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anyone seen the photos of Trump and May holding hands?


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Not going to make any comments about Trump;   but I did watch the video, and the camera makes it very clear that they are walking down a slope in the path.  They take about five or six steps when both are looking down - and Mr T had extended his hand to guide Ms May - just before the slope began.

Having seen photos of Ms May's footwear I'm not surprised that Mr T offered her a hand - just in case;

Ms May was wearing a fabulous pair of red high heels - and, guys, those heels WERE HIGH.

Any woman walking down a marble or tiled slope, (which might have been waxed by the previous occupant !! - or been slightly damp)  in such beautiful high heels - will know full well what it's like to feel a bit apprehensive.

Can't imagine Ms May was exactly thrilled with the photos though - despite it having been a courteous gesture.


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[quote user="Chancer"]

For goodness sake I have never experienced such blindness caused by dislike.


Their hands are not clasped, she is holding his hand (which is straight and unclasped) and the most likely reason would appear to be that he was unsteady.


I have a protest T-shirt floqué printed with:


 il n'est pire aveugle que celui qui ne veut pas voir


That his hand is rigid straight probably means that he did not want her to hold his hand or be seen to be holding his hand, that would weaken his macho stance and as such it may have been a very shrewd and subtle move on her part yet  you women are criticising her, whether it was a cynical or  compassionate gesture she should not be criticised for polite respectfull public behaviour with another head of state despite what your personal feelings may be about the man.


Actually, Chance, I am not sure why you are going on in this manner!  Did I say anywhere that I dislike Trump?  Go on, look hard, as hard as you like and you won't find a single sentence!

Look at my first post.  Notice the time it was posted..........yes, just after the news broke and there was no video then, just stills.

I don't care what the heck they do between them, I just wished and still do that I hadn't seen the photos.  For me, it would be like holding hands with a convicted serial molester of women!

I think Lindal's and Id's are the only 2 posts that understand what I was trying to say.  Look, it's not a deliberate stance that I have taken up.  It is more like a knee-jerk reaction that I could no more control than I could a sneeze.  It just make me think sort of...............YUCK!

Dislike?  No, I don't think that describes what I feel.  Revulsion at the images, YES!!!!!

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Well Mint, I typed all you women and straight away corrected it as it wasnt correct.


So I did not say that you did not like Trump although your last posting certainly suggests so.


So when you view someone who has offered their hand to someone that they thought needed it, it was taken, the person didnt grasp the takers hand (which could have been misconstrued)  you feel uncontrollable revulsion. and you wonder why I took that stance? [blink]

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If that person is Trump, Rolf Harris or Jimmy Saville yes, any attempt at physical contact is revolting.

There is never 'harmless physical contact' from a sex pest. I can think of several men that I have had to deal with in a work situation that would give me the same reaction. Had they grabbed my hand my involuntary reaction would have been a slap round the chops.
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[quote user="Chancer"]

Well Mint, I typed all you women and straight away corrected it as it wasnt correct.


So I did not say that you did not like Trump although your last posting certainly suggests so.


So when you view someone who has offered their hand to someone that they thought needed it, it was taken, the person didnt grasp the takers hand (which could have been misconstrued)  you feel uncontrollable revulsion. and you wonder why I took that stance? [blink]


You take whatever stance you like that you have staked out for yourself.  I don't think I have to justify to you or to anybody else why I felt utterly repulsed by the photos.  I have said as I felt and I have already told you that I couldn't help that feeling.

As for your wittering on about who was clutching whose hand, I can only tell you that I saw 2  close-ups and no, I am not as blind as you imply. 

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So a gentleman holds his hand out because its a slippery footing, sorry I should have said a  repulsive sex pest, so he holds his hand out and the woman decides to take it, no grabbing involved although I do realise he has talked about grabbing women before and I share your revulsion, nonetheless it is plain to see that he is neither grabbing nor holding her hand, she is holding his.


And to answer Jonzjob, nobody should care, whether he was assisting her or she was assisting him or even if they were both cuddling up to each other, there are far more important issues to be concerned about.

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[quote user="mint"]

I don't care what the heck they do between them, I just wished and still do that I hadn't seen the photos.  For me, it would be like holding hands with a convicted serial molester of women!

I think Lindal's and Id's are the only 2 posts that understand what I was trying to say.  Look, it's not a deliberate stance that I have taken up.  It is more like a knee-jerk reaction that I could no more control than I could a sneeze.  It just make me think sort of...............YUCK!

Dislike?  No, I don't think that describes what I feel.  Revulsion at the images, YES!!!!!


I have already said I don't care, Jonzjob, but I wasn't aware that you have to care passionately about something before posting describing an emotional reaction on an open forum?

Where is it in the rules and regulations that say that?

PLUS, no need to reply if you don't care and have no feelings about it.

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TM took hold of Trumps offered hand/arm. She could have rested her hand on his or his arm but she chose to hold under his hand which is awkward and under his hand shows a sub conscious submissiveness. It is queezy making because she is gagging for it! Her purchase of expensive leather trousers, her forth coming photo shoot for Vogue, she wants to be something she is not.
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This is just such a nasty, vicious, offensive comment - shameful.

'You' might have your own interpretation - maybe the 'gagging' says far more about your subconscious.

I saw the same incident;  it happened quickly and Ms May was given little time to react.

