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Leaving school at 14 or without qualifications


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Fine but now nearly impossible.

However for those who did or will is it the end of the world. IMHO the answer is no. They have nothing to loose and everything to gain. They may need a helping hand from somewhere.

Look at the idiot who made lots from Sinclair computers and then went on to be a TV star.

Starting a market stall is the start of an empire. There are lots of examples. Russian oil made billions.

Most, however, are trodden upon and end up UKIPers or Trumpites who somehow "hope it will be them".

However, what prompted this was NickPs comment that he has done well and after his wonderful life will pass on his wealth to his loved ones.

A word of warning. My OH is an accountant and she (perhaps he) has had lots (and that is lots) of very wealthy clients who have specifically asked not to pass on their business to their offspring as they know damn well that it would be frittered away.

Whilst we are of modest wealth (had the sense to both retire early) and will not pass on a "fortune" to our 3 children we hope (and believe) that we have instilled a need for prudence in spending etc and also humanitarian values in our offspring. So far so good for us.

Becoming part of the "establishment" in the US or UK is highly unlikely of most leaving school at 14 or without qualifications. I believe that if they lead a decent life then they too should be rewarded as well as the super-rich. Indeed the super-rich should not exist as its probably made on the back of other deceit people.

NB I suspect nobody on this forum is super-rich no matter how long they have lived in London or how much they think they are.
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Virgin, by which I mean Richard Branson, employs 71000 people worldwide directly ( cant find numbers for indirect employment), a poster boy for not having many qualifications. His vision created those jobs, his employees are rewarded. He took the risks too, so surely he should be rewarded.

He was lucky, perhaps, used his intelligence and worked b loody hard, strong character. Many can do this, many cant, life is like that.

But I see no harm in those people being rich, it all depends how the use their wealth. Their kids may be less able to cope if not appropriately educated.

Interesting, the heirs to big estates are often very dedicated to their property, improving it, passing it on. Where is the harm?

There are however many factors which stop people getting on, we all know them.
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My husband left school at 14, and via various enterprises did quite well.
He worked very hard, long hours, and had me to be the bread and butter earner.
Another factor - it was easier to switch jobs in those days than it is now.

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You've misquoted me, Richard I said I did OK, not well. Which means, unless there is a catastrophe, I will never be a strain on the state or the "yoof" of today. I never had a business, just worked very hard at a manual job. I will have very little to pass on to my children, indeed, I'm very glad to say that they are better off than me and my wife. They won't need my cash, so apart from a few donations to my wonderful Grandchildren, their parents will get very little as we have become "Skiers". You are right of course, I think it's very unlikely to be able to leave school today without paperwork of some description no matter how bizarre the degree. Still, that's progress and as is usual each generation changes things as they grow up.
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Your examples are not too good.

The virgin went to a very expensive school (nice one too) and had money given to him - so hey no problem. Doesn't money beget money?

Pat - you seem to be the stable money stream for him. Fair enough but you imply he didn't do it all by himself.

Probably same for most people who have lots and lots of money.

I do not however believe in the g*d of money. Not totally beyond redemption in the UK but rather difficult in the USA.

Anyway - I dont want to give my views, which are probably well known, but please justify others.views.

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I left school at 16 with no qualifications.

I've done OK, not brilliantly but OK.

I passed my 11+ and went to one of these so-called wonderful schools where I was humiliated on an almost daily basis because my parents could not afford my uniform.
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Why are you asking this question, Richard? Personal reasons?
As for my part in our partnership, most people going into business on their own have high points and low points. Wins and losses. Which we had, in spades.
If you have a family, in order to survive another source of income is a big help.
That's all I'm saying, not boasting.
Luckily I loved my job.

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I'm a product of one of Wooly's direct grant schools. I had a free place paid for by the LEA..My parents didn't push me to get there (although they were happy I did) it was my incredible headmaster at primary school.

It hasn't made me rich and I don't live in London.
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The fundamental difference between now and when I was in school education is that the western world has exported the vast majority of it unskilled manual jobs or has replaced them with mechanisation - but t'was ever thus.

Leaving school without qualifications and having a "successful" life (whatever that actually means) becomes more and more difficult and those that achieve it probably more than ever have to have rather special skills.

Skills perhaps in the arts (all forms) or an ability to work miracles with 1s and 0s in a digital world - but then you might accuse them of living off their fellow men by developing games that rob others of their time. A third area would be criminality but that might suggest that this is a preserve of the "uneducated" which is far from the truth.

I consider myself very lucky as the product of a much "kinder" world - educated in one of the dreaded grammar schools (despite coming from a poorer background), recipient of a 100% student grant and able to step directly into an interesting and lucrative job. The world is largely not like that any more - despite all the talk of improving social mobility.
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Richard wrote:

"NickP Good for you. You are the sort of person I admire.

Just don't understand why you are such an a**hole when it comes to right-wing politics.

Afraid fundamental problems do not change"

Thanks for the backhanded compliment, I'll try not to be such an AHole in the future but rest on my laurels. Right wing eh? that will amuse my wife and family. LOL

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