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Honourable honest MPs - another one comes clean


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[quote user="Clarkkent"]

[quote user="Russethouse"]. It will be interesting to see what the Jury say and how the judge treats him / them when it comes to sentencing[/quote]

The jury will not say anything. He has already pleaded guilty. (In any case, a jury can only say "guilty" or "not guilty". It is illegal for any report to be made of any jury's discussions.)

Having said that, Mr Huhn clearly comes across as someone unfitted for high office. The former Mrs Huhn is clearly no shrinking violet and I guess that her defence - of being pressurised within the marriage - will rebound against her. I have no wish to prejudge the outcome but she seems to me to be as guilty as he.

They both come across as very unpleasant.


When I used the term 'say' I meant as regards guilty or innocent, I've been on a Jury so I know the discussion is private. If the marriage was stressful she may well have agreed, ( anything for a quiet life? ) even if she is normally a strong capable woman.

Maybe she was more pleasant before all this happened - I believe she was well respected professionally ....

A local business man did a similar thing and was caught, I suspect his business didn't benefit, people went elsewhere for a while, but it was some years ago and people have forgotten now.
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[quote user="gardengirl "][quote user="Hoddy"]I've been wondering if I would have accepted penalty points for my husband. I think I might have done, but it occurs to me that he would not have asked. Hoddy[/quote]

Quite so, Hoddy.

I'm most interested that you have said this.

I, too, think I would have accepted penalty points and I am also quite sure that my husband would never have asked me to do such a thing.

Strange old world, isn't it?  How we have different views of right and wrong?[:-))]

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Strange idea, really, getting someone to lie for you. No, I don't think I would ever have asked my husband to take my points. Though perhaps it is something that a dutiful wife should do.[/quote]

What, Wools, are you going back to the UK to marry your husband?  It was a "yes" vote wasn't it, for same sex marriage?

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I'm most interested that you have said this.

I, too, think I would have accepted penalty points and I am also quite sure that my husband would never have asked me to do such a thing.

Strange old world, isn't it?  How we have different views of right and wrong?Woot! [:-))]

When I had 6 points on my license we joked that my husband could take the next lot as the car was in his name, it never occurred so who knows....however what I would not have done is protest my innocence to the nation, time and time again

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[quote user="NormanH"]Until very recently it was commonplace in France for people to take the points for other people who needed to keep their licenses. There was a flourishing underground market in it with quite good prices attached.
This has only been followed up since last year.
At the same time who would ever expect a French politician to resign because of lying or even being found guilty and charged (if it is were ever to be allowed to get that far)
Look at the case of Alain Juppé
who is still Mayor of Bordeaux and who was asked to try to sort out the affairs of the UMP last autumn
Le Pen was accused of war Crimes
Charles Pasqua has been let off six times and twice given suspended sentences00
Chirac was convicted of embezzling public funds, abuse of trust and illegal conflict of interest in 2011 and given a 2 year suspended sentence
Sarkozy's cases  are  still being heard

Quite So, Norm, all of the above worthy of penalty;

I am at a loss to see the need for the waste of money from the public purse in this case, from a basic motoring infringement, becoming a perversion of justice criminal case with such results; the courts becoming an instrument of a woman's spite, revenge, and inability to have said No in the first place. Since the original infringement was clearly by agreement and now we all have to watch the spectacle, I can only say that Imho they are equally guilty, and that she should receive an equal penalty; what was the point really?, sure she has put a temporary halt to his career, but no doubt he will appear in some quango or in some MEP consultative position, what will she become? apart from bitter twisted and unable to accept reality and the result of her own moral weakness in the first place.


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