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Did Corbyn really say "Stupid woman"?


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I re-watched the video and I do believe that he said stupid people.  I am NOT a Corbyn fan, not by a long chalk. 

I agree with nomoss, I think he has been very self-contained when all she and her government does is bad-mouth him all the time.  I seldom see an interview with May or any of her top henchmen (sorry, no such word as henchperson) when they haven't threatened the public with "would you rather have Corbyn in No 10"?  Absolutely pathetic![6]

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[quote user="NormanH"]I have no idea what he did say but what is wrong with calling a woman a woman?


Obviously, Norman, you are not familiar with Parliamentary procedure.

He should have said "stupid" (or choose an appropriate adjective) "right honorable member"

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[quote user="You can call me Betty or Queenie if you prefer"]Oddly, I saw it without sound and saw "woman", but mint, I was referring to nomoss' comment, not Corbyn's.[/quote]

I just watched PMQ's again, and I can assure you that if I had been in Corbyn's place, as I said in my OP, my comment would have been worse than what he allegedly said, but would not have contained the words "stupid" or "woman".

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I liked nomoss comment:

'Obviously, Norman, you are not familiar with Parliamentary procedure.

He should have said "stupid" (or choose an appropriate adjective) "right honorable member"'

Amused me that the furore was over the use of WOMAN.

Do we assume that the Right Honourable Member for Maidenhead being stupid is a given?
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[quote user="You can call me Betty or Queenie if you prefer"]Loving that it's all the blokes that REALLY don't get it...or are pretending not to. ?[/quote]

Sorry Betty, but I am one of those not getting it. If the comment had been aimed at, say, Philip Hammond then I would have expected 'stupid man'.

So what is the difference between a man and a woman - and please no biological and physical differences.
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Corbyn is a stupid man and May is a stupid women.

She is also a very horrible women. Just like Corbyn is a truly horrible man.

That sorts that problem out.

The problem with the UK is that electing Corbyn is less palatable than having the UK's worst prime minister in power.

How does that work LOL ?

They are both as embarrassing as each other.
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The stupidity is that he has denied it - i.e. lied. Any person (woman/people) who is hard of hearing and used to lip reading will have seen immediately that he said "woman" rather than "people".

If Labour had just about anyone other than Corbyn as "leader", we wouldn't be discussing Brexit at all now.
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[quote user="nomoss"]
I guess we just have to accept the assertions of the hard of hearing to discover what people don't actually say out loud.

I'm now awaiting the arrival of the Thought Police to uncover possible thoughtcrime.

Exactly right, nomoss, it wasn't as though he shouted it out loud (though I really do not think it was "woman"); he was only muttering it under his breadth and not even the microphones picked it up.

I watched the debate for a while afterwards and another MP made your point, nm.  He said if they were to spend precious time debating every little remark that someone had or had not made, it would mean that nothing of serious importance would get discussed at all.

Yet another diversionary tactic from the government side.......what an absolute shambles all round[6]

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Points 4,5 and 6 in this reference seem to make sense.

Stupid is clear but if I am pre-thinking (or there is a caption saying woman) then it looks like he said woman

However, if I am pre-thinking people then it appears that he is saying people.

Those who say they know categorically he said woman and were in the circus of government benches at the time were not in a position to "know" what he said.

In that situation 90% of people might well be thinking that woman would come after stupid but Corbyn is quite unusual in trying to be "correct" when talking.

NB do note that I said "in that situation".
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Sadly mint you are correct in saying what an absolute shambles, the fact that we are discussing what Corbyn may or may have not said, is obviously being used as a diversionary tactic by the tories, to deflect away from the mess all their infighting is making of Brexit.

At the moment we have in power the worst government that I can remember in my lifetime, and the worst opposition party. I feel if Blair had been leader of the Labour party Brexit and May would have been on their respective knees by now. In defence of Corbyn I think that I would have said something far stronger than stupid, if having listened to May trying to make a pathetic pantomime joke, whilst the country is totally going down the pan.

Perhaps if Corbyn had said 'stupid letterbox' that might have been more acceptable to the tories.

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