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Scottish Independence


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Sadly, Rabbie, if the SNP has succeeded in achieving anything at all, it's that they have sown the seeds of dissent in the rest of the UK and made an issue of a non-issue (or, at least, an issue that wasn't even really on the cards before). One of the things which has risen to the fore as a result of the devolution vote is that - as I mentioned above - areas of the UK which were, if not happy with the status quo, certainly didn't see any reason previously to discuss it, are now somewhat miffed that Scotland is being kowtowed to by Westminster and they have some difficulty in understanding what's actually special about Scotland which isn't equally applicable to their part of the UK.

As the SNP (under whatever leadership) is unlikely to let go of the bit which it now has firmly in its teeth, and as panic set in among the main UK political parties who were all busy promising the moon to Scotland, the electorate as a whole are going to expect answers and action. Which, as you rightly point out, may be a long time coming, but it is going to be well-nigh impossible to put this particular issue back in its box now.

Unfortunately, and exacerbated by the mileage that Farage (and frankly, why he should even be given the oxygen of publicity for his thoughts on the matter, given that UKIP has no representation in the current parliament, is beyond me) seems determined to make of this, the matter is not going to await the convenience of Westminster if the Great British Public has anything to do with it.

I think the rifts caused by the events of last Thursday go a lot deeper than between the Yes and No camps in Scotland.
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Local level politics............. we, the little people can never win.

The CE of our local council isn't fit for purpose, gets more pay than the PM and royally ignores any contact from the public. And from what I have heard this is par for the course with these 'people'.

And frankly at a local and regional level in France it was not much better.

A former head of the SNP kindly said on tv the other night that the NE of England could do with 'help' and funding and that Westminster seemed to believe that the North finished in Leeds. And the NE does need funding, for one, the A1 that very old main route between London and Edinburgh is still single carriage way in parts of Northumberland........and that is not normal, but a reflection of so much more.

It has annoyed me since the welsh and scottish governments were formed that welsh and scottish MP's could still vote on things concerning only England. That, I want stopping and shall be telling my MP just that. He may not agree with me, but I do believe that that is one thing that gets up lots of peoples noses.

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Now votes only for English MPs over matters only affecting England causes problems for Labour as they would not normally have a majority without the Scottish Labour MPs - wonder if Cameron knows that.

The DM is reporting that the YouGov poll that showed the YES camp with a majority was a freak and that there was no need to offer all sorts of bribes to the Scots for a NO vote.

The SNP says that the fight goes on - thought Salmond said that the referendum 'was a once in a generation opportunity' not an annual affair.
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[quote user="PaulT"]Now votes only for English MPs over matters only affecting England causes problems for Labour as they would not normally have a majority without the Scottish Labour MPs - wonder if Cameron knows that. The DM is reporting that the YouGov poll that showed the YES camp with a majority was a freak and that there was no need to offer all sorts of bribes to the Scots for a NO vote. The SNP says that the fight goes on - thought Salmond said that the referendum 'was a once in a generation opportunity' not an annual affair.[/quote]

Since the war only the 1964 and 1974 Labour governments were dependent on the Scottish Labour MPs for a majority. In 1955 and 1951 there was actually more Scottish Conservative MPs than Labour ones.

As regards the freak poll showing a Yes majority it is easy to be wise after the event. We all have 20/20 vision in hindsight[:D]

Of course the SNP will continue to fight for independence. It is the reason the party was founded. Salmond's remarks were an attempt to make sure he got all possible Yes voters to the polling stations. Given that the only age group where there was a No majority was the over-65 group it only seems a question of time before they do get a majority making it more important that we get the new look UK right.

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[quote user="PaulT"]Now votes only for English MPs over matters only affecting England causes problems for Labour as they would not normally have a majority without the Scottish Labour MPs - wonder if Cameron knows that. The DM is reporting that the YouGov poll that showed the YES camp with a majority was a freak and that there was no need to offer all sorts of bribes to the Scots for a NO vote. The SNP says that the fight goes on - thought Salmond said that the referendum 'was a once in a generation opportunity' not an annual affair.[/quote]

Ahh the DM, the same paper that said Russia is demanding a recount because there were irregularities in the counting procedure. Something about the size of the hall!

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Perhaps it would have helped if the SNP had Plan Bs:

An alternative to Sterling - very arrogant to state that the rest of the UK would cave in to Salmonds demands...the big question what if they do not. You cannot just say 'they will'.

Salmond/SNP knowing more about who can be admitted to the EU without applying than those responsible for administering the EU.

I thought the Private Eye cover:


Summed up what each side was claiming might have been exaggerated I am sure it would not have been the utopia that the SNP was painting - the subsidy that each Scot receives as a result of the Barnett Formula would have needed to be made up from additional taxation.

I will admit that I had hoped in some way that the YES vote had won just to see what seemed to be a calamity looming.

Perhaps, those Scots who voted YES would like to prove they can stand up alone without a subsidy from some of the countries of the UK will send £1k+ per year to the Treasury at Westminster.
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