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The Kavanaugh hearings


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I do believe that Trump is now back-peddling and distancing himself, saying that he would leave it all to the Senate leadership.  Even went so far as to say Ford was a "very fine woman".

I think the Republicans are simply too scared of pushing through this nomination.....half the country will be out protesting on the streets.  Maybe, just maybe, people power will prevail.

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[quote user="mint"]
I do believe that Trump is now back-peddling and distancing himself, saying that he would leave it all to the Senate leadership.  Even went so far as to say Ford was a "very fine woman". ...................................[/quote]

I think he said something more like "She was very credible ...........  I think she is a really incredible woman"[:D]

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I think the first thing to remember is this was not a trial, it is basically a very elaborate interview for a very senior position which is for life and it's held in public.

I watched both of them and to be honest I can't tell who is telling the truth, clearly one is and one isn't.

Because it is not a trial a polygraph test could be used which may find who is telling lies and who isn't.

Another issue I have with this is why has there not been an FBI investigation? A serious allegation has been made and the statute of limitations does not apply to this type of crime in the US. If I were Kavanaugh I would prefer, if I am innocent, to have one as it would clear me and leave absolutely no doubt. The problem is that just like his selection it is all political when really it should be about who is the best person for the job and politics should play no part.

Two points from somebody else's post I would like to mention "Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs" mainly abuse people from their own ethnic background. Indeed the figure is put at 84%. Because however they are British subjects and it is right to say British it does however lead those that are racist (not that I am calling anyone here racist) thinking it is only white British girls (and women). A common trick used by right wing tabloid newspapers in the UK and elsewhere.

Also life is not black and white. It seems however that some think it is in that if in the US your not a Republican then you must be a "leftie" socialist bordering on communist and a danger to the countries security and welfare. Personally, like many suspect, I am neither one or the other and certainly don't like being "pidgin holed" as such.

Internationally however this affair is yet another blow to the US and to Trump. We all know what the world really thinks of Trump from his reception recently at the UN when he gave his speech. He has actually, apart from a trade war with China and the EU, achieved nothing and has not fulfilled any of his election promises so far. But then anyone who thinks Fox News is the only truthful and honest TV news station on the planet needs some serious psychiatric help.
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[quote user="Théière"]Ford took a polygraph test and passed as telling the truth.


Yes, that was repeated a couple of times during the hearings.

Also, Kavanaugh might be hoisted by his own calendar!  It has been found that there is an entry for 1 July of the year in question when he has an entry about going to "ski" (apparently it means drinking a brand of beer) and naming 3 boys who were also cited by Ford!

Curiouser and curioser...........

CT is right about the FBI investigation only lasting a week, should take however long is necessary.

I keep my personal hunch that K will not be appointed:  Trump has already thrown him to the wolves and will simply appoint some other Republican.

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C/T wrote,

Two points from somebody else's post I would like to mention "Pakistani Muslim grooming gangs" mainly abuse people from their own ethnic background. Indeed the figure is put at 84%. Because however they are British subjects and it is right to say British it does however lead those that are racist (not that I am calling anyone here racist) thinking it is only white British girls (and women). A common trick used by right wing tabloid newspapers in the UK and elsewhere.

So I assume from your comments and lack of condemnation of these Muslim Pakistani child rape gangs, that you think its OK because its 'their culture'.

I could not care less what their 'culture' allows in their home country, but if they live in the UK, then it is NOT OK here.

I appreciate you are only speaking up for your own people, but it really is not acceptable for grooming gangs which include fathers, sons and uncles sharing the same children around for sex to get away unpunished.

I am always amazed by the silence of the '#me too' movement on this matter. because someone says something they object too, they turn out in large numbers to protest, but actual raping of children by mainly Pakistani Muslim men, somehow, they look the other way.

As W/B says, people are afraid to be called racist if they speak out about it, well call away. But the worst of this whole scenario must surely be the cover up by the government, aided by the police.

They knew for years this was going on, and did nothing. ( think BBC and Savile here) Now when the trials are going on of these gangs, they put a gagging orders on the press, so the full story of what happened to these girls does not come out.

I suspect Cliff Richard, Bill Roach, Jim Davidson, Freddie Starr and many others who were falsely accused of sex crimes wish they could have enjoyed the same protection.

Then when the Pakistani Muslim rape gangs are found guilty, as they always are, the story runs for one day, and then its gone.

