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Lindal wrote,

Apparently more people were killed in USA last

year by toddlers who accidentally picked up their parents gun, than by Islamic

terrorists. If I can remember where I read that I'll put the link up!


So what are you says here?? They should ban

toddlers from the US?? , one is an accident, the other is murder, or is it just

guns you think should be banned?

The second amendment is the right of every US

citizen, there is no way they will ever give up their guns, or should they.

Are you saying because of these accidents, the

US should allow Muslims who may well be IS into the states??
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Rabbie wrote,

I noticed you were beginning to make personal remarks about WB's intellect. Does

this mean you are beginning to lose the argument?

Good to see you are still with us Rabbie, I

thought you may be busy packing up for this move to France you spoke

about. [Www]  [Www]  [Www]
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W/B wrote,

Would you say that the wall being built between Israel and Occupied Palestine is

to keep Palestinians out or Israelis in?


You first, what's your view???

The fault lies with governments going back generations which have

not had the sense to have sensible immigration policies. Trump just goes to one

extreme to appeal to the racists and extremists who back him. It sounds good to

their ears.

These are the same people as tried to spread racist nonsense

about Obama.

Of course, it will be much cheaper to use Mexican

labour to build the wall..... oops.


Nah, needs to be built properly, so it wont be

built by Mexicans, only paid for by them. Bit like polish builders over here in

the UK, it would be very  much a  ‘no-no’  to use

them,  like shopping in lidl or aldi, just not the ‘done thing’.

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[quote user="ebaynut"]

Good to see you are still with us Rabbie, I

thought you may be busy packing up for this move to France you spoke

about. [Www]  [Www]  [Www]
[/quote]I f you had read my post correctly you would have seen that I used the word If in regard to any possible move to France.

You also stated incorrectly that I had the same signature for over a year. I adjust it every year on the anniversary of my retirement in February and this year was no exception so no marks for your powers of observation. As you know very little about me you have no idea whether I took late retirement or early retirement so any speculation about my age based on that is meaningless.

I do notice however that Trump has started to moderate his views now he has realised that he cannot win the election without the support of moderate Republicans so I feel that his more extreme supporters are in for a disappointment regardless of who wins.

Assuming he builds his wall how is he going to make Mexico pay for it. The wall will no doubt hamper any invasion to enforce payment.

Please keep posting in support of Trump. They make me smile and remind me that there are worse options than Mrs Clinton

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No, my point is that people over react to what they perceive as a threat. I don't know how many Muslims there are in the US, but statistically they are not as dangerous as a toddler who accidentally gets hold of a gun.

Are you saying that all Muslims wishing to go to the USA are likely to be members or supporters of IS and so should be refused entry?

I'm not a fan of gun ownership and I can see no reason for anyone to own one. I have many American friends who feel the same..but it isn't my country, I can think of no reason why I would ever want to go there again so what the Americans decide to do about it is up to them. On a positive not as owning a gun doesn't seem to be related to a great deal of natural intelligence, most of the accidents could be considered a form of natural selection.
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It is all down to perceptions.I had an American friend who I recounted a story to of when trying to visit my UK bank was prevented doing so by men in felt hats with chequerboard ribbon round who had guns drawn - they were police foiling a bank raid. My US friend 'I have never seen a policeman with a gun drawn'. A comment on house security my US friend said 'If I wanted to lock my doors I would have to fit some locks'.

Perceptions - all Americans are gun totting - reality not all Americans are not gun totting.
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Rabbie wrote,

I f you had read my post correctly you would

have seen that I used the word If in regard to any possible move to


You also stated incorrectly that I had the same signature for

over a year. I adjust it every year on the anniversary of my retirement in

February and this year was no exception so no marks for your powers of

observation. As you know very little about me you have no idea whether I took

late retirement or early retirement so any speculation about my age based on

that is meaningless.


What you actually wrote was

’if/when I move to France’ which to me means that is what someone is planning to

do, if not why mention it in that way??

Sure, you did not mention

your age, and as I said then, I can only guess your age group, what's the big

secret here anyway about your age??, Tell you what, I will show you mine, if you

show me yours, I'm sixty, how old are you????

I do notice however that Trump has started to moderate his views

now he has realised that he cannot win the election without the support of

moderate Republicans so I feel that his more extreme supporters are in for a

disappointment regardless of who wins.


