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Where do they think the "Money trees grow " ?


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[quote user="Frederick"]They just don't get it do they ? http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/526193/EU-politicians-extra-8BILLION-taxpayers-Brussels-budget Their TV channel costs £6.7 million a year to run so 1300 out of the whole EU population a day can watch it ...[/quote]

Firstly the Express is very pro Ukip.

Secondly the Express is very anti EU.

Thirdly they use the word 'lavish' but they do not say what these 'lavish' things are. In fact they don't say anything at all about where the money goes.

The HoC (and HoL), if you have ever bothered to visit it also has its own TV and radio channel both of which are broadcast not only to the HoC and HoL but to the various external ministries. MP's also have access away from the office via the Internet. According to the parliamentary website there are around 1,700 staff involve.

I notice today that the Daily Wail (another pro Ukip newspaper) has just had its highest quantity of online comments ever, in excess 2.1K on the article about the poll on the UK staying in the EU. There was 56% staying, 26% for leaving and 8% don't know. This has now been replaced by an article about Ukip showing 13% lead in the Rochester by-election, well it would I guess.

Whilst Ukip always claims it is not racist and now not anti-Semitic even though it has just got a holocaust denier to join its EU group reading the comments in many of the online newspapers from Kippers it clearly attracts many (but not all) people who are both. This latest addition to its EU parliamentary group is an absolute disgrace and I was pleasantly surprised at the number of people in both the DM and DE who said they would no longer vote for them although in the DM anyone saying this got hundreds of 'thumbs down'. Ukip needed this excuse for a person to keep its funding, well that says a lot about Ukip then. They complain about EU funding yet are willing to do a deal with this pathetic excuse for a human being just for money. It speaks volumes about why Ukip are really in EU politics.


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[quote user="PaulT"]Q from your comments I take it that the Express is making up the demand for more money and that the vast majority of households in Europe are not having to tighten their belts.[/quote]

You would make a good journalist or politician. [:D] I didn't say that at all. What I was pointing out was the word 'Lavish' and how do we know that the money is for use on 'Lavish' projects. The money could be used for a thousand and one things. For instance the other day I read about all these people living in camps in France trying to get to the UK. The Kippers, as usual were up in arms, "Vote Ukip and get out of the EU" was the battle cry when infact being in or out of the EU would make little or no difference as these people are from Africa and beyond and not from within the EU. Now this 'Lavish' amount of money might be given to Spain and Italy who I read are going to get loads of cash from the EU to pay for boats, staff and the cost of returning illegal immigrants to their country of origin. Now I am not saying that this is really where the extra money is going as nobody knows but if it were I would hardly call it 'Lavish' and I would think that even the Kippers would be pleased to see it used in such a way if it were.

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The money of course comes from the land of the GimmeGimme Man.

Anyway, it is 'not the taxpayer's money, it is the government's money.'

Q, I have never seen an EU project that was not lavish, or corrupt, or full of waste or......

It is cheaper for the Italians to givbe the little ruggers a voucher for rail travel and sandwiches as far as Menton, when the FRench will ship them to Calais or it will be done by friendly lorry drivers
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Q what nonsense tying two stories into one - it merely adds confusion to any discussion. You openly admit you have no basis for such comment.

Thank you to the OP as I had not read about any extra demands for billions from the EU in any of the other popular sources of news in the UK. I wonder why.

Q almost implies, though he will no doubt deny it, that other sources are squeaky clean and not biased.

One only has to look at the American coverage of events to realise what a mirky, political world exists behind a lot of the worlds news coverage.

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"I hadn't realised that there was anybody left who took the Daily Express seriously."

Oh I think there are people like UKIP politicians who take it very seriously indeed, because it's a strong propaganda machine, it's good at stirring up public opinion and it gets them a lot of voters.

But it's not a newspaper as in, reporting facts accurately and objectively, putting them into context and generally giving people as full and complete a picture as possible so that they can form an informed opinion.
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[quote user="woolybanana"]The money of course comes from the land of the GimmeGimme Man.

Anyway, it is 'not the taxpayer's money, it is the government's money.'

Q, I have never seen an EU project that was not lavish, or corrupt, or full of waste or......

It is cheaper for the Italians to givbe the little ruggers a voucher for rail travel and sandwiches as far as Menton, when the FRench will ship them to Calais or it will be done by friendly lorry drivers[/quote]

wooly have you read the myths and facts on the EU web site? They imply that they make every effort with our money, and are not corrupt or dishonest, just make mistakes. Well actually, they also imply that 'they' raise their money, as if it is not from 'us'. All down to interpretation ofcourse. Even I know when someone is taking money from 'me', no matter the devious way they extract it.

I hate it. I would stop everything dead in it's tracks and have every last thing examined before one last thing was re-started, starting with expenses. Strikes me that it would be rather like looking after the pennies and the €'s in this case would look after themselves. IF these people in the EU were made to appreciate the value of each centime, maybe they would behave in a better manner.

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1. When was the last time that the audited accounts were signed off?

2. Why haven't they?

3. Do well run businesses have audited accounts signed off?


1. If they ever have been it was a long time ago

2. Perhaps they do not add up

3. Yes
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[quote user="PaulT"]Questions 1. When was the last time that the audited accounts were signed off? 2. Why haven't they? 3. Do well run businesses have audited accounts signed off? Answers 1. If they ever have been it was a long time ago 2. Perhaps they do not add up 3. Yes[/quote]

1. OK how long ago do you think they were last signed off?

2. The NHS is a classic example of the auditors not being able to add up the accounts.

3. Businesses do but the EU is not a business (I assume you’re talking about the EU).

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1. Depends on if you are pro or anti EU. Truth probably somewhere in the middle. Material errors of several billion each year There is, of course, political manipulation of audit office. eg Baroso.

2. So? My understanding, though, is that some trusts have been qualified, but soon stamped on.

3. Where money is concerned the EU is a business. Taking from the rich and giving to the poor is not, however, the motto methinks

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The EU is the public purse, it is all of us, and should be ran ethically, with integrity and honesty........... and if you don't want to call it a business.............well it feels like it is my bloody business as to what they do with 'our' money!

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