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An interesting view of the French


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Norman, I am surprised you dont take the Telegraph. Daily Mail, is it?

Fiddling still goes on, of course, but I am not sure that it is as widespread as it was because there are more checks. However, Napoléon allowed it, so long as it didnt go too far and that remains the tradition.

Now, the Belgians really know about fiddling; my late in laws made a fortune as bakers because they never declared anything like their earnings. The fisc used to catch people out not because they underdeclared their flour purchases but because they underdeclared the salt. Which my lot knew about.

The monthly or quarterly trip to Luxembourg was a ritual with a decent lunch thrown in, to cash the bearer bonds of which they had stacks and stacks in safes around the house.

Plus, door surrounds were almost all hollow and stuffed with cash, extra roof beams had been installed which were hollow with access only from the top etc etc.

And when buying a house the dessous la table ( cash in hand) could be up to 25% of the purchase price, but not so much as to cause an investigation. Of course, the notaires knew about it!
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The Telegraph! Quite a surprise! The left doesn't do 'fiddling' of course. I am never disappointed at the thinking of 'leftish' thinkers. The Guardian and it's followers are quite pathetic. What it boils down to of course is that these people simply can't accept that the majority voted to leave their E.U. Why, because trey knew it was corrupt and unworkable. If, these 'believers' love the E.U. so much take. up citizenship and put your. money where your mouth is!
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Yet another utterly useless contribution from Ken.

As Norman pointed out, this appears to have been a rather old piece, so I don’t understand what Brexit has got to do with it.

Can we have a vote on asking Ken not to mention Brexit? He keeps on telling everybody to “Get over it”, and then keeps on resurrecting it.

In fact ......... he keeps on a lot.

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Of course it has to do with Brexit. Anyone with a brain cell would know that . People here simply cannot accept what the majority have voted for and snipe continuously against it.

Almost by definition these sites are. anti Brexit and much of the content of posts is certainly left orientated. I'm surprised the Telegraph was mentioned. The poster must have been disorientated! The Guardian is a much. better source of information after all!

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I think that you’re ‘on your own’ here Ken.

Tax & Brexit really don’t have much to do with each other - you’re deluding yourself.

Do yourself a favour and try to confine your input to something that adds value. None of us gets it right all of the time, nor should we! Mistakes occur.

However, your contributions are mostly ‘less than nice’. Think about it eh?

My last halfway nice riposte.

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Ken - most of the posters on here are really very, very pleasant people; I'd happily have a drink in a bar with them - and most are rather politically balanced.
If you really want to see the rabid nutters, those who hate the British Brexit voters, who think France and the french are wonderful and cannot be criticised -

there is another forum - from which I've been banned for not being leftie enough !!  

Daren't mention it's name but if you really want to see the liberals in full cry, waving their Guardians I can send you a private pm.
In the meantime, please enjoy the company on here of very sane, pleasant, intelligent people.
Despite some of them not agreeing with you about Brexit !!
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Chessie: It's interesting that you suggest another forum. The implication being that because I don't agree with some here I perhaps should leave!

I have nothing personal against anyone but I cannot alter my opinions to suit them. I am utterly convinced that most here were anti Brexit and it shows, I believe, in the way they write.

It doesn't trouble me that they do so it is just I think their hypocrisy should be pointed out from time to time. You would note, perhaps, that it is always the same one or two who pontificate but don't like criticism!

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Ken - I did NOT suggest, or imply in any way, that you should leave this forum - stop being so sensitive.  I only suggested the 'other forum' as a way of pointing out to you that this forum is remarkably balanced, sane, pleasant and 'normal' compared to 'that other one'.   That 'other' forum is full of the guardian lot - and I only suggested you go and look to make you appreciate the more intelligent and well balanced group on this forum.  No other reason; I did not suggest you leave - don't think anyone on here would even think of suggesting it.
You must also consider that on these fora (?!) the posters are people who are living in France; some of them have been here for years and are firmly connected to France and maybe even have french relatives.  It gives such posters a different outlook.   Many on here will have been adversely affected by Brexit and its future implications - and that will affect their viewpoints.
Not all of us see France through the rose-coloured glasses;  some of us have, and do, criticise France.  But this forum is normal, with different people with different views, but I feel we all 'rub along' without too much hostility; for real hypocrisy and out-right hostility just drop into the 'other' place for a quick look - you'll realise then just what a pleasant place this forum is in comparison.

Anyway, the sun is shining, I've got a load of stuff to take to the recycling place,  and I'm expecting more parcels from Amazon.........whoopeee.
Keep smiling everyone -

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“I am utterly convinced that most here were anti Brexit and it shows, I believe, in the way they write.”

Ken, consider the other possibility. It may be that those who voted pro-brexit do not feel the need to continue an argument which is over.

