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The end of the Euro, on purpose?


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As one watches the death throes of Cyprus, the destitution and Sinofication of Greece and Spain, the antics of Italy as the country stands at the top of the steep slide into the garbage pit, one begins to wonder whether there is not a plan behind all this. And inevitably one turns to Germany and says quite simply "Are you trying to break up the euro into a weak southern bit and a new northern 'euromark' zone. Your clumsy behaviour over the states that are now on the edge or which have already gone over it suggests that you are. Why not come clean and get it over with?"

And should we assume that you intend France to be in the weak southern bit, given the distancing that has taken place since the election of the Penguin?

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Wools   I don't think there is any sinister intention  to manufacture what is taking place . More the sad fact it seems the masters in Brussels are unable to come to a unified agreement on how to tackle the situation . If in fact anybody has any idea how to tackle it ..........and it seems not which is what I am starting  to believe .   How they can plot to take millions of euros off  Russians while keeping them out of the loop amazed me .... Now the Russians may end up sitting at the head of the table in discussions as to how  to save this little member of the  E Z ...... I do not think they would plan for that !

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