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Will the ban on fox hunting save Brexit ?


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I am so glad that I went to a secondary modern school. I would have sunk without trace if I had gone to a grammar school. And when Friends Reunited existed, I was very glad to see how well most of my class mates had done.

Many going on to get degrees when older. Most, I imagine, like me, late developers and no matter the system, you cannot do anything about that, only have a good system that allows us  'thickies' to go onto further education if we want.

It is not just fox hunting that May has on her agenda......... there is a lot, and no it will not save Brexit.

And a second vote, this is not a marriage where one can go to counselling or have time apart and then try again. There was a vote and that vote stands...... like this coming election's vote will stand for the next few years...... even if I do not like it.

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I mentioned foxhunting because it demonstrates her 'tory' mentality. WTF, you would think she has more important things to worry about than foxhunting.

TM looks like that spitting image puppet of Margret Thatcher when they portrayed as going mad. It is scary that TM has already reached that stage in only six months. That is what power does to you.

Even if you voted brexit, don't vote for this women and give her a mandate.

@ Wooly, you are talking nonsense.

I went to a grammar school. They are not so bad.
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I'm the product of a grammar school but it was a system that doesn't suit the modern world, and labels children at 11 into successes and failures. It also used to mean that those who went to grammar school benefitted even further by haven't the best teachers, resources, facilities, and encouragement and those further down the ladder find it even harder to get on. No other country in the world has a state funded two tier education system at 11, as far as I know.

If the Liberal Democrats were democratically elected on a manifesto that offers a second vote, then of course that policy would stand as people have voted for it democratically? Why wouldn't it? (Yes I know that is an unlikely scenario..but should it happen it would be the democratic wish of the people). Chancer I'm not disagreeing that the most likely outcome of the election is more of Theresa May, just pointing out that other outcomes are possible and they would change the course of brexit. Brexit however is not the only issue on the table. I know many people who voted leave who will be voting Labour and many people who voted remain who will be voting tactically. In the end Theresa May will probably still win, but then again, who would have given Macron a chance a year ago?
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