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Fosrered children removed because of UKIP membership


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What must these poor kids be thinking after being removed from this home they were doing so well in. What have they done to deserve this ?

I hope the parents can take legal action against Social Services .. What sort of place has the UK become when a child is deprived of a loving home because some woman running a department fostering  children does not agree with their foster parents politics ... The woman was on  Today this morning and seems convinced she acted correctly ...Are  people now to  be subjected to questioning on their politics when applying to foster ?

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[quote user="Quillan"]How would people react if they were members on the BNP?[/quote]

Are you seriously  suggesting  that the placement of a child from care into a loving home should only take plece after political screening of peoples views ?....If so who...which party ? ...should lay down which political views are to be considered and be  used to refuse applications  from  people who apply to foster .  Who are going to be the thought police called upon to check if people have a change in their political stance so Social Services can swoop in and act if need be ? Is a party membership card  soon  to be required to be slapped down on the table by applicants  so it can  checked for  annual renewal  ....?. 

I am livid as well ! Idun

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Then I suggest you visit the Ukip and BNP websites and read what they say about immigrants. They are uncannily similar, so much so they could almost be written by the same person. In fact if your thinking about voting Ukip then I strongly suggest you read all their policies some of which are a right eye opener.

You should also be aware, as reported in the press, that Ukip MEPS Derek Clark, Niall Warry (not an MEP but worked for Clark), Nikkie Sinclair (arrested for fraud awaiting prosecution), Gerard Batten, Tom Wise (served a two year prison* sentence for fraudulently claiming MEPS expenses) Godfrey Bloom, John Bufton, Derek Roland Clark, Trevor Colman and William Dartmouth are all under investigation for dodgy expenses claims. There are other names as well but as they are not in the press it's best I don't name them. You might also remember that in 2009 Farage boasted in the Torygraph that he already had £2M worth of expenses from the tax payer for his MEP duties which he had recycled in to his campaign to get the UK out of the EU which I believe is against the law (you can't use tax payers money to fund political parties).

* Sorry I thought he was still in prison but he has now been rleased.

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It's beginning to sound a bit like Zambia some years ago where locals were 'challenged' to produce a membership card for the ruling political party, produce the wrong card, or no card and you could / would get seriously hurt.

Our staff tended to have cards for both parties and just hoped to produce the right one at the right time.
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Not sure that the whole story has been made public, but it seems that the couple were dobbed in by a snitch, particularly, apparently for disapproving of multiculturalism, as well as their membership of UKIP. As far as one knows, UKIP is in many ways similar to the right wing of the UMP, Monsieur Copé. One wonders if she would have taken these kids from say rabid Trots or even right wing Conservatives.

The social worker involved is certainly taking a lot on herself if she thinks she can impose a political test on foster parents, but perhaps this is common amongst their profession; My feeling is that she should be reeducated immediately and write a full and grovelling apology to the couple involved, then perhaps be given duties which involve mucking out pigs!

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[quote user="Frederick"][quote user="Quillan"]How would people react if they were members on the BNP?[/quote]

Are you seriously  suggesting  that the placement of a child from care into a loving home should only take plece after political screening of peoples views ?....If so who...which party ? ...should lay down which political views are to be considered and be  used to refuse applications  from  people who apply to foster .  Who are going to be the thought police called upon to check if people have a change in their political stance so Social Services can swoop in and act if need be ? Is a party membership card  soon  to be required to be slapped down on the table by applicants  so it can  checked for  annual renewal  ....?. 
I am livid as well ! Idun


I think these people joined Ukip because they want out of the EU. I think they made the honest mistake of not reading Ukips policies, just the bits they wanted to hear.

The family comes from a multicultral background and the children they fostered as well. I now quote from the Ukip website "· End the active promotion of the doctrine of multiculturalism by local and national government and all publicly funded bodies". I say they didn't read it because they said "Then one of them said, 'Well, Ukip have got racist policies’. The implication was that we were racist. [The social worker] said Ukip does not like European people and wants them all out of the country to be returned to their own countries. “I’m sat there and I’m thinking, 'What the hell is going off here?’ because I wouldn’t have joined Ukip if they thought that. " Well they do think that, it's in their polices, have a look.



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Uncanny link here to the thread about whether or not it's wise to spoil a ballot paper...

What next? It could end up like the Spanish Inquisition. Social workers complain so much about getting a bad press. They do so little to avoid it, though. I blame the low standards demanded for maths. It's left a lot of Social Scientists seriously believing that 1 + 1 DOES equal five.

