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The right to die


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The situation of having 'locked in syndrome' is my own personal nightmare, partly because I watched my Father go through this and partly because I have already had some minor strokes which indicate that I am a candidate.

I found this article in the Telegraph  from a Catholic who normally would not approve very considered


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NH, I rather think that we are all candidates for ending up with some awful illness where we are no longer ourselves.  I also count dementia as such an illness.

I am for the right to die. It should be a right when we are ready.


My problem is who would help, I don't actually think that most Doctors would be happy to do this and I don't think that anyone should be forced, or pressured into such action either. It is a complicated subject.


Has Stephen Hawkin ever said anything about this? I would be interested to know if he has.

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I have split views on this. One one hand I welcome the right to die for people who have locked-in syndrome or similar. On the other I fear for those who may be put under pressure by relatives or others to 'volunteer' to shuffle off this mortal coil as Shakespeare put it. I have seen cases when people can hardly wait for nature to take its course so they can inherit. I also have seen other old people who do not wish to become a burden on society as they get older.

As Idun says it can put a lot of pressure on doctors and nurses to have to assist in these cases. Perhaps the solution is to allow assisted suicide or euthanasia where the person has made a living will to this effect. An additional safeguard would be for the person to have renew this living will at regular intervals

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I seem to recall my late father telling me that, in days of yore, the medical profession would help people die. The trouble is, these days we have so much official accountability. On one hand that is good because the like of Harold Shipman must not be allowed to exist, but on the other hand it's a shame because an old fashioned Doctor probably would have given him a bit too much medicine....
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[quote user="JohnM"]I seem to recall my late father telling me that, in days of yore, the medical profession would help people die. The trouble is, these days we have so much official accountability. On one hand that is good because the like of Harold Shipman must not be allowed to exist, but on the other hand it's a shame because an old fashioned Doctor probably would have given him a bit too much medicine....[/quote]Agreed
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