it but Mr C does know personally, one particularly heroic woman who has participated. 

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Unfortunately the sponsorship is only 10% of the cost. And some companies will be getting that back via selling their products, and maybe all via their taxes? That I would like to know.

In consequence, I do object to these fascisto rules that they have brought out whereby very common usuage english words and terms cannot be used.


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