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[quote user="JSKS"]The 23% survival figure thing: This all stems from my saying that there were around 5000 cases. Someone got a bit pedantic and said 3800 (the current WHO estimate). This was then, through a loop of illogic, used as the two figures to determine the mortality (or survival) rate. The mortality rate for ebola is about 50%.[/quote]

It was me that said 3,800 according to WHO as reported in The Guardian (who like The Daily Mail never lie [;-)] ). The date of that figure was 08/10/2014. However the article has just been updated this evening to 3,879.


And yes you are right, the figure only relates to Africa. Like you said probably the only figure that might be right is those that have died in Europe because it is in the news and difficult to hide. The rest I think is only a guesstimate.

As to the mortality rate, well it could be anyones guess. Some say between 25 and 90%. Most newspapers say 50% and the BBC says 70%. I won't link to the sources as there are far to many, just Google "what is the mortality rate of ebola".

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JSKS, did I say that I was complacent? I said that I had spoken to medical friends a few weeks ago about this and it should not be hard to avoid this, in it's current form.

My views on over population and the medical profession would take pages. I'm glad that David Attenborough is far more articulate than I about over population.

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Apologies if you thought I was accusing you of complacency. By complacent I meant those who have the power to control this thing, which, of course, means the developed nations' sending expertise to the affected areas to contain the outbreak.
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I can cheat a little as I have access to sources such as medline and pubmed - that is to specialist medical research and publications. The best guess mortality is around 50% but whether this would apply in a sophisticated Western outbreak is speculative.
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I learnt yesterday that a lovely young lady from my archery club is going to Guinea on Sunday for an indefinite period to help with the Ebola outbreak. She has no direct link with Africa (she is Italian) but feels she must go and use her medical skills.  She is braver than I and I sincerely hope that no harm comes to her and she returns safe and sound eventually
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I see that the British government has given way and is going to introduce screening at Heathrow, Gatwick and (god knows why) St Pancras.

A virologist from Nottingham University thinks that this will not achieve very much, but the redtops and bluetops are crowing triumphantly about this change in policy.

When it comes to matters medical, I consider that the British press is the enemy of good sense. It caused great damage with its uncritical reporting of Andrew Wakefield's anti-MMR campaign and also with its insistence that British hospitals were filthy MRSA-ridden hazards. Journalists ignored Wakefield's prejudicial interests, and in the MRSA scandal were sending surreptitiously obtained samples to an untrained and unqualified "analyst" who had set up a laboratory in his garden shed.

I do not dispute the awfulness of the ebola outbreak, nor would I minimise its potential threat, and I salute those people who are volunteering to go to west Africa to help fight it. So far, the number of people who have died is fewer than the number of people in the Albert Hall at the Last Night of the Proms. The battle with the disease will be won in Liberia, Sierra Leone and neighbouring countries, not in the arrivals hall at Gatwick.


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quote user Clark Kent II

I see that the British government has given way and is going to introduce screening at Heathrow, Gatwick and (god knows why) St Pancras


There are no direct flights from the affected countries to the UK. There are however direct flights to Paris and Bruxelles - and both cities have Eurostar connections to St. P.
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Be interesting to see whether we are screened when we go through on the tunnel next week then! I agree the whole screening thing is just to appease the press and People's fears and will make sod all difference to the chances of catching Ebola in the UK, although no doubt a few people will have to spend their holiday in a specially designed hospital wing, at the public expense. Interestingly, if you do isolate a couple of passengers and then 21 days later they go on to develop Ebola, do you then have to go back and trace all the other passengers and their contacts, or do you just quarantine the whole flight due to one suspect passenger with flu symptoms?
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As far as developing the disease in quarantine is concerned there would be no need to trace pre-quarantine contacts - the disease only becomes infectious once symptoms appear.

Certainly, if a passenger was symptomatic on deplaning then that is a whole different story.
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From what I have read it would appear that from every person who has Ebola 2 others from contact are likely to get it so compared with other contact transmitted illnesses it does not spread that fast. I am confident that those with the skills to deal with this when they are in place will soon get on top of it .

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Interview with the chief medical officer at the Hospital for Tropical diseases in which he said that screening flights was a complete waste of time as there were no direct flights from the affected areas to the UK. Passengers would have to travel via Paris or Amsterdam so presumably to be affective it would mean screening everyone arriving from those destinations, causing substantial delays and disruption.

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