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Daylight robbery!


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Don't know if this is correct section but just want a mild rant.

Rang my bank (Nat West) today to check how much they would charge if I transferred a sum from my french bank account in euros. Picked myself up off the floor when they said 7%. How on earth can they justify such extortionate charges!

Will be using currency fx company anyway but wanted to check alternatives.

Ok rant over.
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I am currently in dispute with the NW, so that does not surprise me.

If you made a SEPA transfer in €'s with shared charges (if asked) I wonder how much they would charge? You would need your IBAN/SWIFT/BIC details. The HSBC never used to charge us anything to transfer funds into our UK account when done like this. They would simply use their daily rate to exchange the €'s.  And I did it like that, using a paper tranfer form for several years, starting in around 2002.

IF at that time I had not done things to the letter then charges would have been incurred.

I now use Currency Fair, and have used TORFX.

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Ah believe me the Nat West here is now the Nasty West. I was met with disdain and ignorance when I went in to sort out something complicated. After this dreadful acceuil,  I contacted their head office, which is ofcourse the RBS now and the 'high up' obviously was a clueless git, I am being polite here and kept repeating stuff which I knew about and had not understood the problem. I don't mind people being unaware of 'every' last thing, that is fine, no one anywhere can know everything, what I do object to is not finding out and becoming informed, simply prefering to  attack those that are asking a legitimate question. Not the sort of people I would ever do business with. And until this, I had been considering changing banks to them.

Re the transfer.

After considering this, I do not believe that if you use the SEPA system properly, that the NW can charge you other than that they would charge any other customer in the UK for receiving a transfer from another UK bank, which is 0. They will decide on the exchange rate ofcourse, but charges, no I don't think so. The UK is still in the monetary zone for the EU.

I have done this for at least 12 years, transferring regularly from France to the UK. And it isn't that long ago that I started to use FX companies.

Look up SEPA and EU Rules

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It refers to the bank and not the people, Rabbie. Unless you have a problem with admitting that a) it was a nasty bank, b) it was and is based in Scotland, c) it still has the name Scotland in its name.

Nothing racist about that unless it claimed to represent the people of Scotland who would have been deeply ashamed of it if it had and if they had known what was going on.
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[quote user="woolybanana"]It refers to the bank and not the people, Rabbie. Unless you have a problem with admitting that a) it was a nasty bank, b) it was and is based in Scotland, c) it still has the name Scotland in its name. Nothing racist about that unless it claimed to represent the people of Scotland who would have been deeply ashamed of it if it had and if they had known what was going on.[/quote]I have seen no evidence that it is  a "nasty" bank. I have no problem that it is based in Scotland and has Scotland in its name though I fail to see the relevance of these two points.

And besides you are WRONG. NatWest is not part of the Bank of Scotland Group. It is part of the Royal Bank of Scotland which is partly state owned. So perhaps  you should check your facts before posting.

Remember Sally Bercow lost her holiday money by posting incorrect information on the web. So the HBOS group have probably got a case against you even though they won't be so petty. 

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So, you have decided to become the judge and jury of this forum, Rubbie. I have no problem where it is based, but it is the name which implies its base. Perhaps they should change the name to something like Gringotts or Rockall.

Judging by their performance both banks deserve the term nasty. Just check the number of customer complaints they get.

Had it been HSBC would you have been easier?

I have been with Nat West since 1965 before it became Nat West and have seen it turn from a good, sensible bank into a machine automaton, whiuch happened when it was taken over by one of the nasty, failed, struggling banks based in Scotland. But then so is Lloyds and they are not doing so well, though a bit better..

By the way, dont try and bully, it is not dignified.
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Oh la, and there was me replacing 'Royal' with 'nasty', rather than calling the Bank of Scotland 'nasty'.... a bank of which, I have no views on what so ever.

I'm glad that you have good service Rabbie.

I have had exactly the opposite and times that by a 100, that is how bad it has been. Can you tell I am angry and let us be clear, I thought that french banks took the biscuit before I had dealings with this little lot.

l'll add that I am not

bothered what the S means in RBS, could be Royal Bank of Scunthorpe,  as

far as I am concerned.

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Wooly, Sorry if you thought I was trying to bully you.that was not my intention and I apologise if I upset you.

I certainly don't regard myself as judge and jury on this forum. I leave that to the mods.

On re-reading the thread I feel that I was a bit oversensitive so I would like draw a line under this and let bygones be bygones.

Once again I apologise
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[quote user="Rabbie"]Wooly, Sorry if you thought I was trying to bully you.that was not my intention and I apologise if I upset you.

I certainly don't regard myself as judge and jury on this forum. I leave that to the mods.

On re-reading the thread I feel that I was a bit oversensitive so I would like draw a line under this and let bygones be bygones.

Once again I apologise[/quote]

You are a gentleman Rabbie. I too apologize for being agressive. As you say, bygones be bygones.
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