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Thanks for the suggestion about elastic stockings Norman. In spite of the warning about them from Wooly , I might try one . I've still got a pair from post-op.

Mint - I never wished you well after your fall, I've had several in the last few years. Fell flat on my face in Mirande market once, people came rushing up to help.  They're very kind here.

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Just a very quick response for now but will be back on the forum later, I hope.

Norman, I do realise that you have had to give up many enjoyable activities and you are a formidable example to us all[:)]

Pat, thank you for your kind wishes.  You certainly are one of those great stalwarts, always handling things with grace and strength.

I don't understand this business of falling, not to mention walking into obstacles!  OH had a period of doing that but he seems to have stopped for a bit.

I am normally ultra careful since I was diagnosed with whatever it's called just before you have full-blown osteoporosis.  That was before I came to France but I do not take any medical treatment, just do lots of impact and bone-strengthening excercise and, so far, this has worked very well.

Might have cracked a rib but nothing serious this time[:)]

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Mint - you should have seen my face after that fall! (Well no, better not.) I had tripped over one of those stupid metal plates they use to fix up temporary barriers. I was picking out tiny pieces of gravel from my nose and chin for some time afterwards, hardly dare go out!

My friend gave me some lavender healing ointment, which seemed to help, and smelled lovely as well.

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[quote user="Patf"]Thanks for the suggestion about elastic stockings Norman. In spite of the warning about them from Wooly , I might try one . I've still got a pair from post-op.

Mint - I never wished you well after your fall, I've had several in the last few years. Fell flat on my face in Mirande market once, people came rushing up to help.  They're very kind here.


I think you are supposed to wear them on both sides even if the "problem" is only on one....

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Yes, both legs and you need to get them on whilst you are still in bed in the morning.  You roll them on, making sure they are fitting properly, with no creases etc.

No good putting them on when you have been up and about because once you are standing on your legs, the fluid (lymph, blood, whatever) is already pooling around the ankles.

So, you need to put them beside the bed the night before ready for the morning and they absolutely must go on before you so much as put a leg down to get out of bed[:D]

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Norman, even an old cynic like me can recognise a stunning setting when I see it. Where was it, what were you doing there, was it difficult to clean?

Are you in the foto?[/quote]

Beziers - though its a long time since I've been in there - but stunning yes!

Sadly for hte moment, my chorale days are past, cannot stand up / sit down quickly enough and I cannot stand without pain ... but hopefully not too long now ...

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