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[quote user="richard51"]I find it rather bizarre that a rather misinformed and random introduction of electron microscopes, water molecules and snowflakes appears on a thread about homeopathy.[/quote]

Bizarre? Why ? It seems to me to be the normal in any kind of conversation flow. The ebbs and flows of it make it more interesting in lots of ways. For instance, I had never heard of micron-thingies before this [blink]

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For what it's worth, I am happy to have got the range of opinions expressed and also have no problem with posts going "off topic".  Much of the technical stuff passed me by but others were obviously interested in the details.

Until about 4 days ago, I had never had the slightest interest in homeopathy and it would not have occurred to me to see a homeopath.  I was searching for one of those mysterious "magnétiseurs" and "coupeurs de feu" that French friends were urging me to find.  Then it chanced that a friend of a friend of a friend knew someone who had radiotherapy and was "bien satisfaite" by the homeopath.

My friend also gave me the remedy together with dosage that the radiotherapy lady had taken.  In order to lose no time, I went off to the pharmacie, had a word with them and started taking the granules of apis méllifica.  Strictly speaking, I should not have done that because, apparently, one should always consult a qualified homeopath before taking anything.  So, don't try this at home, guys!


I admit to having been fearful, stressed, anxious, insomniac for months but after the first day of 2 doses, I felt calm and started sleeping well.  Coincidence?  Hmmmm..........I think not because I have been worried and more than a little frightened for weeks.

So then, I rang the homeopath for a rdv which I shall have next week.  If anyone is interested, I shall let you know how I get on.

In the meantime, I'd still like some anecdotal evidence from those who have used these remedies or services to tell me their experience.  It would be good to know both the positive and the negative stories connected with this topic.

As for "water memory" mentioned earlier, I understand that there is also "muscle memory".  Now, having been a bit of a gym bunny for years, I wish the muscle memory thing were true.  I can tell you that, as sure as eggs is eggs, I have nothing like the body of my younger, pre-illness self[:(]

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As a slight drift the "radiation bystander effect" can possibly be likened to the so called "magic water effect" in homeopathy. Cells not irradiated can exhibit the same characteristics as those that have been irradiated nearby to them.


btw apoptosis is programmed cell death. i.e. cell death due to natural lifecycle of cells.

NB a micron is a unit of length.

Go for it Mint.
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[quote user="richard51"]As a slight drift the "radiation bystander effect" can possibly be likened to the so called "magic water effect" in homeopathy. Cells not irradiated can exhibit the same characteristics as those that have been irradiated nearby to them.


btw apoptosis is programmed cell death. i.e. cell death due to natural lifecycle of cells.

NB a micron is a unit of length.

Go for it Mint.[/quote]

That was fascinating, especially the adaptive response which is a issue to people using low pressure UV light in their swimming pools as apposed to medium pressure UV light.  It does seem to show the memory effect and cell communication theories. If indeed there are cell walls.

Now this is a thread jump [:)] 

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]My chiropractor years ago recommended glucosamine sulphate for my dog's arthritis. Now, the dog probably didn't fall for the placebo effect, but the glucosamine certainly helped him.[/quote]

Nobody falls for the placebo effect, they believe that they have had the medication. You could also argue that the dog’s recovery was coincidence. Homeopathy relies on being positive people who look for problems will probably not benefit as much as those who do.
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From what I understand of latest research they are now looking at treatments that can be modified dependent on the genetic make up of the patient and the cancer. Past treatments have used the principal that if it works in 60% of cases then it's worth trying, but up until now no one has really understood why it doesn't work for the other 40%. Now scientists are beginning to unravel the complexities of genetics some treatments seem to be able to be targeted specifically to the individual. I'm sure in 20 years time we'll look back in amazement at how diseases were treated the same way for all people.
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Mint - It will be very interesting to hear how your homeopathy visit went. Having a hiatus hernia with acid reflux I have, for a number of years, taken a daily dose of Apple Cider Vinegar. You may say ACV for acid reflux is wrong but I take daily med which counters the acid reflux and make things too alkiline. One needs a balance of acid. I've just been reading about the benefits of powdered slippery elm bark for general health issues and am about to see how that works. By the way Mint how are your Vitamin D levels?. If low this can make insomnia and anxiety, which you understandably suffer, worse. Bon courage Mint and positive thoughts too...
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Absolutely lindal1000, Mrs T was fortunate to have benefited from such new developments.

A company in silicon valley are DNA mapping tumours and building an extensive database. Her tumours were sent to them for analysis and the result was they gave a low score so Chemo was of no value.  That test costs £4000 but saved the NHS many times more and didn't give Mrs T the side effects that Chemo would have meant. Without it anyone without the test would automatically be given Chemo.

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Théière wrote

Is glucosamine sulphate a homeopathic remedy?

It depends on what you mean by homeopathic.

If you mean dissolved and then diluted to the point of zero concentration, then certainly no. Well not if 1000 to 2000mg per tablet is supposed to be dilution to zero.

If you mean produced from natural sources, then probably yes - sources include fermented corn, crustacean shells. But it is of necessity highly processed.
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  • 2 weeks later...
No properly constructed double-blind, randomised, controlled study has ever demonstrated homeopathic remedies to have any effect in excess of the placebo effect.

It is simply faith-healing, snake oil or whatever other phrase that fits - one thing it is not is therapy.

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