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Mitts of My Muff


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and  "You've put my chuff in a huff!".

No it's not a childish effort to be rude or insulting but rather the slogans of "The Muff March" which took place today in London (with music provided by Muffia) and organised by Feminista.

It would seem that they are complaining about "designer vagina" and believe it should be made illegal under the FMG legislation and appears to have the backing of a few MP's.

Now I have no problem with the laws on FMG, it is a terrible thing which leaves women mutilated, both physically and mentally, for life and is forced upon them. However is this not an attempt by a small group of women to drag the rest of women folk back by 50 to 100 years. If this type of surgery is available and if a woman feels she will benefit from it both physically and mentally and that providing she asks for this surgery without any pressure from any source is it not up to her. I mean, as we have been reminded in the past about other forms of plastic surgery and abortion, women have fought to have control over their own bodies and won. I personally can’t see how "designer vagina" can be directly, or indirectly, connected to FMG.

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Sort of expected this sort of backlash really. Personally I don't care what any sane adult gets done, even if they want, and I mean 'that person wants' some sort op that then that is up to them. FGM, well in a way I suppose it is. Wonder what the french would make of this, would it be illegal in France, even a vasectomy or getting one's tube's snipped is frowned up as it is mutilating normal bodily functions, or some such thing. At least that is what we were told when M. Idun had a vasectomy and french male friends always looked ready to pass out when we told them.... !

When I was young, I remember hearing of manicured pubic hair. Then there has been all this body hair removal, strangely followed by vagasaling, which I do not understand and sounds awful. And now some women want their bits remodelled and that too sounds awful, but hey, fools and their money, which is not to say that they are not sane, just that they have more money than sense.

I am more against boob jobs that make pantomine creatures of women, who look unnatural and have footballs instead of bosoms. What is wrong with natural bosoms no matter the age of the lady concerned. Unless there is a real problem, then leave well alone.

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