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Tailors take notice!


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[quote user="Quillan"]

Why, the mans dead and cannot defend himself.


Just as well he is dead, or there would still be plenty of celebrities and policemen defending him. The same ones who did before; by keeping quiet about what the sleazebag was up to.[:@]

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Well forget about all those allegedly bent policemen what about the people that enabled him (as opposed to covering up) to do all these alleged things many of whom are still walking around, if everything is true why is that? We are talking doctors, nurses, caretakers, managers etc, etc. it's called aiding and abetting and it is a criminal offence. Why have they not been prosecuted? It's one of two things either he didn't do it because he was not helped or there are other peadophiles still walking around who were doctors, nurses etc at the time (he was given keys to rooms, wards etc it is alleged) and do you think the NHS, care homes etc do not have any these days? But still he is dead and so he cannot answer and, like it or not, because you can't prosecute a dead person he must be classed as innocent by (English) law.


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It was good to see his old flat mate Ray Terret get sent down for 25 years. Some justice at least, but a pity they couldn't share a cell.

As for others, yes, there must be. Fortunately the proverbial has hit the fan and victims are speaking out at last.

With luck, a lot more will get their comeuppance, regardless of their social standing.

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That's the bit that really and I mean really annoys me. There must of been many people involved that assisted him. Who allowed him into the places in the middle of the night? How did he get keys to children's wards? None of this magically happen and a lot of who aided him are still alive. Who else did they give access to that we don't know about? Are we to assume by the lack of prosecution of these people that none of it ever happened? People like Cyril Smith for instance, who helped him? More recently we have had this other politician who is 'to ill' to be charged. If the Germans can put a guy on trial who collected money off Jews at death camps all those years ago then what the hell is going on in the UK?
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[quote user="nomoss"]Now that most or all of the monuments etc. have been removed, isn't it time to think about renaming Savile Row?

[/quote]Why?? Savile Row has nothing to do with Jimmy Savile. It was named long before Jimmy was even born.
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[quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="nomoss"]Now that most or all of the monuments etc. have been removed, isn't it time to think about renaming Savile Row?

[/quote]Why?? Savile Row has nothing to do with Jimmy Savile. It was named long before Jimmy was even born.[/quote]

Really?? [I]

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