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Microsoft OneDrive


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My laptop has a system called Microsoft OneDrive installed on it, a system which was there when bought and which I hate but am unable to remove and which I try to avoid using or to be used.

Now I have received email messages ostensibly from Microsoft saying I have breached some ICloud storage limit and that if I don't buy more space then mush of the data apparently on the OneDrive will be lost.

Is this message likely to be genuine?

Apart from saving the data somewhere else on the hard disk, is there anysthing else I can/should do to counter this?

How the heck do I get rid of OneDrive, svp?

Thanks guys.

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Same sort of crap appeared in my Hotmail account which is now Windows live mail which i ddnt sign up for.


People, probably those with Smartphones have a habit of sending empty messages where you have to click on an attachment to read it, not only can I usually not read these attachments without downloading some other unknown nonsense which I refuse to do I can see now that my machine is automatically uploading them to my Microsoft One drive which I neither want nor do I want to store any info about me including messages to me.


I even got one this morning from Booking.com, from a guest checking out, he can only have been 10 paces from me, no messsage, just 3 attachments one of which is the Orange logo, I think he was sending me a text, none of which I could open but all of them uploaded to this feckin one drive, now I will be besieged by booking.com to respond to the message, this kind of crap is driving me mad, someone only has to reply, "OK, thanks, see you then" or whatever and I will be hounded forever to reply to a message that needs no reply, this cloud or whatever it is must be filled with completely useless and unwanted crap.


Does anyone know how to switch it off and empty out all the crap within?

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Well, thanks all you guys for the help; thus far I have managed to remove all files etc that were stored in OneDrive, thus now completely empty apparently, and (more by luck than design!) stop any new data or fotos or whatever being stored there.

It also revealed that I have only used about 1.5 whatsits of my 5 whatsits storage capacity, so where the heck do they get the idea I am over the top.

So, thus far, one up for the Gipper.

When I find some kind person whom I trust we will sit down and get rid of all the crup that Miacrosft have put in there and which I ain't gonna use so that life is simpler and nicer all over again.
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Gotcha, Chancer.

Well, first I saved everything that was in OneDrive to my hard disc.

I have Windows 8.1

The I went to PC settings and selected OneDrive. This brought up OneDrive storage.

There is a slider which turns on or off OneDrive by default. This I set to Off

Then selected Camera Roll. Told it not to upload fotos, then set the slider to off.

Did the same with Sync settings and Metered connections. Not needed.

And that, as they say, was it.

Oh, and by the way, I apparently had nearly 5 gigawhatevers of space left unused to store if I wanted though I wonder if Microspft haven't tried to screw everyone by reducing this in the Cloud.

Hope this helps.
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Linux is a fine OS but it's for the geeks not the technically inept, no offence intended just a statement of fact!

It's not without it's own issues though and being a fringe product (about 1% of OS market share) is infinitely harder to troubleshoot and fix.

It's not helped by the fact that there are an infinite number of versions and iterations out there and although they are all based on the same core (well mostly anyway) that's like saying all cars are the same because they have a steering wheel!

Linux versions are called 'distros' and this site illustrates the point. I confidently predict that your eyes will have glazed over after the first sentence in the first description.

Installation is not an uncomplicated affair either, much more so if you wanted to use it along side Windows (dual boot). You must first download your chosen distro which comes as a compressed .ISO file which you then have to extract and burn to a DVD or create a bootable USB stick with and then make your machine boot from that.

It's also something of a one way street i.e. if you decide it's not for you then it's not easy to get rid of and you could well be facing a hard drive wipe and total re-installation of Windows either from a recovery partition if you're lucky or another .ISO download which again you'll need to extract and burn to use.

Some distros claim to be aimed at those looking to make the switch from Windows but in truth it's only skin deep and still a very steep learning curve.

Seeking an alternative to Windows 10 (which I've sworn to never use) I've personally tried several of them but found them all deeply frustrating or lacking in many ways so am sticking to Windows 7 for as long as practicably possible, maybe by then the Linux community will have got their act together and realised that if they put their minds to it instead of making it like Liquorice Allsorts they came up with a single unified version which represented a real and viable alternative they could slay Microsoft and become the OS of first choice for the majority.

One can but dream!

EDIT: I nearly forgot, due to most current AMD and Intel CPU's being effectively locked to Windows 10 you may well have to perform some trickery to get Linux to install in the first place and may prove impossible if from an external USB DVD or memory stick.

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