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Do you go to Church ?


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wooly said:Catholic schools provide better standards and security, apparently.

Or not...........! Youngest was in four different catho schools before his nervous breakdown! As ever, fit to the expected pattern, conform and all is well.......deviants.... quite another matter!!!!

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[quote user="BritinBretagne"]The church in my commune is beautiful, in good condition and the grounds are always well kept. It has one service every two weeks which a handful of people attend. The condition of the church and the size of the congregation have no correlation. ALBF does not know many areas of France. well so can only use his limited experiences to form his judgements. Its a shame he has to override other poster’s knowledge. It’s interesting that he likes architecture, he would love the Dordogne.[/quote]

I don't know many areas of France ?

We have houses and flats everywhere. LOL.

Been to the Dordogne. It was loooverly.

Talking of which, this will cheer you. If you can be cheered up.


And you think I am bad. Murder in the Dordogne. And you wonder why we I don't want to go back. Heard it is the same in the Brit expat places in Brittany.
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I am not a Catholic, but 20 years ago I used to accompany my non-French-speaking Catholic stepmother to Mass at my local Vendee church, so I could point out which page of her English missal we were on (she would have much preferred that Mass remain in Latin!).

Most of the congregation were elderly women; though a clutch of men would sneak in from the local bar as the bong of the last bell was fading. That generation will now have died off, so I imagine the attendance today is very low

And I once dragged the family to the midnight service there on Christmas Eve; terribly, dirge-y hymns.

When I was a student, in Grenoble, I used sometimes to attend the "culte" at the Protestant "temple" down the road - really because I found that singing hymns was a good way to speed up your French; you couldn't hang around trying to better pronounce a word when the music rushed you onwards.

The Protestants had better tunes, too!

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"It’s interesting that he likes architecture, he would love the Dordogne."

Yes, I see that I answered in a too narrow manner to mean do I go to Church for reasons of worship (which is also how I think ALBF has posed his question)

Must admit now that I am passionate about going into churches.  In fact, I can hardly bear to pass a church, a cathedral, a chapel without trying the door to see if it's open.  As BinB has pointed out, in the quote above, I am very fortunate to live in an area of beautiful, romanesque churches.

My favourite church architectural style, however, is to be found in Normandy and that was the reason that we looked extensively in Normandy for a house before deciding that the winters would be too cold for someone like me with a longstanding lung condition.

If I were in Bayeux again and I were short of time, I'd definitely miss out the tapestry in favour of visiting the cathedral.  A magnificent building inside and outside.  The flying buttresses making you wonder at how they managed to make such functional as well as beautiful structures.

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But of course, ALBF is right and everyone else is wrong. It takes a big man to admit he's wrong. Not expecting that to happen here. You're not the love child of Orange Donald by any chance, ALBF?
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You been googling again Betty.

I don't think it is as clear cut as your articles think. Churches tend to be quite packed in towns and cities but not so much in rural locations. But is that not the same generally ??

Do you know what is really big, online Christian shops selling...well Christian merchandise. A lot of which is handmade in Monasteries.

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If I remember right, François Fillon, one of the candidates in the last pres. election, was supported by church-going catholics. He had to drop out in the end because of some financial queries.

If he had been elected, could there have been a religious revival in France?

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