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Where can I get ... UPDATE


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I think that a certificat de nationalité is one of those things that the French have and assume other countries do too..


You must be dealing with one of those silly administrations that  have no idea of life elsewhere..

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If you are British then surely your passport will be accepted as proof of nationality. As I understand it, a certificat de nationalité a French person would use if he doesn't have a French passport.

You don't say what this is all about but if it's a certificate of fiscal residence that you need, or if it will do the trick, you can download this from your espace particulier on the impôts website. It must be easy to do because I did it. A few clicks and voilà, a certificate appears.
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I was very disappointed when I read "where can I get"...(followed by).......'.a certificat de residence' and a 'certificat de nationalite?'

I was hopping for something more juicy. Like, a Russian wife !! "Where can I get a Russian wife". That would be an interesting thread.

Unless !!!! the 'certificat de residence' and a 'certificat de nationalite'? is actually for your new Russian wife.

So, what is the score ?
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You're being very tight lipped about this Wooly, maybe ALBF is on the right scent§

Another easy idea that may or not fit the circumstances: you can get a "justificatif de domicile" (try typing justificatif after a pastis or two, and I'm not even going to attempt to say it) from the edf website, if you're with edf. Presumably other suppliers too. French fonctionnaires accept them.
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