This tells me that you are only watching UK news

channels, which, like the whole world press is anti Trump, so don't expect the

whole truth from that source. Like Idun often posts, if you want to know

something in France ask at the Mairie, that's where the top man to ask is , and

if you want to know about Mr T ask, O, no you cant, can you, so the next best

thing is to watch one of his speeches, best seen on live stream, or if not just

Google them, you tube has the whole back catalogue, he is not racist at all,

just as he says, ‘America first’ If only the UK had someone with

this policy, instead of the career politicians we seem to be stuck


Assuming he builds his wall how is he going to make Mexico

pay for it. The wall will no doubt hamper any invasion to enforce payment.


This is freely available on the www, watch one of his

speeches, it is simply explained there,  I had to laugh when the former PM of

Mexico said, there would be no F ---ing wall on TV, Trump said, ‘fine, its just

got ten foot higher’

Now the PM says, Mexico wont pay for the wall, Great

said Mr T, ‘at least they now acknowledge there will be a wall’.


Please keep posting in support of Trump. They make me smile and remind

me that there are worse options than Mrs Clinton


No probs here Rabbie, no probs.


In fact, just to make you smile , did you see the owner

of the Sands casino in Las Vegas is going to donate up

to $100, 000,000  ( yes, one hundred million US dollars)   to help Mr T win,

good to have friends with power.  Keep smiling.. [geek]

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Great Bobo in a bucket, ebaynut, you go from bad to worse; fancy seeing money from gambling as a plus for anyone, let alone Trump.

Having been largely responsible for the destruction of American based industry, the Republicans are now governed by gambling money which would much better have been spent on bringing factories back to the US.

By the way, you always slate others achievements, just what do or did you do for a living?
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Well done lindal1000, your pointless claim has been substantiated. Now remind me how many toddlers in 2001 picked up a parent's gun and killed people please. One member of my family lost 22 of her NYC office colleagues to Izzelamic murderers in September that year. No idea how many gun-toting toddlers shot Mom or Pop though. Random “statistics” like that prove nothing, I’d say.

On the point of carrying a life-saving firearm legally, it’s just that, a near-guaranteed life-saver in certain countries. Bad discipline in handling any weapon or tool or petrol is always a No-No.

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I am truly sorry about your family members loss. My brother also lost most of his New York colleagues. However, murderers are just that. The current baddies ally themselves with a branch of Islam and when I was growing up it was Irish Republicanism.

I have no idea how many people were accidentally killed by firearms in the USA in that year but statistically you are still very unlikely to be killed by an Islamic terrorist. If you think carrying a legally owned firearm will protect you from terrorists then by all means carry one. I won't be travelling in any of those places.
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From a slightly different perspective, this research from the US state department found that

" from 2001 to 2013, 406,496 people died by firearms on U.S. soil. (2013 is the most recent year CDC data for deaths by firearms is available.) This data covered all manners of death, including homicide, accident and suicide.

According to the U.S. State Department, the number of U.S. citizens killed overseas as a result of incidents of terrorism from 2001 to 2013 was 350.

In addition, we compiled all terrorism incidents inside the U.S. and found that between 2001 and 2013, there were 3,030 people killed in domestic acts of terrorism.* This brings the total to 3,380.

*Includes the following domestic terrorism incidents:

September 11 attacks (NY, DC, PA) 9/11/01

2001 Anthrax attacks (DC, NY, CT, FL) Oct., Nov. 2001

El Al counter shooting (California) 7/4/02

Beltway sniper attacks (DC, Mid-Atlantic) Oct. 2002

Knoxville church shooting (Tennessee) 7/27/08

Pittsburgh police officers killed (Pennsylvania) 4/4/09

Tiller abortion clinic (Kansas) 5/31/09

Holocaust Museum shooting (DC) 6/10/09

Fort Hood shooting (Texas) 11/5/09

Plane crash into Austin IRS building (Texas) 2/18/10

Fort Stewart Army base killing (Georgia) 12/10/11

Sikh Temple Shooting (Wisconsin) 8/7/12

St. John's Parish police ambush (Louisiana) 8/16/12

Boston Marathon Bombing (Massachusetts) 4/15/13

LAX Shooting (California) 11/05/13

The point is just to illustrate that if you live in the USA you are very very unlikely to become a victim of a terrorist attack and much more likely to be injured by a gun, statistically speaking.

Not in my mind enough evidence to ban people who purport to be Muslim from entering your country on the grounds that one of them might be a potential terrorist.

