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The clown Michel Barnier becomes funnier by the moment!

See Here:

Mrs Gluey and I thought it was a bit rich we had to pay an "Exit Tax" in cash in Bajan currency, to simply leave Barbados! After all, over two weeks we had spent a bundle, locally which included taxes.

However Barnier's latest nonsense really takes the biscuit.

Now, I knew that people who worked within the bloated EU bureaucracy were horrendously overpaid and their pensions and expenses makes yer eye's water.



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There was always a bit of a divide between the versions of events that got printed in the UK press and the versions that got printed in the French press (don't know about other countries) but that "bit of a divide" seems to be getting wider and wider...

It's no wonder everyone's at cross purposes.
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So....... Chief EU negotiator is a clown. Maggie May is beginning to look rather out of her depth methinks. I suspect that the clowns in the Uk (you know who you are) are getting worried and the leading UK clowns are going to have to pay a lot of money to the PR people to continue the ongoing deceptions to the gullible masses of the UK electorate ( Scotland excluded).

Chief June ( Really May but she has to delay her comments until she has discussed with her spin doctors) has already got the privileged people behind her but has to spin to con the majority of people.

I assume that the grammar/private educated think themselves as privileged. To a certain extent that is true (me sort of included). The real privileged, however, are those who have MONEY and not by their own endeavours.

I suppose what I am saying is that the real clowns are the voters that have been conned.

Before Gluestick reiterates the Churchill quote: Churchill was the master of the con. Or very luck to survive when many of his subordinate solders did not, and I am not talking just about the second world war.

Rant over, but the tone of this forum is getting rather outrageous.

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