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Portugal and Spain: electrical sockets - what type


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We're are off on holiday soon... driving to Portugal via Spain.

My web searches are proving inutile ... can anybody guide me as to what the sockets are like in both countries, as I shall need to charge electrical items which have eithre French or UK plugs, but can't find out what the system is in either country.  It's ages since I've been to either, so any memory is long gone.  I do have a universal charger, but can't find it at the mo!

Someone told me it was the same as in France, but is that really true??

I know that there are posters on this forum who go to Spain and/ or Portugal so maybe someone will be able to tell me.


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French 2 pin plugs will fit the Spanish 2 pin sockets, but the Spanish sockets with earth are different from the French ones.

Most if not all plugs on appliances you buy in both France and Spain fit either system, and you can buy these here in any electrical retailer.

They look similar to the French plug but have metal earthing strips on each side.

There is a picture here, http://www.levoyageur.net/prises.php?paysfr=Espagne , the black plug in the lower coloured picture fits French sockets also.

I'm not sure about Portugal, but the site shows connectors for most countries.

Edit: If you have UK plugs you will have to buy adapters or change the plugs on the items.



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Nomoss, thanks.  I did find one site, but it seemed to be very confused about what would and what would not work.

So, it looks as though the French stuff will work in Spain and for the UK plugs (notably my iPad!), I'll have to use a UK/French adaptor, which we have plenty of.

It isn't clear about Portugal on the sites I've seen either.  One implied it was the same as Spain, another - not!

Anybody with knowledge specifically of Portugal out there??

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It's a couple of years since we were in Portugal, but we had no problem with appliance plugs fitting sockets. I think the majority of sockets are probably the same as Spain and those round 3 pin ones are old pre-13amp Brit ones.



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Q, Thanks.  I tried to reply earlier, and the system lost my reply!

That's a more informative site than I found, even if it is trying to sell adaptors!

So from that the French plugs should be ok, and if we use the UK plugs in French adaptors as we already do, they should (might) be ok too ... but to be sure it does look as though finding my travel adaptor would be advisable, in case we find sockets without the prongs ... we are staying in reasonably new places (I hope) so fingers crossed.

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What a nuisance - yes, I always have the fear I'll do that too, so I try not to leave the adaptors in the socket once charged.  It's only since I got inot moble communcations that I need them, before then I managed without any electrical items.

From the above posts, it looks like Spain will not be a problem, but we stay longer in Portugal than Spain, so must cross fingers, or buy when we get there if needed... not the end of the world, but just a nuisance.


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In Portugal (we were in Lisbon last week) French 2 pin plugs work OK but

the larger earthed plugs won't necessarily fit. The sockets are like the

German ones with the narrower sides. You can see some examples by typing "Portuguese electrical sockets" into Google & going to Images. Take a small screwdriver with you & buy a plug locally if you need it.

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Brilliant  - that might have nearly solved it ... the French charger is two pin ... so it is just the UK plug charger in the French adaptor which may be problematic .. we are going to Lisbon, but not till the second week ..but we will be in tourist areas so almost guaranteed that the supermarkets, if they are any use at all, will have some adaptors for sale.

Just as well, I'm packing now.

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