Anyway, back to Trump..it seems he is not very happy with Cameron, so in event of a brexit should the Uk expect some favourable trade deals if Trump is president?

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Lindal wrote,

No, my point is that people over react to what

they perceive as a threat. I don't know how many Muslims there are in the US,

but statistically they are not as dangerous as a toddler who accidentally gets

hold of a gun.


I know how many there are in the US, same as

here in the UK, to many!!!!!!!

Are you saying that all Muslims wishing to go to the USA are

likely to be members or supporters of IS and so should be refused entry?


Good chance they may be !!!!!!!!!!


Are you asking if I personally would ban them, or do I

believe the US should???   Either way the answer is YES !!!!!!!!!!

I'm not a fan of gun ownership and I can see no reason for anyone

to own one. I have many American friends who feel the same..but it isn't my

country, I can think of no reason why I would ever want to go there again so

what the Americans decide to do about it is up to them. On a positive not as

owning a gun doesn't seem to be related to a great deal of natural intelligence,

most of the accidents could be considered a form of natural selection.


And I also have many friends in the US, they all

have guns, If I lived in the US, I would have a hand gun also. There are so many

crazy people there, that protection of my family and myself would be the #1 aim.

Its better to have a gun and not need it, then need one and not have



I expect, like most ‘civilised’ people like you  believe only nasty people have

guns, are you one of those who would cry to for help if they need it, rather

than being pro active themselves, and would rather leave the unsavoury tasks to

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Great Bobo in a bucket, ebaynut, you go from

bad to worse; fancy seeing money from gambling as a plus for anyone, let alone


Having been largely responsible for the destruction of American based

industry, the Republicans are now governed by gambling money which would much

better have been spent on bringing factories back to the US.

By the way, you

always slate others achievements, just what do or did you do for a living?


You are incorrect, I do not always slate

others achievements, just yours!!!  When you state I am ignorant and thick

because my racial views are different than yours, than that gives me the right,

to ask, as I did, ‘why if you are so clever do you have a house which looks like

a shed to me, why is it so low value??’ seems to me that you may not be as

clever as you think you are??


And when certain members mock

others achievements, as some on this forum do to MR T, I merely question what

they have done in their life which is so great.  I hate Tony Blair,

his views and his actions, but he is not ignorant or thick, he is a very clever


As to what I do for a living, well we have

discussed this before with your mod mate, before he had his breakdown,  property

rental, and don't please think some twit who has cashed in his petty pension

to purchase a BTL property, I started over 20 years ago, just at

the end of the recession, when the auction rooms were full of houses that had

been  reposessed  and there were few buyers for them

back then. I then allowed others to live in them and buy them for

me, so go on, pick fault with that!!!! 


Come on, I have asked before, what are you

views on Israel and Palestine  ????  as you seem keen to know mine, Do tell.

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Lindal wrote,

The point is just to illustrate that if you

live in the USA you are very very unlikely to become a victim of a terrorist

attack and much more likely to be injured by a gun, statistically speaking.

Not in my mind enough evidence to ban people who purport to be Muslim from

entering your country on the grounds that one of them might be a potential


WTF, how many people need to die then  before you think its enough??

Anyway, back to Trump..it seems he is not very happy with Cameron, so

in event of a brexit should the Uk expect some favourable trade deals if Trump

is president?


When Mr T takes over at the white house it wont

be until next year, by that time if the UK leaves or stays in the EU, Dave will

most likely be gone, or about to go, so he wont have to deal with Donald, he

just keeps spouting bad things about Mr T because its PC to do so.

Mr T  has said that if there was a Brexit, he sees no reason why deals cant

be done in under a year. Remember Donald is a doer, not just a talker.
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Think someone is in need of the men in the white coats with the straight jacket.

Hatred merely breeds hatred.

The US is a rather large place so generalisations do not really work. Being used to the security screens in UK banks in the early 90s I was most surprised to enter a bank in PA to discover no security screens. On the other hand encountering for the first time having to pay for fuel before taking it - the cashier commented 'you are not from around this area'.
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Just a thought, the airlines of various Muslim countries require new aircraft. Representatives cannot visit Boeing as they will be denied entry to the US. So they visit Airbus who quite happily sells them aircraft resulting in those countries replacing any Boeing aircraft and the Muslim countries airlines becoming exclusively Airbus. So due to the downturn in orders and replacement parts Boeing lays of staff that then impacts on its parts suppliers and also unconnected companies that would have sold items to those staff laid off.

