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Please be careful with your rubbish


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This afternoon, pottering along to the supermarket, following a car with a trailor loaded with rubbish. Suddenly, a bag of stuff flew off and, despite my being well back, managed to smack my windscreen et al. Luckily it was mainly polystyrene, old packaging.

I flashed the car and eventually managed to stop it, to find out that the driver was my neighbour, a nice chap. Checked the load which frankly might have attached by a blind goat and he then did a demi tour to get the cr ap left on the road.

So, please guys, that could have been something realy solid and have done some damage. TIE IT DOWN PROPERLY.

This is the one advantage of being white van man, you can stick the stuff inside, though if you have the mattresses there to get the illegals across the channel.....
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I see shit like this on an almost daily basis.

Exhibit A: some old dude in Bricodepot carpark tying some thin sheets of ply to his cars roof - no roof rack, mind - just straight on the roof. The choob hadnt even unscrewed the aerial mast, just bent it over. He was tying it to the wing mirrors with what looked like strips of cloth ripped from an old sheet. It was a really windy day too.


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Exhibit B (cant find the pictures right now, sorry) was from the same Bricodepot where some guys in a van had grossly overloaded a small trailer with probably a whole pallet of plasterboard sheets and "secured" it with a single small, cheap ratchet strap across the middle of the pile. As they drove the wind was picking up the front edge of the top sheet and folding it back over the strap where it would snap and fly off, leaving the back half to slide out and fall off too. This happened with each sheet one by one, leaving more and more slack under the strap. The road was empty and I was keeping well back so I let them lose about a dozen sheets before I flagged them down.

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Well, here's an even better way of carrying long planks, if they are relatives?


The driver must have been a plank so the family could be involved??[:-))] Yes, the front of that load of planks really is tied to the top of the bare car roof through the windoze!!

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There are probably planks everywhere[:-))]


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Took a while for the last one to register, at first i thought "not much wrong with that, I would carry a quad with two straps" then I saw what they were attached to!

I dented my car roof being a plank like the guy in the first picture.

Amazingly I had driven 40k to Arras with my trailer not correctly coupled, with the coupling just resting on the towball [:-))] I was in the throes of splitting from my ex and my mind was elsewhere, I loaded loads of planks of wood safely on the ladder rack and strapped them down, they were well clear of the car roof until i went over the first speed bump in the Bricodepot car park.

I was angry at myself, annoyed about the roof damage but silently thanked the Lord that the trailer had not come astray on the 40K journey as I dont have a breakaway cable.

In fact I could not be sure, it seemed incredible that it would have remained attached but uncoupled for 40K, usually it comes off in 50 yards (yes I have done it on two other occasions [:(], the coupling was worn and maybe it was actually coupled and the rotational inertia of the long planks and a single axle going over the speed hump (at walking pace) which cuased it to detach, in any case I replaced both the ball and coupling with new items.

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