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Tell it how it is, Dave!


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I watched some of the speech, one thing I think will need more thought is not giving housing benefits to youngsters, bearing in mind that children in care are basically kicked out of their care homes at 16 or 18 years (can't remember which) and some children, esp those from broken/disrupted homes feel obliged to leave to get away from a bad situation.

Apart from that I thought it was a pretty decent speech, given it was to the party faithful.

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There is a certain irony to the fact that, if your child does a bunk from home at 16, the police will tell you they can't bring them back because over 16 they are free to do as they please, yet the Government is telling us that we should be forced/happy/prepared to have our children live at home till they're in their 30's. It's also odd that a person attains their majority at 18 and is free to vote, marry, buy a house (ha!) or whatever, and yet if they choose to continue into tertiary education their student loan is based upon their parents' income.

Maybe if the Government raise the age of majority to 30 it will help? I guess it would have prevented a lot of 18-22 year-olds wasting a vote on the LibDems, anyway.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

OK, it is for the party conference, but this seems so right. Listen up France, Belgium:

"many countries in Europe (are) now 'on the slide' bogged down by 'fat, sclerotic, welfare systems' and 'unreformed public services'."


This morning a lady who walked out to my car to be taken to hospital. Told me she had applied for a car on "Motability " But she will have to wait until November for it because her son who will drive it chose a colour that was not popular so they have to wait longer for it ... They did not want red because it fades !

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Wasn't Dave blaming the last Labour government for all this mess? Does that therefore mean all the EU countries in a mess and the US had Labour governments?  I know Gordon didn't help, did everyone follow the savior of the world?

RH, inlaws have a motorbility Corsa in red (so everyone can see them comming) a week old and dented it already so becareful what you buy.

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JustJohn wrote

"people get the government they deserve"

I don't think this is true. I've kept my part of the bargain. I've always worked, I've paid my taxes, lived a law abiding life and brought up two children to do the same. I always vote; I've voted for all three parties in my time.

Successive governments have provided the following inefficiences: defence procurement, west coast mainline, the Border Agency, the CSA, lack of regulation of care homes, non-collection of fines. These are just the things that are at the top of my mind at the moment. I do not think I deserve them.

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Quite so H. The way I see it is that all the political parties don't have a real solution. Listening to some of the Tory speeches this week was no different to listening to Labour last week. Both state what they intend to do but fail to say exactly how they are going to do it and even worse where the money is coming from. The other problem is the level of government debt, I never asked them to borrow the money neither did I give them authority to use me (my ability to work and pay tax) as guarantee on the money they borrowed. So all in all I conclude that they tell people what they want to hear to get elected then once elected do something totally different.

Both of the main parties complain when in opposition yet when they get in to power they never appear to undo the things they complained the most about when in opposition. We are now in the 'next phase' where parties leave 'bombs' for the incoming party if they know they are going to loose, aircraft carriers and the new high speed train line with no get out clauses for example. This means they can now have a go at the current government about poor management of the contracts etc. It's just a game to them with the tax payer in the middle, perhaps we should demand that they only get paid on results.

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[quote user="Hoddy"]JustJohn wrote "people get the government they deserve" I don't think this is true. I've kept my part of the bargain. I've always worked, I've paid my taxes, lived a law abiding life and brought up two children to do the same. I always vote; I've voted for all three parties in my time. Successive governments have provided the following inefficiences: defence procurement, west coast mainline, the Border Agency, the CSA, lack of regulation of care homes, non-collection of fines. These are just the things that are at the top of my mind at the moment. I do not think I deserve them. Hoddy[/quote]It's not so much a question of "people getting the government they deserve" but "a country getting yhe government it deserves". The problem with democracy is that it encourages popular solutions to problems rather than the best solutions which may involve a bit of pain. The most charismatic candidates aren't necessarily the best people to govern the country.  Unfortunately despite its faults it is hard to a better system than democracy as a benign dictatorship soon declines into a malign one.
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