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Hence the frequent discussions on here, to which you, too, are an occasional contributor. It must have been tough, posting a link to something which points out that which I and others have been saying for so long: there's not nearly as much "wrong" with the UK as the tabloids and red-tops (oh, and Nigel Farage) would have people believe. Happy days! [:P]

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His head was above the parapet the other day, something about the Private Member's Bill to get a vote on EU membership, and the only way to get it through would be to vote in more UKIP members at the next election. I think, since he was unmasked as being as financially self-centred as the next politician, some of the gloss has worn off, and he's keeping a low profile until (he hopes) everyone's forgotten.

Anyway, enough about Farage, Let's talk about Hollande, shall we?[6]

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[quote user="Quillan"]I think that the more interesting thing is the context of the questions asked rather than the answers given. [:(][/quote]

Phone rings.

Him: "Good morning, sir, I'm phoning from IPSOS-Mori and ..."

Me: "My number is ex-directory and on the Telephone Preference Scheme register. Why are you calling me?"

Him: "Won't you take part in a telephone survey?"

Me: "No, thank-you"

End of conversation.

The people taking part are effectively self-selecting.

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]there's not nearly as much "wrong" with the UK as the tabloids and red-tops (oh, and Nigel Farage) would have people believe. [/quote]

Ah, but that wouldn't sell many newspapers, would it? And you wouldn't want to deprive Murdoch of his money, would you?

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I dunno who actually buys newspapers anymore, anyway.[:D] OK, I do, once every 11 weeks I buy one each of the main ones. And, given the eyewatering prices of any of the serious titles, I'm not surprised that anyone who does buy a paper, buys one of the cheapo tabloids. And by the looks of the inside pages of the Sun, it's not the Great British Public that's paying Rupert, it's Asda, Tesco, Ryanair, Carphone Warehouse and a couple of the payday loansharks. They're taking up column inches which might otherwise be full of spurious "news", so I suppose we should be thankful.

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[quote user="NormanH"]Since it is in fashion to post about the UK [6]



Well if this forum relied upon "French" news or articles it would probably go down the pan. Maybe it's past you by Norman; but Brits are no longer flocking to the French shores and asking questions of how to deal with French ways and bureaucracy and then getting ten different opinions from the self styled integrated barrack room lawyers. I wonder what happened to GlueThick and papawatsit? Also as an aside there can't be much going on in France at the moment if you are reading British newspapers [:D]

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And suddenly, Norman, you believe the figures? Say we take the reported crime ones, who gives in the data, the police? If you believe what they say, you'd believe that monkeys built the pyramids.

Perceptions are what people see and feel, their gut, and should never be put down by this holier than thou establuishment people bashing.

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At least, saints be praised, the French news on here isn't a litany of posts about product recalls for pile cream, (No, I kid you not, it happened) and links to legislation which is about as likely to affect the readership as bubonic plague......[:D]

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]At least, saints be praised, the French news on here isn't a litany of posts about product recalls for pile cream, (No, I kid you not, it happened) and links to legislation which is about as likely to affect the readership as bubonic plague......[:D]





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[quote user="Quillan"]

Having now seen the actual survey I think the way the answers are presented in the newspaper is a little cantankerous to be honest. See what you think.



I note that the analyst(s) who prepared the survey summary, like many of the contributors to this forum, cannot spell "licence" correctly.


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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]I dunno who actually buys newspapers anymore, anyway.[:D] OK, I do, once every 11 weeks I buy one each of the main ones. And, given the eyewatering prices of any of the serious titles, I'm not surprised that anyone who does buy a paper, buys one of the cheapo tabloids. And by the looks of the inside pages of the Sun, it's not the Great British Public that's paying Rupert, it's Asda, Tesco, Ryanair, Carphone Warehouse and a couple of the payday loansharks. They're taking up column inches which might otherwise be full of spurious "news", so I suppose we should be thankful.


I gave up buying newspapers a year ago....  I read them every day . Downloaded on a cheap 8inch Chinese Android tablet that the cost of was covered in three months by not going to the newsagents .

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[quote user="Quillan"]

[quote user="You can call me Betty"]"oh, and Nigel Farage" [:P]


Do we know where he is these days or has he fallen in to the same black hole as Prescot and Brown, never (or rarely) to be seen again (thank God). [;-)]


Perhaps he's back in Brussels claiming his expenses as an MEP and/or representing his constituents.[:)]

Brian (again)

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[quote user="NormanH"]Since it is in fashion to post about the UK [6]

This article shows how misinformed   public opinion can be..



As you appear Norman to have targeted me as one who gets under your skin by posting on here things about the UK like the  NHS . All I can say is as a forum member who  ..........like many others over the years with a foot on both sides of the channel............. have  seen the posts drop over the years to about a dozen a day. May kick a ball onto the pitch the shape of which you may not like .... We are trying to keep the the game in progress

You do not have to pick it up and run with it  !  Quillon I note is trying to keep the game in play  regardless of the shape of the ball for which I for one thank  him .  

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[quote user="Frederick"][quote user="NormanH"]Since it is in fashion to post about the UK [6]

This article shows how misinformed   public opinion can be..



As you appear Norman to have targeted me as one who gets under your skin by posting on here things about the UK like the  NHS . All I can say is as a forum member who  ..........like many others over the years with a foot on both sides of the channel............. have  seen the posts drop over the years to about a dozen a day. May kick a ball onto the pitch the shape of which you may not like .... We are trying to keep the the game in progress

You do not have to pick it up and run with it  !  Quillon I note is trying to keep the game in play  regardless of the shape of the ball for which I for one thank  him .  


I suspect that there are more active members posting now with a foot on both sides of the channel than those living full time in France. There are at least as many.

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Well, as we are on the subject, I have tried often enough to post on French cultural and political matters but with few replies or apparently little interest from members.

Norman's tetchy approach is abrasive and stone lifting which is fun, at least. But then, if you lived in a barrel most of the year, you might also be pretty grumpy.

Of course the old boy has an agenda, but then he also has piles, so, bear with him and tolerate his foibles, svp. But dont let him get away with anything or he will try and make Mr Maclusky prime miinister and put Scargill in charge of food production.

Right, must clean the bathroom, dreaded visitors arriving
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Huh, well I'm expecting visitors, too, and have spent the morning on my hands and knees scraping weeds and moss out of the joints in the tiles of the terrace. Too hot to do any more, so back to washing floors indoors now...

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