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Saturday the 13th of September...


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[quote user="sweet 17"]

...you are so bouyed up with enthusiasm and determination that you haven't yet had time to develop the nagging doubts that will truly come![;-)]  The doubts are not just to do with questions about your ability to undertake the task but also your sanity as to why you'd want to prolong your suffering![:-))]


Dear Sweets, trust me my doubts are there all the time!  I am frequently asking myself if am I mad!  Greyman is worried as he says I need a grown-up with me all the time and he just wonders how on earth I'll cope.

Here's an example... I am walking every day.  There's a circuit around our house that's perfect.  Very steep uphill climb that tapers off for a little before a steep downhill section.  It lasts an hour and gets the heart pumping.  Part of the walk is through the forest... and I'm scared of the forest!  How on earth am I going to cope walking across northern spain if the forest behind my house scares me?!!!  [:-))]

This is just one of the many fears I have to conquer... but I am still resolved to do this.  I still want to do this.  I am still determined to give it my all... so I guess I have some kind of mad addiction - I'm also hoping that I'll conquer a few of my fears en route. [:$]

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[quote user="basquesteve"]... most walkers are under half a kilometre apart you will not be on your own[/quote]

I read this and I'm counting on it... I hope that I can  find company when I want and maybe be alone when I want and that I can walk at my own pace but that I can take comfort in the knowledge that there are others walking around me.

This revival has got me all fired up again!  I discovered another circuit today - if I walk into our village and take the road out the other side I can do a big circle in and around the afore mentioned forest... lots of hills and long drags and a few steep downhills too.  I drove around today and it's about 16km and I'm thinking I may have a go tomorrow and see how I get on!

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[quote user="Cendrillon"]As I have mentioned before, it is good if you can start the walk in France in the Basque Country and give your muscles time to get used to the walking. (there's a bus from Dax railway station to St Palais)

Go from  St. Palais to Ostabat (several refuges)

Ostabat to St Jean P.de P (nightstop)

St Jean P de P to Orrison and from there to Roncevalles.

You'll still be knackered but it does help![Www]


Thats a good idea C but timing is tight for us as Greyman is walking to Orrison with me over the first weekend.  But the advice is still good and I can go on a few good long walks at home in the days before we leave on the 12th to get me into the swing of things!

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Basquesteve is right, Rose.  There is always someone on the route.  If you are unsure of your way, for instance, don't walk on, just stop for a bit and someone will be along very soon.

I am the world's worst for getting lost and yet, I did find my way.

I assure you there were at least 2 occasions when I could have just jumped on a bus or train and gone home.  But, I hung on, somehow.  You will find that when the adrenaline is pumping (and it will!), you get the guts from somewhere.

That determination is, I believe, one of the miracles of the Camino (and you don't have to believe in miracles either); it will just happen.

My OH was also very worried for me, just like Greyman is for you.  Hey, the Camino is for them too:  the ones that are left behind will also have to find that inner strength, belief in the one that is absent and the confidence to let things ride.

Don't worry about being frightened of the forest, I, too practised in the forest behind our old house and I used to worry unceasingly that I'd meet snakes!!![:-))]

As for spending nights with a whole lot of strangers, I can't tell you how I hated the thought and yet, after a couple of weeks on the road, I never batted an eyelid as to who was sleeping next to me............


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,"I can't tell you how I hated the thought and yet, after a couple of

weeks on the road, I never batted an eyelid as to who was sleeping next

to me.........


Actually I agree with Sweets. 

At times the Camino can be really busy with walkers and cyclists everywhere and seem a bit like the M1.[8-)]

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  • 3 months later...
Hi Rose, how are the training sessions coming along? Feet Ok now?

Ours has been sluggish, but we'll be correcting that now we can see the start gate, mind is focussed!

Looks like our start date will now be around the time of yours, perhaps a few days later.

The Orrison plan also sounds like a good idea to us, we'll look more into that.

BTW, are you reserving all your refuges, or just the first few busy ones?

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Do book Orrison because they don't have a huge number of beds. Some of the refuges will take a booking but others will not.

Yonner, sorry I was going to email some info ages ago but have been away for a while and am now really busy but will try and get back to you shortly.

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  • 2 months later...
[quote user="Yonner"]Hi Rose, how are the training sessions coming along? Feet Ok now?

Ours has been sluggish, but we'll be correcting that now we can see the start gate, mind is focussed!

Looks like our start date will now be around the time of yours, perhaps a few days later.

The Orrison plan also sounds like a good idea to us, we'll look more into that.

BTW, are you reserving all your refuges, or just the first few busy ones?[/quote]

Yonner - I am so sorry for the slow reply!!  I really should drop by more often!

My plans are coming along.  I haven't been able to walk as often as I wanted, but I have done plenty of walks, and I've done a few days on the trot with 12-15km walks.  I know I'm getting fitter and stronger and I am walking with my full pack too.. but it's so hot at the moment.  I've got 6 weeks now to step up the training and I've got 6 days holiday at the end of August where I'm going to be walking every day.

