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Trump's travel ban deemed illegal and unconstitutional


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The people adversely affected would be very relieved.

It would be most interesting to see how Trump will react and whether he will get his way eventually.  Nevermind "thwarting the will of the people", thwarting the will of Trump will be the next headline that will run forever!

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Yes it would seem that just because the POTUS wants something then it doesn't necessarily make it so. The Founding Fathers seemed to have done a good job when they wrote the Consitution, providing for checks and balances to prevent dictatorships or rule by unstable persons.  Pity they didn't clarify the 'right to bear arms' clause but then they didn't have to deal with idiots carrying assault weapons as their 'right'.

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I have followed this, and this is just the second step in a dance that I am sure that Trump will win...... he just has to get his little fingers off his phone, tweeting and start plotting properly.

Not sure if the checks and balances will work these days, they have not always in the checkered history of the USA, just thinking of McCarthyism, japonese internment, etc etc. These things happened and Trump can cause further degats if he goes about this boxing cleverly.

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Yes very true.  I do wonder about a revival of a type of McCarthyism. With the media control that Trumpton has, maybe you suddenly don't get any work if you don't agree with him?

After all, we now know that the only good journalism is the stories that praise him.  Everything else is fake news.

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