May I remind everyone that we do not discuss other forums here. No good ever comes of it.
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Chessie: I stand corrected. Perhaps I am too sensitive!!!! Thank you. for the offer of a PM to inform me of another forum but no thank you, I find this one 'radical' enough! I wouldn't last ten seconds on something you could suggest. There are enough Guardian readers here!!

I should say that I have lived in France for over 22 years and love the country. People do, of course, have different perspectives but some here simply won't accept a different view point to their own and when given an opposite opinion revert to veiled insults and even threats! Yes, I have had one in a P.M. !

I absolutely love to discuss issues with people, that is why aI am here;

I will though, passionately, and with equal aggression reply to someone who simply aims an insult.

Anyway, thank you for your reply and hope the recycling went well. It's bloody raining here!!!

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Well said, Chessie and Hoddy.  We could indeed do with a like button on here.

Ken, anti-Brexit, well as a Brit, when you live in Europe, you most likely are going to be anti-Brexit, and we are all doing what we now have to do to continue living here.  It doesn't mean that we now think Brexit was a good idea, but that we have accepted it happened for the moment, as life is too short to continue a fight that will continue for years yet I suspect.

It is a well balanced forum, as Chessie says, we know each other well, pull each other's legs regularly, but with no malice.  Strong, and sometimes wrong, viewpoints expressed are tolerated, but if they continue ad infinitum even the gentle souls on here eventual express disatisfaction.

An argument, well argued and supported with facts is always acceptable. Rants for the sake of gaining points are not.

Go figure.

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Ken, I don't know where you are ('expat' enclave?) but around here absolutely nobody has any interest in Brexit. It's been and the UK is gone (even though Brexit will probably never be 'done' for the UK).; keeping a light on for Scotland!

We have plenty to think about for the future of France and the EU, especially the 'ever closer union' (and other stuff, not least defence & foreign policy) that we can now get on with without the traditional disruptive machinations of La perfide Albion.
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Chessfou - I like your comment about 'the future of France and the eu....ever closer union, defence & foreign policy'..   Strange you didn't mention an eu army - you think that's a good idea?  Or the tax harmonisation - you think that's a good idea?   Or the way the eu is attacking Oban of Hungary because of his stance, for his country's beliefs, abou having to promote LGBT brain-washing in schools.
You think that it's the role of the eu to insist a country over-turns its own beliefs, for which it has a democratically elected parliament, because 'the eu' thinks it knows better.  You in favour of that ?
And how do you see 'ever closer union' - gives me the shivers.   The likes of 'Fond of Lying' with her success at running (ruining) Germany's army ? - think she should be in charge ?
Trouble is - you talk about being interested in the future of France; there is no future for France; there is no future for Spain, Italy, Greece, Poland, Bulgaria - these countries will cease to exist, they will become nothing more than regional councils - with the ultimate power being concentrated in Unelected, Unknown, Unaccountable eu 'officials'.
You don't elect them; you will not be able to remove them - and that's the death of democracy.  You think that a good idea ?
Your ref to 'perfidious Albion' - not nice, not fair, and certainly not the view of the northern groups of eu countries.   They were happy for the UK to be a member of the eu - they have admitted that they 'hid' behind the UK's body and shoulders whenever the UK stood up to whatever new schemes or diktats the eu was planning.  It is the northern european countries which will miss the UK -

because the UK was seen AS A MODERATING voice....
So stop your sneers about the UK;  the UK tried to avoid the eu becoming too powerful in people's every-day lives - and it has beern admitted that the UK's moderating voice will be much missed.
PS - Hoddy - OK you've rapped my knuckles;  wasn't really criticising 'the other forum' - just pointing out that the views over there aappear to be far more extreme left-wing than here;  I was praising this lovely forum, and the mostly good-natured discussions on here.  But sorry all the same if I've over-stepped the mark.

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The US is a federation of States which have retained significant powers for themselves. This creates a healthy tension with the centre. Brussels does not understand this; failure to do so will cause the EU to break up, IMHO.

The problem is that there are two dominant big states which have selfish agendas and which tend to roll over the smaller fry. Britain was a balance at least.
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Chessie said: "Strange you didn't mention an eu army - you think that's a good idea? Or the tax harmonisation - you think that's a good idea? Or the way the eu is attacking Oban of Hungary because of his stance, for his country's beliefs, abou having to promote LGBT brain-washing in schools."

Yes, all excellent ideas. Roll on a federal Europe (works for Germany, Spain & kind of for USA & Franjce). Maybe it could have worked for UK, but too late now.
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[quote user="anotherbanana"]It works so well in Spain that they have to have political prisoners to enforce it. And the Basques waged long and bitter campaign to get a degree autonomy.[/quote]

Spain at least will never cut loose from the golden goose as long as it keeps providing for those in charge.

Hiking in the mountains we came across a brand new road, turning off from a remote country lane, and bearing a large notice announcing how much EU funding had been used to aid in its construction. It led to a dead end in the middle of nowhere.

Oh - there was a huge country house and estate there [;-)]

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