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Where is Edward Snowden?


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He's probably in a black car, with blacked-out windows, being driven by men in black suits and black sunglasses, to a black helicopter with blacked-out windows and registration, and thence to a black jet with no windows and no registration.

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[quote user="Frederick"][quote user="Quillan"]Apart for the Americans does anyone care. [:@][/quote]

Yes    Shami Chakrabarti...................she will dine out on this blokes activities for weeks 

Ah yes her, enough said. [;-)]

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[quote user="nomoss"]

The best the news media seem able to produce is pictures of the 'plane he wasn't on[:D]




It sounds as though the plane was full except for one seat - the airlines have now found out how to fill a plane....with journalists.

And the US has found out that bully boy tactics do not always work - they threatened HK so they let him leave the country.

Should I be typing this - will the US send shady figures to silence me.......if there are no more postings from me then you will kn

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I think Snowden is a fool. And I think that the americans had their knickers in a twist about this for nothing. And the UK government, well, didn't we know that they could access what they want.

Where is he? Who knows, he'll end up in some terrible place for the rest of his days, until they come and get him, because when it has all blown over, I'm sure that they will.

Now I do believe in individuals fighting for rights. But it has to be something worthwhile and I just do not think that this is.

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[quote user="idun"]

Where is he? Who knows, he'll end up in some terrible place for the rest of his days, until they come and get him, because when it has all blown over, I'm sure that they will.


or until the regime changes and wants something from the US when they will hand him over for a bag of dollars

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[quote user="idun"]

Where is he? Who knows, he'll end up in some terrible place for the rest of his days, until they come and get him, because when it has all blown over, I'm sure that they will.

That is for sure.  Did you read about Michael Hastings?  The reporter that exposed General Stanley McChrystal?

He is dead, his car mysteriously hit a tree in Hollywood..........



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[quote user="PaulT"]

[quote user="idun"]

Where is he? Who knows, he'll end up in some terrible place for the rest of his days, until they come and get him, because when it has all blown over, I'm sure that they will.


or until the regime changes and wants something from the US when they will hand him over for a bag of dollars


Exactly. Does it matter if they hand him over or they come and get him???? I'm sure that there is a 'vengeance' department somewhere.

And re the bullying Hong Kong. What madness is that. Hong Kong is China, and even if it hadn't been handed over in 1997, then I reckon that the chinese would not have put up with the USA bullying Hong Kong. I suppose word came down from Peking, 'get him out of here' and so he went.

And I say Peking, the french still call it Pekin and they call just about everywhere by their 'former names'. No idea why the english speakers are supposed to 'change'.

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He is either in the tansit lounge at Moscow airport (technically not to have entered Russia) or he is in a 'safe house' somewhere in Russia pumped full of drugs spilling all he knows to the Russians which I hink is more likely. I can see this will make an excellent film in a few years time. I wonder who will get to play him? Which ever one it is I bet he is not feeling so clever now.
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[quote user="Quillan"]He is either in the tansit lounge at Moscow airport (technically not to have entered Russia) or he is in a 'safe house' somewhere in Russia pumped full of drugs spilling all he knows to the Russians which I hink is more likely. I can see this will make an excellent film in a few years time. I wonder who will get to play him? Which ever one it is I bet he is not feeling so clever now.[/quote]

I think if he wants to stay in Russia they will give him a very comfortable life.

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[quote user="idun"]They have said now that he is 'in transit'. Wonder how long he will be there, they said he can leave when he wants. Is he more at risk by staying rather than leaving??

I saw on the news that the county (who's name escapes me for the moment) to which he is seeking political asylum has given him a travel document (his passport has been revoked so he does not have one) but does not have any flights linking it directly with Russia. In simple terms he has to fly to his final destination via another country which is going to cause him a bit of a problem. Could he end up like that chap they made a film about stuck at the airport in Moscow for years on end?

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Yes, The Terminal, with Tom Hanks, a film I didn't fancy but really enjoyed when I saw it. I thought that there were a few countries he could fly via and not have US involvement. Initially they had said, he would fly via Cuba to Ecuador. All this fuss, I wonder if he hasn't already moved on.

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President Vladimir Putin has confirmed.

"He is a transit passenger in the transit zone and is still there now," he said, adding that the sooner he chose a destination, the better.

He went on to give a brilliant one-liner about the situation.

'It is like shearing a piglet, there is much squealing but in the end very little wool'


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[quote user="nomoss"][quote user="Pierre ZFP"]

'It is like shearing a piglet, there is much squealing but in the end very little wool'



A good description of this forum[:D]



[/quote] Methinks your are being a little harsh[:)]
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[quote user="nomoss"][quote user="Pierre ZFP"]

'It is like shearing a piglet, there is much squealing but in the end very little wool'


A good description of this forum[:D]


I disagree, I think there is much wool on this forum, usually pulled over eyes [Www]

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