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6 nations! 6 nations! Anybody out there...?


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Well yes Paul, but (for the moment) the bigger problem is the 6N programme.

How can they seriously be entertaining an international match in Rome when most of the Italian crowd will have come from the Veneto?

Maybe its just “Oh bollocks, its going to happen anyway so ......”

No ........ the answer is purely and simply money. Damm the public.

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...... And there was no intent. Bad decision by NZ ref and his team. This spoils what was a very entertaining game between two fairly well matched teams. At least England came away with a win and the Triple Crown.

I now hope Scotland can redeem themselves on Sunday.

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Well Marler's crude attempt to get Alun Wynne to retaliate by blatantly "fondling" him should be a disciplinary matter - if it wasn't on the rugby field he'd be facing criminal charges. I don't understand why Marler should be treated differently - Alun Wynne is too experienced to fall for that sort of provocation that only the English would contrive to do so openly.

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What a fuss about nothing UAG, Gareth Thomas summed it up on the Television he said: If that happened when I was playing I wouldn't have retired so early on and laughed, as did the Welsh player who was the subject of the "fondle" I think UAG is too easily offended and has never played rugby in the scrum.LOL Also UAG I find your description of the English as unnecessary, are you from another forum where that attitude is normal?
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No fuss Nick, please don't bite - what used to be part of the dark arts is now not allowed; I don't make the rules that snowflakes keep invoking. By the way, in case you've missed it, Gareth Thomas has admitted speaking out of turn and has apologised; Alun Wynne has not laughed it off and is leaving it to take its rightful course.

Not from another forum, just amused by this one; being Welsh I am unreservedly biased!

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Just to pursue this one a little further - Mrs UaG played for a ladies team against the men of our club, about 45 years ago, before ladies rugby was in vogue. Needless to say some of the men were more than "handy" at close quarters so one of the main "offenders" was tied to one of the posts, stripped and had to have his come uppance! It was a very entertaining afternoon.

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Oh dear, the French really, really ought to learn some discipline.  As for that donkey of a French prop who threw a punch in full view of the ref, words fail me!

I mean, you'd think he'd have the sense to do it surreptitiously, wouldn't you?[6]

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