My feet are ok but I had dreadful problems finding shoes.  I am on my third pair now!  Mammuts, mid shoe - a bit heavier than I hoped for but they fit well and I've done about 100km in them and they're feeling good. I've also bought some good merino wool socks (Brigdale)... so far so good. 

I also bought some Keen sandals - 2 pairs actually... first pair we're too big and heavy - I now have some Keen whispers.. i've only had for 3 days but they are feeling good too.

I have booked my first night at Orrison.. Greyman is going to spend the first night there too.  He'll then go home and I carry on alone.  We're leaving SJPP on 13th September.  I've not booked Roncevalles as I think getting a bed will be no problem but I have booked the next 2 nights.  I am keeping my first few days easy and booking will mean that I will feel obliged to stop, regardless.  I will try and stick to no more than 15km a day... I know 15km is easy for me and for the first week I can relax... after that I hope I'll feel more confident about how it works.

Once I get over Alto de Perdon I'll feel like I'm on my way!

I have a kind of a plan of where I would like to stop... but I will just play it by ear once I get passed the first few days.

I'm getting very excited and very nervous in equal measure - what have I got myself into! [:D]

How are your plans going?  What day will you be starting?

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Rose, why do you have to indulge in this torture? You seem a fulfilled human being, normal and happy, so what on earth motivates you into doing this mad trek? God is not at the other end, She told me so!

We used to have a poster here called Tweet17 who did this, and as far as I can see, for her, it was nothing but discomfort and no knickers.

Could you not do somethine else?
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Rose, if you are feeling shattered after your walk over the Pyrenees then ignore the pilgrims' albergue and book into the Posada next door. It's not that expensive and has rooms with en-suite. This is the same Posada where they serve the pilgrim meals. Their breakfasts are wonderful but more pricey and anyway you will probably be out walking on the Camino long before breakfast time. After you've walked through the spooky woods (not dangerous but it's where they used to burn witches!) there is a café in the next village and cafés in the next small towns after that.

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Rose, don't worry about the shoes being heavy.  Heavy is good because your feet will need protection from the stones and harshness of the treks and the hot asphalt of the roads (and there is a LOT of walking on roads).

And, based on my own personal history, I'd say don't get too hung up on distances, how many km you have covered in one day, how many more to go, etc.  There are LOADS of places where you can stay.  Just walk comfortably, pushing yourself on the days when you feel inclined to or when you are wanting to finish and get back home and doing the bare minimum or even nothing on the days when your body and mind scream for a respite.

I'd say from my own experience that, sometimes things are out of your control, and one main purpose of the Camino is surely to learn to accept that all of life is full of things outside of your control.............and that includes the distances you could walk, the aims you could achieve, etc.[:)]

For example, I had days when I'd manage no more than 9 to 12 km.  Derisory, I agree, but what do you do when your asthma is playing up, you have a bad chest infection, your feet are shot to pieces?

Well, yes, you are obliged to SLOW down but, in the context of the whole walk, does that matter so very much?

Set-backs?  EXPECT them, Rose, because you will surely get some!

OTOH, there are days when your feet itch and you jump out of your bug-infested bed (with no bed sheets) and you are on the road and feeling 7 feet tall.  Those days too you will experience a-plenty.

WHAT an experience you will have, Rose.  I envy and pity you in equal measure!!

No, seriously, you will get from the Camino all that you wish for and MORE.

Buen Camino, Rose [:D]

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Rose,

I know just what you mean about shoes!! Mrs Y has developed a bump on her Achilles which is aggravated by the boots, so we may also be going for a shoe type boot. We've also gone for sandals - think they are tensas - and seem very comfy so far, I can see them getting plenty of use weather permitting.

Training walks are coming along too, but we'll see how effective they are once we get on the way I suppose.

I think we'll be booking Orison, and perhaps Roncevales, but its interesting you've booked the next two, we hadn't considered that, but will now though.

We expect to start on 16th September, so we may well bump into you on the way!!
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[quote user="woolybanana"]Rose, why do you have to indulge in this torture? You seem a fulfilled human being, normal and happy, so what on earth motivates you into doing this mad trek? God is not at the other end, She told me so!

We used to have a poster here called Tweet17 who did this, and as far as I can see, for her, it was nothing but discomfort and no knickers.

Could you not do somethine else?[/quote]

[:D]  Wooly I have been asked why so many times and I dont really have an answer... as you know I had my own little battle with cancer a few years ago and now I want to do this simply because I can... a kind of celebration of life. 

I'm really hoping I dont lose my knickers... or anything else... and I hope I can emulate our other intredpid adventurers and make it to Santiago without too much incident [blink]

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[quote user="Cendrillon"]... After you've walked through the spooky woods (not dangerous but it's where they used to burn witches!) there is a café in the next village and cafés in the next small towns after that...