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OFCOURSE I whole heartedly agree with condemnation of grooming groups, but it is not just something asians do..... it happens everywhere.

I don't think that jail is a sufficient punishment, but there you go, I won't get my way with that.......... and  I condemn and would have in jail are those in authority who ignored these girls, they are as guilty, as in my opinion facilitated the continuation of this abuse. They are a disgrace.

Remember Cyril Smith, Jimmy Savile and the list goes on and on, perverts do not have a nationality and that is a very sad truth.

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Your reply is a perfect example again, they are NOT Asian gangs, they are PAKISTANI, no Chinese or other groups from Asia are involved to the scale that PAKISTANI men are represented. Even Savid Javid, the home secretary stated this fact.

I agree that jail is insufficient, but as you say, there you go. The thing is you may condemn those in authority privately, then say so loudly, do not leave it to others to speak out.

And yes indeed, perverts have ever nationality, and regardless of this and their religion, they should be exposed for their crimes, its just when for some reason they are PAKISTANI, the UK government wants to look away. They know it is their open Britain policy which has caused this. Thankfully things are changing, and the mood in Europe for staying quite is coming to an end.
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Last time I looked Pakistan was part of Asia along with 49 other countries.

You said British girls clearly with the intent of letting people think they are white British girls when in fact their ethnic background is overall Asian and probably from the same sub group as the perpetrators. However you are correct in that on the whole they are British citizens.

I know where you are coming from with your comments and it does not wash, it is overtly racist. You never had to mention the ethnic group at all, you could have simply said grooming gangs and their victims but you had to make a point of mentioning their ethnic backgrounds.

Oh and by the way Brexit, to which you allude will make no difference at all because they never came from an EU country in the first place.

It's not that I do not consider any form of sexual abuse repugnant, nor do I believe enough is being done to stop it or that the penalties are far lower than many decent human beings would want it's that you are making it into a racist argument that I find despicable.
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We seem to have gone some distance from the original subject of the thread, so I wanna drag it back if I may.

Trump (I can no longer call him President as he has demeaned that great office so much and so often) has now resorted to mocking Professor Ford at his public meetings. Is this really his view of women or sexual assault?

And, how did he get his money, new revelations are distinctly murky. Wil it be the Al Capone route that gets him?

It is surely time for all good Americans to stand up and be counted and vote in November, and for good Republicans too to sling him out of the White House, bodily if necessary, along with his sad brood and hangers on.
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I saw part of his speech at a rally on the TV news. What was sad were the women standing behind him with placards saying "Women for Trump". It made me laugh a bit till I realised they were not his sex buddies but they actually supported him. How can any woman (or man come to that) support this man.

Giving the direction the FBI investigation is now going with new allegations and some not so new plus witnesses to his behaviour I think Trump has no option but to pause Kavanaugh's election till the investigation has been concluded. If he persists in driving him through to be appointed and the investigation found there was enough evidence to charge him then it would make Trump look even more stupid than he does now (if that's possible).

Given that world esteem for the US since Trump became president has dropped to an all time low according to recent polls I can't see Trump making it to the end of his term and certainly not re-electable.
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Well, I think it is quite telling that he turned up to the

UN and completely forgot that he wasn't at one of his own rallies when he began his "I am the greatest " speech. The resulting guffaws from the audience were a fair indication as to what the rest of the world thinks of him.
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Drayton Boy wrote : Trump or the Republican party should act and withdraw Kavanaugh as a candidate for the Supreme Court. He is now tainted and regardless of his innocence or guilt should not be considered for such an important position.

Totally agree .. but as WB says it is unlikely that this will come about due to time constraints.

Thinking about Kavanaugh in his proposed role fills me with fear. If he blatantly lies now .. as he appears to have done to secure this important role (ref what I have read recently) .. then his judgements might well be suspect .. but he will be untouchable.
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Sue, "untouchable" is the operative word now that Trump has his poodle (oops, sorry, I mean man) in place. Both Trump and Kavanaugh now untouchable.  No impeachment for Trump and tenure of Supreme Court judge for Kavanaugh.

Americans may just have to learn to live with what they have........The November elections should be interesting.

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I reckon I shall be up all night during the November elections.

And I have no idea how it will all work out.

I keep thinking of the times of McCarthy, as with all countries, there are times like this, when there are shameful things that happen. There are comparisons, let's face it, Trump's lawyer and mentor worked with McCarthy, and Kavanagh, was on Starr's impeachment stuff with Clinton.

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