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don't forget to look.................


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Oh Mint sorry to hear you have a poorly dog and a broken rib, ouch, I know how painful that is having had several in the past. It's very cloudy here tonight so I don't think I'm going to see it. Fingers crossed for tomorrow perhaps.

Hoping you both have a speedy recovery.

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Cloudy here in the Gard tonight too.

Sorry to hear about your poorly dog as well as your rib, Mint. I haven't cracked any ribs for years, ( pfingers crossed I don't get any more!), used to do huge sneezes; awfully painful, especially when driving. I used to put my car into second gear and drive to work in second all the way.
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When I glanced out at the London sky earlier this evening, at the planes approaching on the flight path to Heathrow, there was indeed a beautiful full moon hanging there - fairly large and yellow.

I shall have another look tomorrow, in case it is even bigger and better.
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Mogs and GG, thank you for your kind words.

When I fell last week, I had a very sore chest and a huge bruise but the rib could only have been cracked and not broken but it got properly broken last Monday when I had a very sudden and violent sneeze and I felt and heard it break[+o(]

So, I was thinking of going back to gym and to nordic walking but not now possible as even breathing is painful.

As for the dog, I am very concerned that she exhibits all the signs of dementia but the vet has put her on Candilat which is said to increase blood flow to the brain.

She looks so vacant and worried sometimes that I do think she is not going to be with us for much longer.  So, just making the most of her presence whilst she is still with us and still knows us.

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Oh poor mint. I do so sympathise about the rib. I once cracked one in a fall from a horse, and I remember the MOST painful thing was coughing. How awful to feel it snap with a sneeze.

I don't think there's anything to be done about it, is there? Ribs more or less stay in position and mend themselves in their own good time.

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My dear, kind Angela, yes, nothing to be done and indeed the pain is not as bad any more and I can get out of bed on my own!

The only thing is, as I can't take deep breaths, I can't benefit from my asthma inhalers and that, of course, means that I am necessarily coughing more and trying to hold on to my chest so as not to move the rib too much!

Still petit à petit, it's all getting much better.

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