I wonder if the Council in question has engaged reverse gear yet? This is already more than simply embarrassing.

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What the social worker is in fact saying is that opposition to or disapproval of mass immigration and multiculturalism disqualifies people from becoming foster parents. Both these are political policies so she is saying that there is a political test to be a foster parent.

Good heavens, even the Labour party disapproved of this one so she must realise she has got it badly wrong.

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You are all correct ( except "Q" of course) to be livid about this. It seems OK for gay couples to foster, but not UKIP supporters.

One could speculate the reason all the people "Q" quotes as being under investigation is because they are being targeted due to being members of their respective parties.

You may not like Tom Wise, but when we were hoping to move to France in 2007 and the health issue came up, of all the MEPS I contacted he was the only one who took the trouble to contact me, and by phone. We spend almost an hour talking. Seemed a nice guy to me.

I am sure most people know what UKIP and the BNP stand for, and this is the appeal for their supporters. They don't support them if they don't share their views anymore than Labour supporters do, surely.
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In this case no but in future I would not put an ethnically different child with them based on the views of the political party to which they are a member.

The reason I asked about the BNP is because, as an example and not being racist myself, would I put a black child with a BNP foster parent, probably not yet the BNP is a proper and registered political party. Why wouldn't I, because they are an anti immigrant party. I would also take the same view of Ukip as they have very similar views which are quite clear.

In this particular case however I wouldn't have removed the children. I don't think the parents had a clue if you read their comments what the anti immigrant and anti cultural views of Ukip are. I think they have very strong, like many others, views on the EU and want out which is why they joined. Normally you join a party because of all of their views (or are at least awre of them) not just because of one of them and I believe if they knew the views of Ukip on these matters they would not of joined, well they said as much.

That aside I think both sides acted in haste and as the old saying goes, something like, "Act in haste, repent at leisure". Perhaps if they all sat down and simply had a chat things might have ended very differently.

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You only have to scratch the surface of the conservative party to uncover the slightly uncomfortable backroom boys who manipulate the front line hiding under the center ground illusion.


Since when has Any political party done what they claim in their manifesto's it's smoke and mirrors for the people to swallow.

Back on topic, this was a temporary position and the lady in charge has had pressure applied and previous problems with regard to similar circumstances so has changed tack.

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I agree Théière but you can only go on what they have written and put up on their website as their policy. At other times social services have occasionally second guessed and got it terribly wrong with things ending badly. I do feel for the social service to a point, they are the meat in the middle of the proverbial sandwich. Whichever way they go they get slaughtered. We should remember that 90% of the time they do fantastic work but the 10% they get wrong ends up in the news.
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I do not think that political views should be taken into account when selecting foster parents. After all would you take a person's natural children into care just because of the parent's political views. The important thing is that the foster parents provide a safe loving home for the children in their care.
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Q presume you have never belonged to a club or association.

I have never belonged to a political party but have belonged to clubs etc. This may suprise you but not all members agree 100% with either the constitution or the direction of the club etc. Therefore, normally at AGMs and occassionally at EGMs members put forward points for discussion which if the majority agree then consitutions and / or directions are changed.

UKIP seem to campaign, at least to me, as wanting the UK out of the EU. This couple might well be solely of that opinion and therefore support UKIP. They may agree on other issues, who knows.

The situation though, does seem an extremely serious one that is essentially political persecution. Take to extremes then people of a particular political view disappear. At present, Russia, or should that be Putin, seem very keen on suppressing any other political viewpoint.

Labour say they will investigate what has happened - I am sure they are aware that they could get a whole load of flak over this which no doubt the Conservatives will exploit to the full. I also wonder if UKIP will take this to the European Court of Human Rights - personally I cannot see them not finding in the couples favour.


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And I am still livid.


Read what political parties say? ............ I have yet to believe any of them....... it's all cobblers, to be polite. When they want a vote they say ne porter quoi, that they think some sections of society want to hear, then simply ignore what they have said when they have 'the power'. That is all of them. And there are some that over step the mark as they become power mad.

I shall tar all politicans with the same brush, although I would love for there to be some very honest ones amoungst them and hopefully there is. As they say, how can you tell if a politian's lying...... because their lips are moving. 


So back to UKIP, well many people are very concerned about illegal immigrants. It doesn't make any of them bad people, concerned yes, but not bad and not racist either. And the EU, well the referendum, that I said 'no' too all that time ago, is not what we have now. I betchya a lot of people would not have voted yes when Heath asked, if they had realised that the United States of Europe would grow from it. And now, I would go back happily to the original trading agreements, and never the rest. There are a lot of us that don't want it and don't like the way things are going.


