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My exhaustion is due to other than any posts on here.

Incidentally, my son was hit by a cyclist when he was walking home, he was on the pavement and the cyclist veered towards him and hit him. That was months ago, one broken phone and a shoulder injury that is taking it's time to get better. Cyclist just buzzed off!!!!!

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Are cyclists insured?

I see from certain of the British press that they are railing against some EU directive about the registration of mobility scooters.

Any news on that front, Norman?

I think it's a sensible idea but I am not involved personally in any way.

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News to me! Will have to look it up.

I do have it insured as for a car, with third-party cover in case I squash a flaccid banana in the street...

It has always been the case that anything that goes on the voie publique should be covered, so I don't know if this is changed by any 'new' law.

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It could well be as you say, Norman, no changes.

You know what the pro-Brexit press is like!  NOW the EU wants us to do this, that and the other.  I have never seen so much smelly brown stuff stirred up.

Someone, somewhere has an agenda.  Sorry if I have unnecessarily worried you!  As for bananas......aren't you meant to step on them, slip on them, squash them underfoot, whatever?

Me I just put them in my smoothie, having reduced them to pulp.

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