Good idea Mr Trump.
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How far should Mr. Trump go in his wish to ban Muslims, ebaynut; should he ban only the Shia, Sunnis, only those who come from certain countries or those of the minority sects? What about converts?

Would you apply the same ideas to the UK, or to the properties you claim to own?
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And I also have many friends in the US, they all

have guns, If I lived in the US, I would have a hand gun also. There are so many

crazy people there
, that protection of my family and myself would be the #1 aim.

Its better to have a gun and not need it, then need one and not have


Ah that explains Trump's popularity then.[:D]

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Oops..I seem to have somehow reposted my post! Feel free to remove the second one mods as it didn't need repeating!

The statistics used to compile those figures were from the Office of National Statistics as you were asking Ebaynut.

I do wonder how DT would actually go about banning Muslims from entry, since you don't have your religion recorded on your passport. Would it be anyone called Mohammed. Anyone born in the middle east? How would you identify a white Muslim or are those not counted? What about Christians from the middle east? What about those who might have been born Muslim but converted to Christianity or became atheists? Are they banned?
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W/B wrote,

How far should Mr. Trump go in his wish to ban

Muslims, ebaynut; should he ban only the Shia, Sunnis, only those who come from

certain countries or those of the minority sects? What about converts?


To avoid the possibility of

upsetting  any of the different groups, lets just include them all shall



Would you apply the same ideas to the UK,




or to the properties


All ready do.


you claim to own?


I was not expecting that, that must be about

the best compliment you could pay me, so thanks.  I was expecting  responses

something along the lines of ‘ its people like you who have denied young people

the chance to buy their own home, or its people like you who have

caused house prices to rise’, so thanks W/B, that's really nice. [:D] 

Remember, it

was you who asked.



Anyway back to you and the question you asked

me,   you clearly don't mind asking it, but when I request you to

tell what you think first, you just bury your head and ignore it. So here it is



‘Would you say that the wall being built

between Israel and Occupied Palestine is to keep Palestinians out or Israelis

in?’  and also your perspective on the situation there would be good, especially

as you brought it up.



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Lindal wrote,

l'd appreciate it if you didn't resort to

swearing when you reply to my posts Ebaynut. It's not very nice and whilst I

might be sorely tempted not something I have ever done to you.


As you know, WTF can have two meanings, if you

choose to see it as swearing, that is beyond my control. I am sorry

if you don't find it ‘very nice’.

As someone who keeps legally registered

firearms at his home, I find your comments about gun ownership and this line

that you wrote particularly disturbing,

‘On a positive not as owning a gun

doesn't seem to be related to a great deal of natural intelligence, most of the

accidents could be considered a form of natural selection’. 

How callus when

talking about an accidental death. So, I guess we are even now

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[quote user="lindal1000"]I am truly sorry about your family members loss. My brother also lost most of his New York colleagues. However, murderers are just that. The current baddies ally themselves with a branch of Islam and when I was growing up it was Irish Republicanism.

I have no idea how many people were accidentally killed by firearms in the USA in that year but statistically you are still very unlikely to be killed by an Islamic terrorist. If you think carrying a legally owned firearm will protect you from terrorists then by all means carry one. I won't be travelling in any of those places.[/quote] …

I feel the same and I sure hope we are right, I won't be travelling in any of those places. Paris and Brussels, two of my favourite cities are off my visiting list for starters.

My remark about the unfortunate murdered was not in any way designed to elicit sympathy , Thank you anyway, I did not know them, I mentioned them just to show how pointless the accidental toddler killings figure was and still is.

Irish republicanism began in the 1780s, I had no idea Islam was involved, but Islam was practising terrorism 1000 years before then and since.

The Turkish brand of Islam was practised over 100 years ago, following hundreds more of the same. Just ask any Armenian, I guarantee you will be impressed. Yup, the truth is sometimes extremely uncomfortable for nice people.

My remark about carrying a life-saving firearm legally had nothing whatever to do with terrorism, so your red herring is baffling. Serves me right for an unconscious hijacking tho’.

Take care.

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Ebaynut – Lindal is 100% correct. Indirectly, it is an insult to be like that. You are flannelling, we all know perfectly well what that abbreviation is meant to say. It is coarse and lowers the tone.

I’m just asking you nicely and politely to stop doing it, I do hope you are not offended by my request ?

Merci Mon Ami.

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