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So what is wrong with being called a pleb


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[quote user="Thibault"]I would take issue with your use of the phrase 'appalling behaviour' - it was rude and he should have known better, but no-one died; no-one was physically attacked.[/quote]

OK. Accepted. I meant in relative terms in relation to his status rather than in absolute terms, but certainly in absolute terms "appalling" is over the top.


[quote user="Thibault"]This is the problem today and it is down to tabloid headlines where everything is 'horrific' or a 'tragedy' - people rush to use the strongest term possible for relatively minor events, with the consequence that when something really horrific happens, there are no words to describe it properly, because we have used them all on lesser issues.

As to why he took it further, do you remember the onslaught of media hype around this incident? Do you remember the police tee shirts ' PC Pleb and proud'? Do you remember the false account made from a supposed witness? Do you remember the leaks to the Sun newspaper which printed alleged extracts from police notebooks? Do you remember the Police Federation Reps in his constituency who mislead the media about what had been said?

Given all that, if he was sure he did not say the P word (and he denied it right from the start and never wavered in that, leading to the recent libel case) what should he have done?

I don't particularly like the man and I think he should have had better control over his temper, but on the other hand the frenzy surrounding the whole thing, helped by the police themselves it has to be said, was not edifying either. The media and others were out for his blood and nothing could have stopped them.[/quote]

This is where we differ: I think that in the early stages the situation was entirely within his control and his actions and inactions at an early stage created a situation where it then got beyond his control. Anything less than a fulsome apology was never going to work. Qualifying the apology begged a response and just put the whole thing into a new news cycle with a different focus and from which he rapidly came out in a poor light. Poor show for a politician.

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I suspect no matter how fulsome the apology, the feeding frenzy around this incident would not have been contained - there were too many 'interested' parties involved.

By the way, how do you do those neat little quote bits? If I try to quote from the previous message, it all comes out all mixed up with machine code. If I cut and paste, I don't get the nice little shaded box.
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[quote user="Thibault"]By the way, how do you do those neat little quote bits? If I try to quote from the previous message, it all comes out all mixed up with machine code. If I cut and paste, I don't get the nice little shaded box.[/quote]

I think it comes down to which browser you use. I'm using Firefox (OK, to be pedantic, it's IceWeasel, but it is effectively Firefox) on a Linux operating system and it seems to be compatible with the site software. If you can find the options on your browser for running in "compatibility mode", then you may get nice quote boxes instead of gobbledygook. 

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[quote user="Pickles"][quote user="Thibault"]By the way, how do you do those neat little quote bits? If I try to quote from the previous message, it all comes out all mixed up with machine code. If I cut and paste, I don't get the nice little shaded box.[/quote]

I think it comes down to which browser you use. I'm using Firefox (OK, to be pedantic, it's IceWeasel, but it is effectively Firefox) on a Linux operating system and it seems to be compatible with the site software. If you can find the options on your browser for running in "compatibility mode", then you may get nice quote boxes instead of gobbledygook. 


I'll give it a try!
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I posted some of the instances that were given in evidence in court as to his previous behaviour - not implying in any way that he was stitched up but could understand it if he was. From the instances given he is a thoroughly obnoxious person who deserves no respect and most certainly not as a representative of the people
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