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Petition to ban Trump from UK state visit.


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Lindal wrote,

You see you even have a different view of the past EBN. My parents were also involved in the war, but they were always very clear that they weren't fighting Germany and ordinary Germans, but the Na zis and fascism.

As it was not widely known what the Na zis were up to for some time regarding their treatment of Jewish people, It seems like ‘alternative facts’ you are putting forward.

My parents, and indeed all my family were very clear that they were fighting to stop the UK being invaded by the Germans.

If it involved helping to liberate France, and European country’s on the way, then that was a plus, but it was not the reason they fought.

Stopping the invasion of their home was their priority, and protecting their families were what mattered to them.

One of my uncles (who I am very proud of) was involved in part of the planning and taking part on the D day landings.

Finally, last year he was awarded a medal from France for this efforts. His story is told in Max Hastings book ‘Overlord’ along with many others.

I'm glad you are being honest and removing Scotland, Wales and NI from your Eutopia. You should also remove London from your list.

I think you will find Wales also voted to leave. And it is not only ‘my list’ I would like to see London removed from!!

On a personal level I don't live in the UK anymore thank God and pretty soon I won't have any more money there so it has nothing to do with whether I like it or not as it won't affect me. I do feel sorry though for the majority who did not vote to become the 51st State.

As to Trumpton, even the most ardent of leave voters that I know do not associate themselves with Trump's madness. The whole issue of state visit may not be relevant if he is impeached by then,

Mr T to be impeached?? I think you have been watching too many looney left programs, but I guess you need something to cling too.
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My mother knew what the Na zis were up to. She had a Jewish name and spent her childhood terrified she would be killed. They might not have been aware of the exact level of the depravity but they knew Jews were being rounded up, sent to camps, that foreigners were being marginalised and isolated and that this was fascism. They knew what Oswald Mosey and the brownshirts were and they knew what they were fighting. They knew that most ordinary Germans were just ordinary people. Please don't insult their memory by accusing them of lying.

I think Mr T will resign.. He doesn't show any signs of enjoying the job and once his businesses start to crumble he'll throw in the towel. You can bet on it if you want. Odds are even,
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Mr Nut, like most things its slightly more complex than you describe.

This is a fairly understandable description of the causes of ww2:


It is quite worrying to see the similarities with the situations today and the emergence of the likes of Trump.
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 Get sick of voting numbers being cited.

Those who could vote and chose not to have made themselves perfectly clear...... they don't care, because IF they did they would vote. This really is black and white, not voting is not a protest vote, going and doing a blank form is for example. And I would take that very seriously.

 So when they do not vote, then their lack of participation is no good reason to even imply that the vote has gone against 'their' beliefs or rights.

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Completely agree with you, id.  No point counting people who are too apathetic or too lazy to get their rear end into gear and actually go to the voting booth.

I won't sign that petition because I think Trump should have his state visit.  People, many of whom worship the queen as though she were a god, should be given the chance to see Trump riding in the golden coach next to her, see the red carpet rolled out for him, see the demonstrations on the street.  That might just turn their stomachs.

I also want him to address the House of Commons.  With his appalling views and even worse speech-making abilities, it will soon become apparent to one and all the type of man who is now the most powerful in the world.

Here is an apt, old-fashioned saying:  give him enough rope and he will hang himself!

All we need to do is wait and watch[I]

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