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UKIP manifesto,.....


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Well, your quote doesn't look like it.

I use another forum where I have over 50,000 posts.



'Thank you for the advice David, however, with my post count of 4000+ versus your 200+ I believe I may have just a tad more experience of using this forum than you do. :-) '

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[quote user="dwmcn"]


Well, your quote doesn't look like it.

I use another forum where I have over 50,000 posts.



'Thank you for the advice David, however, with my post count of 4000+ versus your 200+ I believe I may have just a tad more experience of using this forum than you do. :-) '


And my dads bigger than your Dad. Come on guys FFS, no wonder Anglo/French Forums are becoming a thing of the past?

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[quote user="dwmcn"]


Well, your quote doesn't look like it.

I use another forum where I have over 50,000 posts.



'Thank you for the advice David, however, with my post count of 4000+ versus your 200+ I believe I may have just a tad more experience of using this forum than you do. :-) '


Well my willy is longer than yours. [6]

Honestly, some people will be having peeing up the wall competition next. [:(]

Does any of this really matter?

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Now now children start behaving otherwise you will all be sitting on the naughty chairs.

Qs longing for a Federal Europe where everyone loves one another and war is no more made me smile.

I thought of the UK, you know 'United' Kingdom. Here some of the Scots want independence from the UK. Some of the Welsh look with envy at how Scotland has more control of its affairs than Wales and would like more control and indeed independence. Then we come to Northern Ireland. Here one section of the community wants to remain part of the UK whilst the other section want to be part of another country, and Northern Ireland has its own Assembly. What chance for all the countries of the EU being happy? Please remember there was what to all intents and purposes was a war in Northern Ireland.

The hatred being shown by some Greeks towards Germany I also find strange. Here is a country that is essentially bankrupt. Another country is willing to lend it money but imposes terms trying to ensure that it gets its money back. You try going and seeing your bank manager and saying 'I am absolutely broke, cannot pay those I owe so please give me a load of dosh for me to do what I want without any terms and conditions' and see what he or she says. So why should a country be able to say that to a lender?

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[quote user="dwmcn"]


I go for quality over quantity on this forum. My dad's dead, has been since 1981.


'And my dads bigger than your Dad.'


 Unfortunately the tone of your comments tell the truth about your claims of quality. I believe that being deluded is a huge problem, but maybe you'll grow out of it David ?

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[quote user="dwmcn"]


Being an MEP, I wonder how much time Nigel Farage spends in Brussels and Strasbourg. (Yes, I know, google, google.) Does he eat horsemeat or drink Belgian beer? 


Some of our MPs spend very little time in Westminster - take a certain Gordon Brown who has been extremely elusive of late, some would say perhaps a pity he has not always been elusive. Probably GB has an even poorer record than perhaps NF, if his record is poor.

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"][url]http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/where-have-ukips-absent-meps-really-been-8160595.html[/url][/quote]

I dread to think what the expenses are for those that turn up most of the time then. I see to remember Farage bragging some time back (May 2009) that so far he had received over €2M in expense claims but had (illegally*) donated them to his party. He must be up to around 4 or 5M by now. Nice (and easy) money if you can get it.



Seems to me being an MEP can be very profitable even if you don't want to be in the EU.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="You can call me Betty"][url]http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/where-have-ukips-absent-meps-really-been-8160595.html[/url][/quote]

I dread to think what the expenses are for those that turn up most of the time then. I see to remember Farage bragging some time back (May 2009) that so far he had received over €2M in expense claims but had (illegally*) donated them to his party. He must be up to around 4 or 5M by now. Nice (and easy) money if you can get it.



Seems to me being an MEP can be very profitable even if you don't want to be in the EU.


Hence the criticism of Brussels - they want large budget increases whereas member countries are reducing theirs and just look at how the MEPs line their own pockets. The ultimate gravy train just climb onboard.

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[quote user="dwmcn"]


I could listen to Farage giving a speech (a short one), but can you imagine somebody paying Gordon Brown thousands of pounds to talk. Or going to listen to him.



Well, feel sorry for one of the countries in the middle east - he has just given a 3 hour talk. Now why to some regimes turn to physical torture when they can just hire GB.

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