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Jonny Wilkinson


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Apart from the normal joys of enjoying the French summer at our holiday home, this weekend was made extra special by a young man called Jonny Wilkinson. We attended a lunch time drinks event to wish a happy retirement to one of our local characters, then onto a Village Art exhibition and Orchid walk. At both events all the French wanted to talk about was Jonny Wilinson and his part in the big Rugby game in Paris. Everybody kept saying that apart from being a superb player, Wilkinson was a tribute to Rugby worldwide. What a really great example this guy is to our youngsters and what an advertisement for British sportsmen and women. Also it showed the depth of the regard and respect he has  in France, that the French stadium speakers at the end of the game were blaring out British national anthem.[B] [B] [B]

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I wholeheartedly agree and I really liked how able he was to do the interview in French.

If I wasn't on the wagon, I'd join you in one of these [B] [:)]

BTW, where's that man who was talking about selling British style beer in France; has he started his business yet?  Nothing like a good old glug of bitter on a warm day like today.

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I must say that sounds lip-smackingly good, Catalpa.

I worked for a time in Luton within smell of a brewery and that put me off beer for a good few years!  Happily, that disenchantment has not lasted and I think I am just, now and again, nostalgic for a time when I'd go for a long walk with my Ramblers' Association friends and have a nice draught of beer with them at the end of a walk.

As it happens, I am doing a 12 k walk with the locals after lunch today and I shall drink an imaginery pint of your chap's beer.  I shall check back when his website is finished and I can see if it's possible to get it here.  If, as everyone claims, the Dordogne is one of the Home Counties, it should be possible?[:D]

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Email him - he's really friendly and pleasant and very proud of his beer so I am sure he'll be happy to let you know if there's a way you can get hold of some.

ps: sorry to have thread creeped from Jonny Wilkinson. [:-))]

Gosh, it's ages since I had a good woot...

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