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Couldn't believe my eyes, still laughing about it.


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My son lives in a nearby large port city and every week he and a couple of uni pals go training jogging around a local large wooded park of some 57ha as it has pathways that are gravelled and good for the running. For the past couple of years they have noticed rather a lot of single men parked up in the many carparks and wandering around the park and then discovered from the local press it is a local hotspot for perverts. Well yesterday I went over to visit him for the day and he said to me about taking the dog for a walk where he goes training and we might spot some  pervs in the bushes (no need for nasty remarks here by the way!). Well, we got to the carpark and there were several cars parked with just male drivers sitting there so my son said that some he recognised from his weekly training visits that are always there. We went on our walk and sure enough as we got further into the woods, along came men on their own, some doused in aftershave and done upto the nines, old blokes with flat caps and some weirdos with dubious looks about them. Seemed very odd that single men would go walking round muddy wet woods on their own in the middle of the afternoon but when we got back to the car park, there they were, more of them heading for the toilet block in the trees one after the other. One changed direction and head back from the car park towards some bushes and disappeared and we could see the top of his head and then another bloke arrived behind him and disappeared in the bushes too! Well, we just sat in the car and roared with laughter as its something you read about but never see in reality but at the same time quite worrying that these men are doing these acts.Apparently the gendarmes pass a couple of times per week to see who is parked up and visit the toilet block. I couldn't help thinking of the News of the World type press having a field day there and as my son said, Mum you're pretty safe, its me and my mates who have to be careful we aren't approached.
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No sheep, some blokes in dayglo cutting logs though! Still can't believe what we saw in broad daylight it was so comical especially the bloke trying to hide behind some laurel and his head was showing and then his "friend" joining him.
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Some friends had a quiet country lane near their house and these groups used to gather, this was in England, they have been doing this for years in England. They contact each other through the internet and some are guys wanting guys of whom some are married apparently!!! Imagine if you found that your H was a secret gay guy.  Or else it was called dogging!!!  But it used to amuse me when we drove to our friends' house, the looks we would get from these guys sat there for hours apparently. Nowt weirder than folk.  Guess it caught on in France.

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When we got back to our car, they had all parked in a line because when we arrived for our walk, the cars were parked randomly here and there. Had to laugh as well because in one part of the woods there were platforms high up in the trees which is part of a summer adventure playground type thing run by the local council and organised with high wires,rope ladders etc. I remarked that this would be a good vantage point to watch the action, my son just wanted to get out of there and is now thinking or relocating elsewhere to continue their training each week. Do you remember the scene in "Theres something about Mary" when the hero arrives with the murderer and his body wrapped in a carpet at a pervert's spot in the woods? The police arrive and switch on headlights and there are dozens of men running away leaving the hero standing there stranded.
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Even though he should be free to run where he wants maybe he is wise to find somewhere else, some people may associate him with what the place is known for and if ever there is any homophobic violence the Gendarmes will start looking closely at who frequents the park. 
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Exactly my comments as well. Shame really that such people should ruin what is a lovely place to visit by their vile behaviour. At least the lads who train together don't wear shorts at the moment,that might really bring all the worms out of the woodwork so to speak.
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I dont find homosexual behaviour vile, I dislike exhibitionism whether it be gay or heterosexual if it is forced on others, I found that many couples of both sexes seemed to enjoy shocking people in the supermarket check out queues when I was in central Brisbane, I really didnt like that.

I have no problem with people congregating at country car parks at night to s'exhibe to the voyeurs, it does sound like those in your park are at least trying to be discreet.

 I know some couples get a thrill out of doing it in public places where they might be stumbled on, is that  exhibitionism or adding to their thrill?  but I have never understood the attraction of sex in a public toilet, even the cleanest of them say Macdo's is still not an appealing environment in my eyes.

A chacun son gout.

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