I find your comments about leather trousers, and Vogue, to be most odd.

Did you make similar comments about Mr Sarkozy's 'wife' - and her background, and photo-appearances ?

Or how about Clinton's daliances;  or Mitterand ? - all of whom weren't exactly 'nice' were they ?

Talk about your anti-feminist post - 5 stars rating.


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I think he was making a joke, it had me laughing out loud but only because it was so outrageous, I have met Théière and dont think it was a serious comment but could be wrong and if so then agree with you.


If you want to read mysogenist comments about M. Sarkozys wife then you wont be able to better those made by Gluestick which if they were supposed to be humorous then they passed me by.

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Ok Chancer - you're willing to give 'T' the benefit of the doubt - but you know him - and I do not.

If it was 'meant' to be outrageous, and I missed it, then of course I apologise.

But it really, honestly, didn't strike me as that way - maybe a few 'smileys' might have helped.

But at first read - it really wasn't very nice;  and the 'gagging' bit - reading that comment as a woman - really was rather disgusting....and sexist.

Think I'll remove myself from these comments - don't get the humour.


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I'm going to remove myself as well in case I dig a hole, I am half and half, I get the humour but only so far and it dépends on what is behind it, I also feel the disgust from some comments be they from Trump or someone speaking of Carla Bruni. Context is everything.


I have also seen a picture now that shows the hands somewhat differently although by no stretch of the imagination can it be construed as grabbing but in that frame both hands are holding.


Without seeing the whole video one or more still photos can provoke reactions ranging from total disgust to thinking its chivalry or compassion dependant on the viewpoint and préconceptions of the person, I get that also, some comedians I cannot bear to listen to, I find their swearing disgusts me yet others who I like I can forgive which is wrong.


Would the same photo but with the heads cropped and the identities unknown create such a polémique?

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Chancer; sorry, but just can't help myself - just one last comment.

You are quite right - photos of one second in time - can - and do - give an extremely distorted image of an incident - very distorted.

I actually watched the video, rather than just the 1 or 2 pix - pix which can always be twisted.

It is very, very clear that they are walking down a slope - and looking down at their feet;  there is absolutely no indication (and I'm a woman) that Mr T was being anything other than courteous.

That others chose to see differently depends very much on possibly political outlook (and bias) - rather than any honest - and neutral - view of the footage.

They are both looking down - and Ms May has some fabulous red very high heels on - that's enough for me to understand the situation.

And I hold no brief for Mr T, Ms May, A Merkel, MLePenn, G Wilders, Schauble, Fillon, Tusk, Juncker - dislike them all !!!

And that really is my last word - unless.....!!  (But did like Ms May's leather trousers !!)


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Thank you for that honest and objective observation Chessie, the thread was started with one photo (I think) that I saw very differently to others, when I realised there were more than one and also a video I was unsure about what I had said, having seen another photo maybe taken millisecond before it showed both hands clasped, I havn't seen the video but am glad of your obervation, its not that I would find it distastefull but holds no interest to me, my interest was piqued by others making a completely different conclusion to the assumption that I made.
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[quote user="Chancer"]

I think he was making a joke, it had me laughing out loud but only because it was so outrageous, I have met Théière and dont think it was a serious comment but could be wrong and if so then agree with you.


If you want to read mysogenist comments about M. Sarkozys wife then you wont be able to better those made by Gluestick which if they were supposed to be humorous then they passed me by.


Spot on chancer! [:)] Yes outrageous should have made it obvious, sorry Chessie didn't mean to upset it was just joke. Mind you with the NHS is crisis, Brexit a mess, I think she should wait until these things are sorted before doing Vogue, cheapens the whole thing and I cant take her seriously.

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  • 3 months later...

Dragging back an old topic, I saw a news report tonight of Mr Trump descending an airbridge before the media, he is definitely unsteady and uncertain of his-self when descending a slope, he gripped the hand rail the whole way down sliding his hand down it not just gripping it each step, he watched his feet the whole way down with a grimace of concentration on his face when politicians are expected to be smiling and waving at the crowd/cameras.


I am conscious of these things as I have the same handicap since losing my binocular vision, Gordon Brown with one eye had the same problem and he tried hard to hide it and succeeded but for me knowing what to look for.


So for those of you who allowed your dislike to colour your vision and be disgusted with the image you were wrong, Chessie was bang on.


[quote user="chessie"]Chancer; sorry, but just can't help myself - just one last comment.
You are quite right - photos of one second in time - can - and do - give an extremely distorted image of an incident - very distorted.
I actually watched the video, rather than just the 1 or 2 pix - pix which can always be twisted.
It is very, very clear that they are walking down a slope - and looking down at their feet;  there is absolutely no indication (and I'm a woman) that Mr T was being anything other than courteous.
That others chose to see differently depends very much on possibly political outlook (and bias) - rather than any honest - and neutral - view of the footage.
They are both looking down -



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Nothing to do with politics.  For me, it was just YUCK!  And I wish the media wouldn't keep showing it on the TV and the papers.

I wouldn't hold that man's hand if you paid me serious money............[:P]

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Exactly what I said:


So for those of you who allowed your dislike to colour your vision and be disgusted with the image you were wrong.


What is so wrong about a woman holding the hand of a man to steady him when he is unsure of his footing?

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