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Rabbie wrote,


As they said on the News Quiz at the weekend

hasn't Trump done well for a man who only inherited $800,000,000.


That would show to me that he comes from a

successful family if they were able to pass this on to him. I believe his

Trump empire is worth in the region of $10 BILLION , so he turned

that amount  around well.

Compare this to those on the news quiz panel, he has done better then

them all put together millions of times over.

Funny how some people don't admire a man who

has created this wealth and instead try to joke about him, perhaps

this takes the eye off their own failures in some way???  [8-)]


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Accumulated wealth is hardly a criterion for defining success in this life; now, if he were to donate most of it to helping others, that would be a remarkable act, but he is too thick to do that.

Nor are the people who inhabit the News Quiz trying to hide their own failures as they offer us more valuable insights through humour, investigation (though Private Eye ain't what it was) and intellect.

Such lovely characters as Goering, Himmler and Ecclestone (have) spent part of their lives accumulating wealth and, Bobo knows, they had(have) little to offer humanity.

Though, I am not surprised that the US system has thrown up Trump and others of his ilk; it seems to have become so intellectually barren as do the Republicans.

Imagine a world run by Sarah Palin!
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W/B wrote,

Accumulated wealth is hardly a criterion for defining

success in this life; now, if he were to donate most of it to helping others,

that would be a remarkable act, but he is too thick to do that.

Why is it always people who have no wealth that think that ???? ,  it is

said that ‘life is a 5hit sandwich, the more bread you have the less 5hit you

have to eat’.


As for him giving his money away, well, he visited the 9/11 site in NY a

couple of weeks back, and in a speech afterwards, ( this is a speech like all

his others which is not read off a teleprompter)  he mistakenly said 7/11, boy,

every anti trump news channel in the world picked up on that, but how many

reported that he also gave $100,000 to the fund that day??
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Perhaps it suited his tax situation tio be SEEN to give $100000. Personally, I would have given and kept stum - much better.

As to his generosity, perhaps this might give a more balanced picture of the giving of the least philanthropic of the billionaires; even a wrestling charity gave more tha he did to his own foundation!


And, my sandwich is finely proportioned, thank you very much.

At least I made it.
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Your spirited defence of Trump is noted; however I would suggest to you that 911 is as deeply entrenched in the US psyche as 1066 is in the UK one.

To make a mistake suggests not a slip, but that the man has failed to engage his brain when making public statements. A leader who does not engage his brain when on duty is frankly more than a little worrying.
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andyh4 wrote,

Your spirited defence of Trump is noted;

however I would suggest to you that 911 is as deeply entrenched in the US psyche

as 1066 is in the UK one.

To make a mistake suggests not a slip, but

that the man has failed to engage his brain when making public statements. A

leader who does not engage his brain when on duty is frankly more than a little





Firstly Andy, I am not defending Mr T, nothing

wrong here other than a slip of the tongue, bit like when you, make

a typo on the forum..


As you may or may not know, 7/11 is a chain of

supermarkets across the US, so is also a term widely used in the states, as for

‘deeply entrenched as 1066’, well one was nearly 1000 years ago, and the

other was only the  last decade.


At least you state he is a leader, which is

good, but leader of what??  He is the presumed republican party nominee, but not

the leader until November, and as you are trying to make this sound (as has the

worlds anti trump press) like some huge deal, let me remind you about ‘crooked

Hillarys’ husband and campaign spokesman, Bill Clinton.


Did he not, when he was president, hold up the

bible and swear on oath that  ‘ HE DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH THAT WOMAN’  this was a

complete lie, as you know, and shows the type of people the Clintons are.


Now that was a mistake, I am unsure you could

call this ‘engaging his brain, well one thing we all know for sure is,

 what Bill did ‘engage’, yet he still has the front to be in the

public eye.
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W/B wrote,

Perhaps it suited his tax situation tio be

SEEN to give $100000. Personally, I would have given and kept stum - much



As this is a purely hypothetical situation

 you don't have that amount to give away, we will never know what you

would really do.  FYI, Mr T did not reveal to anyone about the donation, it was

leaked by someone from the 911 fund.

As to his generosity, perhaps this might give a more balanced

picture of the giving of the least philanthropic of the billionaires; even a

wrestling charity gave more tha he did to his own foundation!