I wish that the main stream politicans would pull their heads out of their backsides and listen to the people, at least a little.



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None of the political parties are lily white ( excuse the pun) let's take children away from Lib Dems or Conservatives next..........

The children were happy, the foster parents were happy, the social workers were playing God and it's the children who will suffer in the long term. I doubt there are that many foster parents who would take three siblings ...now I suspect Social Services have lost Foster parents.....Or at least discouraged others from applying......

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[quote user="PaulT"]

Q presume you have never belonged to a club or association.


Quite a few actually but I wouldn't put a club or association in the same group as a political party.

[quote user="PaulT"]

UKIP seem to campaign, at least to me, as wanting the UK out of the EU. This couple might well be solely of that opinion and therefore support UKIP. They may agree on other issues, who knows.


Correct but sometimes people don't read the small print or even the large print. The also don't bother to find out about what it is they are joining from independant sources.

[quote user="PaulT"]

The situation though, does seem an extremely serious one that is essentially political persecution.


So I take it you don't have a problem with people being racist then? I certainly do and will always fight it where ever it can be found, even hidden in the 'small print'.

I am not however saying this couple are racist, actually I believe them to be far from it, their history of fostering children shows this. Their only fault is being so naive. Unfortunately blinded by their hate of the EU they joined a party which is racist because they couldn't be bothered to look past the anti EU stance at its other policies and believe me when I say this is one of many of their wacky policies, try their tax policies, the unemployed, those on social security, it makes for a good read. Unfortunately many don't get past the first page.

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[quote user="Quillan"][quote user="PaulT"]

Q presume you have never belonged to a club or association.


Quite a few actually but I wouldn't put a club or association in the same group as a political party.

Q my comment was really tongue in cheek because I know from some of your postings that you have been involved in various things. My point was that whatever the 'group' some members will want to take whatever they are involved with in a different direction, be it the local pigeon club, through to a political party through to extremist / terrorist organisations whereby there will not be 100% agreement on the course - look at the situation in Northern Ireland with some groups wishing to carry on with terrorist activities whereas some previously involved now go the political route.

Is there a difference when politics is involved.

[quote user="PaulT"]

UKIP seem to campaign, at least to me, as wanting the UK out of the EU. This couple might well be solely of that opinion and therefore support UKIP. They may agree on other issues, who knows.


Correct but sometimes people don't read the small print or even the large print. The also don't bother to find out about what it is they are joining from independant sources.

Nowadays manifestos and political groups aims are on line but some people are only interested in one aspect and will listen to the propaganda and sign up on the basis of that. The PayDay loan companies are doing a good job of making some people believe that they are helping them despite interest rates of several thousand percent. How many people sign to buy a house without fully understanding exactly what they are signing.

[quote user="PaulT"]

The situation though, does seem an extremely serious one that is essentially political persecution.


So I take it you don't have a problem with people being racist then? I certainly do and will always fight it where ever it can be found, even hidden in the 'small print'.

I am not however saying this couple are racist, actually I believe them to be far from it, their history of fostering children shows this. Their only fault is being so naive. Unfortunately blinded by their hate of the EU they joined a party which is racist because they couldn't be bothered to look past the anti EU stance at its other policies and believe me when I say this is one of many of their wacky policies, try their tax policies, the unemployed, those on social security, it makes for a good read. Unfortunately many don't get past the first page.

Yes, I do have a problem with people being racist but I hope I am a realist. We are not all the same and have differing prejudices, be they music, food, TV programmes or hating people who are different to them. Look at what happens at some football matches, be it national or international some 'fans' show violence to the fans of the other side.

However, I think it is far better for people to be open rather than do anything underhand and secretly. Hopefully, in time they will open their eyes and minds. I always think of the land of the free, the US and the segregation that relatively only recently went. The TV show Mash originally had a black surgeon until it was pointed out that there were none allowed to serve. The information sheets issued to white US servicemen when they came to the UK to explain that the black US servicemen mingled with the white British. However, should so called 'positive' discrimination be allowed which could cause resentment, especially when a police force states that they are only recruiting ethnic minorities. I can understand why but others may see this as putting white people down.

Some people can be very naïve, look at some of the so called intelligent people taken in by the likes of Ponzi schemes - give a chunk of money and you will get interest rates of 20% per month.

The couple might be of the opinion 'we do not care what your other policies are we just want out of the EU'. If there was a referendum how many of the electorate could make a knowledge based decision on which way to vote or would it be a perceived knowledge based assessment.


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