Why would you tell me that [:-))]  - I am the easiest person to frighten... if I could I would still sleep with the light on [blink]

[kiss]  [kiss]

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[quote user="mint"] WHAT an experience you will have, Rose.  I envy and pity you in equal measure!!

No, seriously, you will get from the Camino all that you wish for and MORE.

Buen Camino, Rose [:D]


I'm counting down the days... wishing I was better prepared... can't beleive how quickly this year has gone... but you know what... I'm already thinking about my next adventure [:$]

But I think maybe I should see if I can manage this one first! [:D]

[kiss] [kiss]

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[quote user="Yonner"]Hi Rose,

I know just what you mean about shoes!! Mrs Y has developed a bump on her Achilles which is aggravated by the boots, so we may also be going for a shoe type boot. We've also gone for sandals - think they are tensas - and seem very comfy so far, I can see them getting plenty of use weather permitting.

Training walks are coming along too, but we'll see how effective they are once we get on the way I suppose.

I think we'll be booking Orison, and perhaps Roncevales, but its interesting you've booked the next two, we hadn't considered that, but will now though.

We expect to start on 16th September, so we may well bump into you on the way!![/quote]

Yonner, I'm getting some insoles made - collect them next week.  I went to see a podiatrist as I had been getting a little bit of an ache.  It's down to my scoliosis and how I've adapted my walk to compensate.  She's wasn't worried unduly but felt that maybe the insoles would help me.  Maybe Mrs Y would find this useful too?

We may well see each other... I'm not planning on walking fast... certainly not in the first week or so.  I've got 7 weeks so I dont want to rush.  I only booked the two extra nights because I wanted to take the pressure off the first few days.  I've got kind of a plan for the first week but I think I'll play it by ear and not book any more.  I've got a list of places that folks have recommended... and a couple of camino apps on my phone... saves carrying books!

Maybe see you soon!

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7 weeks is good, Rose.  I took about that including 3 nights in Santiago.

And, don't forget, when you are there, climbing onto the roof is a MUST-DO!

Don't worry, it's a guided tour so you won't be climbing on your own[:D]


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Think we'll be picking up our Camino walk again from mid September. Yonner have you got the John Brierley Camino book? We found this good especially as we had nothing more than fairly basic mobile phones. Yes book Orisson as there are not very many beds there. After Roncesvalles I am not sure I would book in advance as it is difficult to know how far you can walk each day. This depends mainly on weather and feet![;-)] My advice to anyone on the Camino is to look for a coffee / tortilla and fresh orange juice stop late morning.[:)] (and a change of socks) [blink]

Also aim to arrive at your next Albergue by early afternoon to be sure of a bed for the night.

We managed a 20km walk last Saturday which included a climb on to the North downs Way (U.K.) I could have done same again on Sunday but had other things to do. Still need to walk as much as possible in next four - six weeks.

Buen Camino everyone[:)]

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yes, not long to go now!

A last astuce, if I may, and I am very aware that it's not exactly a gem of wisdom and it's something you probably know about already.

Anyway, for what it's worth...........:

I have had an absolutely marvellous summer of walking; it's probably the most walking I have done since my own camino.

What I have found really helpful for sore toes is to wear TWO pairs of socks which needn't be thick walking socks, just 2 thinnish pairs of any old socks.

When I first started doing long walks in my teens with the Ramblers' Association, it was easy to buy thin, "liner" socks which were cotton or silk.  I have noticed that, in recent years, all the so-called"walking" socks are thick and of "mixed fibres" and, whilst they last forever, they are not as comfortable as wearing one pair of cotton socks and then a pair of, in those days, typically woollen socks.

You might like to consider the 2 pairs of socks approach, Rose, and you still have time to try it before setting off?

 You might also be able to get away with washing just the "inner" pair of socks each day and then using the "outer" pair as the inside ones the following day.  Towards the end of the walk; when the nights are drawing in, it's easier to get dry a thin pair of socks than a pair of thick ones.

Just thought I'd mention this as my feet have never felt as good after a long walk as they have recently.

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Hello all... It's been a while since I have been on the Forum but i heard that Rose was ready for her Camino and I wanted to wish her well. Rose, you will have a wonderful time and you'll meet such wonderful people from all walks of life. It will really be a life changing experience and once you get into your rhythm, you'll wonder why you were so anxious. I'll be thinking of you...

On the 6th October I'll be going back for another 300k from Burgos to Ponferrada (I did Ponferrada to St. J. de C in 2012) and then perhaps next year I'll do St.J.PdeP to Burgos to boucle le boucle. And if I can't get it out of my system (it does that to you, Rose!) I might attack the Camino one last time when I'm 70.

The advice everyone has given Rose has been perfect and the weather at this time of the year is just about perfect. So just enjoy yourself.

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