And, my sandwich is finely proportioned, thank you very much.


I am sure both you and your sandwich are full of the

same substance !!!!  [:D]  [:D]



At least I made it.


Are you in any way implying Mr T did



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One might perhaps have respected Mr T. a little more if he had not inherited substantially or had a handout from Daddy.

Those who also contribute something to the betterment of mankind in some way earn respect but clowns like Trump do not.

The problem with your sandwich analogy is that too much bread and not enough filling does not douse the hunger pains and is largely a rip off.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

The problem with your sandwich analogy is that too much bread and not enough filling does not douse the hunger pains and is largely a rip off.[/quote]which is why I prefer open sandwiches.

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W/B wrote,

One might perhaps have respected Mr T. a

little more if he had not inherited substantially or had a handout from



That's good to hear that you do respect Mr T,

even in a small way. 

Those who also contribute something to the

betterment of mankind in some way earn respect but clowns like Trump do not.


But Mr T has created tens of thousands of jobs

around the world, that is a great contribution. How many have you created?? 


Now he has amassed enough

capital he is giving back to the US, by leading them out of the mess they are

in. Without his capital behind him he would have had to sit on a forum moaning

about the world.


He has so much money, he

does not need to be president, he is doing it as it needs to be done, the wall

has to be built, illegal immigrants to the US need to be expelled, just common

sense to me, and still there are those who claim he is racist in some



He plans to put a temporary

ban on Muslims entering the US, great move, after all, who is it that is blowing

us all up and killing in large numbers, not the Christians, not the Jewish

community, not the Sheiks,  yes its the Muslims.

The problem with your sandwich analogy is that too much bread and

not enough filling does not douse the hunger pains and is largely a rip off.



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I am afraid that trying to have an intellectual conversation with you, is

like fighting an un-armed opponent.


You clearly don't know the difference between an illegal immigrant and a

legal one.


The latter enters a country, where they contribute to the society there,

they have paperwork which allows them to work, pay taxes and contribute to

schools, hospitals etc, and they themselves obtain the benefits this



The former, enters a country without making themselves know to the

authority's of that country, or outstays a holiday or work permit. They need to

eat, so as these people are always from the lower end of the food chain, they

either have to steal it, or work on the black, they undercut the wages of the

workers who do contribute, making it harder for the legal resident to find good

paying work.

They pay nothing in tax, as they cant, because the tax man does not know of

their existence, but if an emergency happens, they will still be able to use the

hospital F.O.C.


It is illegal to enter without telling the authorities, and because the

present administration in the US chooses to turn a blind eye, and even talks of

an amnesty for the illegals, it is no wonder US citizen's who play by the rules,

want a wall built, one could speculate as to why Obama has allowed all the

illegals to enter without trying to stop it, (they say it 13,000,000 who are

illegal, but if the US government counts the number of immigrants in the same

way as the UK government, chances are it way more)  could be his own ancestry,

but as it is all going to change in the states soon, lets not dwell on the past

mistakes of a do nothing president whose time is almost up.
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EBN, I was under the impression that everyone whether legal or illegal had to pay for hospital care in the USA even if these costs were covered by Obamacare/Medicare or private insurance. I have heard stories of accident victims being searched for their credit card by ambulance crews so I was a little surprised that you stated it was free of charge for illegal immigrants. Perhaps you could clarify this.

I noticed you were beginning to make personal remarks about WB's intellect. Does this mean you are beginning to lose the argument?
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I would remind you that Ghandi was unarmed and he did relatively well!

Would you say that the wall being built between Israel and Occupied Palestine is to keep Palestinians out or Israelis in?

The fault lies with governments going back generations which have not had the sense to have sensible immigration policies. Trump just goes to one extreme to appeal to the racists and extremists who back him. It sounds good to their ears.

These are the same people as tried to spread racist nonsense about Obama.

Of course, it will be much cheaper to use Mexican labour to build the wall..... oops.
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What, I wonder, is screwball Trump going to do about all the Cubans now lining up to quit their commy paradise and go to the US? How will they travel? If they come in boats, will he order the boats turned around, sunk or what?

Check out the complaints coming from the poor sids studying at the Trump university; pretty unhappy.

I woder how many illegals are employed in his evil empire?
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