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[quote user="powerdesal"]I agree about the Scottish Stormtroopers. Why can't you stand UKIP?[/quote]

My feeling is that many of those involved in UKIP are extreme right wingers, who are also racists and what I call little Englanders.

There is little intellectual base to their policies, little political development and even fewer economic policies.

The rise of UKIP has however been caused by the arrogance of the main parties which have refused to address the issues which concern the UKIP voters, notably immigration and the place of the white English in the multicultural society in which they feel they have no place. That is the direct fault of the Labour administrations of Blair and Brown.

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I watched the interview at the airport or rail station, whatever place he arrived back at, and thought it rather funny. I don't think he has had direct contact with anyone who sees him and his party for what it is and has told him so before. The best bit was when he called the SNP supporters Fascista (well something like that, basically fascist). As time goes on he will come across this in England as well so he better get used to it. No point in slamming the phone down in an interview on the radio if you don't like the question, just shows you for the wally you are. Still all this may make his supporters see him for what he is, a giant tosser of the first order.
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I find it ironical that people feel it's OK to insult this man and call him a racist, especially the Scott's who when I had the fortune to work in their beautiful country I found to be the most openly racist group of people that I ever had the dis-pleasure of meeting. As for an ex-pat b&b owner and moderator calling someone a giant tosser, the mind boggles?
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[quote user="NickP"]I find it ironical that people feel it's OK to insult this man and call him a racist, especially the Scott's who when I had the fortune to work in their beautiful country I found to be the most openly racist group of people that I ever had the dis-pleasure of meeting. As for an ex-pat b&b owner and moderator calling someone a giant tosser, the mind boggles?[/quote]

I thought I was being generous, others have called him a lot worse. This is a man who has no political experience, does not even support his own constituency as a MEP but just takes the money whilst calling the EU all the names under the sun and when somebody openly disagrees with him he throws his Teddy out the pram and slams the phone down. So in my book calling him a tosser is pretty mild. But then I guess anyone who is a 'middle Englander' as Wooly likes to call them probably thinks the sun shines out of his bottom, and no I am not making any personal comment just an observation in general.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]The opinions of the lady in this article say a lot; looking backward to a time long gone: http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2013/may/17/ukip-the-battle-for-britain [/quote]

Have to say it bought a smile to my face. I guess that the evacuation of Dunkirk will have to be rewritten to bring the (christian) God in to account! I can't believe that some people want to drag us back to the 1940's. To much watching of Heartbeat is my guess. What a bunch of ........


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There have been various comments on here and other posts disparaging UKIP and Nigel Farage.

I recently ( this morning ) saw a BBC article :- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-22396690 which was interesting.

I cannot see much in the stated aims of UKIP that are to be objected to. Neither can I see any overt racist policies.

Regarding ''protest votes'', any vote at any level which is not in support of the existing status is, by definition, a protest against that status. For example, in a general election, a vote to change the ruling govt from (say) tory to labour is a vote protesting against the tory govt.
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But, Powerdesal, as you know, the term 'protest vote' as used in my post, has a specific meaning - voters not wishing to support candidates from any of the potential governing parties, seek another, smaller party which doesn't stand a chance of being elected, to register their annoyance at the sitting, and/or potential government.

It is not what UKIP writes as its 'policies' that you should look at, it is looking at or listening to what their candidates say, that reveals their basic premise. If you Google Godfrey Bloom, for example, you will find some interesting opinions he has on women. There is also a recently elected cllr who has made some rather nasty racist comments and is currently being investigated.
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[quote user="powerdesal"]There have been various comments on here and other posts disparaging UKIP and Nigel Farage. I recently ( this morning ) saw a BBC article :- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-22396690 which was interesting. I cannot see much in the stated aims of UKIP that are to be objected to. Neither can I see any overt racist policies. Regarding ''protest votes'', any vote at any level which is not in support of the existing status is, by definition, a protest against that status. For example, in a general election, a vote to change the ruling govt from (say) tory to labour is a vote protesting against the tory govt.[/quote]

OK try this for size http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/ukip-councillors-racist-rants-more-1897414

If a member of government can loose his job for calling a copper a pleb then this lot should be locked up.

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[quote user="powerdesal"]

I cannot see much in the stated aims of UKIP that are to be objected to. Neither can I see any overt racist policies. [/quote]

I guess it all depends on your definition of racism. From widely publicised evidence, it would appear that Farage (who, let's face it, is just about the only UKIP member upon whom anyone can base an opinion) does not regard it as racism to suggest that all non-natives should sod off back from whence they came. If, however, he visits Scotland and is told to sod off back from whence HE came, suddenly he views that as racism.

Until UKIP can justify the multitude of double standards evident in their policies and behaviour, I'll reserve the right to be as disparaging as I see fit.

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Absolutely, Betty.  NF's justification for the 'bad apples' that keep popping up amongst his candidates is that UKIP do not yet have enough of a party structure to vet people properly.  In that case, I suggest he refrains from simply putting up any old people who say they want to represent UKIP until he does - that is if he wishes to have any credibility at all.

NF, on the surface, appears to be a 'hail and well-met' type of character, but when anyone tries to probe below the surface and get at proper costed and well thought through policies, he is rather 'empty'.

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