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RIP Prince


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[quote user="woolybanana"]Without wishing to disrespect the late Prince whose death seems to be preoccupying much of the media today, who was he? [/quote]

He was to the '80s and onwards what Jimi Hendrix was to the '60s.

Yeah, yeah I hear you ask "Who was Jimi Hendrix?"



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Looking at the clips of Prince on the news last night I could see that he had learned a lot from Hendrix

.......so didI.

It is sad and a little odd that so many celebrities are dying this year.

......and it's still only April.



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Prince's hissy fit stage was a determination to have some control over the music he had written, played and performed against the evil all controlling musical accountants. 

Bound to be more petulant than Jimi Hendrix, Prince could play a lot more instruments [:)]

Jimi was also quite fixed on colours (Purple) but I'm a bit hazy on that one. [Www]

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I think that it's a great shame that an English icon hasn't had the same kind of coverage when she died

Victoria Wood was a great all round entertainer, singer, actress, writer and standup comedienne. Not just a 'hissy fit' singer, song writer, musician. She was clean too!

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I think that it's a great shame that an English icon hasn't had the same kind of coverage when she died

Victoria Wood was a national acquired taste. Prince was an international acquired taste.

Both were innovative talents in their chosen profession.

Personally I was a fan of both.  I can't begin to recall on how many occasions, over the decades, at meal times in this household "Ready to order sir/madam" with the accompanying walk has been enacted. Also, how many musicians can honestly say they have never nicked a rift from their peers (not guilty sir)?

I think the meeja coverage of someones death nowadays is just about instant coloumn inches and news slots until the next 'big' event happens by. The lasting impression is the memories we harbour from these people until our own eventual demise.



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Over the last 10 years there have been an average of 4500 road fatalites per annum here in France.

Are we supposed to mourn them all?

Reality is what can possibly been attributed to Joseph Stalins response to the Ukraine famine.

"A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic".

Prince and Victoria Wood are always going to garner more coverage and sympathy as they have an audience and a following unlike people misguidedly crossing the Mediterranean to illegally enter a country or Afghan people meeting an untimely end whils't going about their daily lives.

You might not like it but everyday, somewhere, sh*t happens.



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S'qiute funny, Loiseau, that you pick up on another article featuring quotes from Nick Serpell...as he's a friend and former classmate of Mr Betty. We cross paths at the odd wedding and party, and chat about his (let's face it, rather odd) job. He's come a long way since he was the manager of the local co-op in Mr Betty's childhood hometown...
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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]S'qiute funny, Loiseau, that you pick up on another article featuring quotes from Nick Serpell...as he's a friend and former classmate of Mr Betty. We cross paths at the odd wedding and party, and chat about his (let's face it, rather odd) job. He's come a long way since he was the manager of the local co-op in Mr Betty's childhood hometown...[/quote]


oops musn't nod off as I'm in the middle of watching  'Prince's Purple Reign' on vintage TV (369 0n Sky)

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