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Chagos Islands


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My father was an RAF ground-based radio op during WWII.

Initially in north Malaysia, his airfield was bombed and overrun in the early days of Dec 1941. He was very lucky to get away and make it down to Singapore.

It didn’t get much better down there and he was again very lucky to get detailed to sail away days before Singapore’s fall. Made it to Java - out of the proverbial frying pan! Another ship across the Indian Ocean to Ceylon. After a while ........... sent to the Chagos, or as he knew it ‘DG’ or Diego Garcia.

As I understand it, he then had a really quiet war for two years or so. Tropical island stuff and who knows what ?

The point of this thread is the disgraceful conduct of the British Government over the years regarding these Islands. The populace was (effectively forcibly) removed in the mid 60’s in order to create an American bomber base.

It has been a long-running sore, with the indigenous population wanting to return. The UN has now ruled against the UK, but we (I say “we”, but would rather not be associated in this respect) are saying “No”.

This is a long way from being our finest hour. Other than appeasing the US, what possible need or objection should we have to re-instating the status quo?

My old Dad would turn in his grave.

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