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Thought on this virus


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I have always had a feeling that Personkind was not going to inherit the Earth, rather reinforced by recent and ongoing events. Then came into mind the biblical line that ‘The Meek shall inherit the Earth‘. In our arrogance we have always assumed that this relates to some quiet unassuming people who sit in their corners, labouring quietly away for slave wages, making shoes for Sir Philip Green. But, of course, this is wrong; it relates to viruses which fit the bill perfectly. They are quiet, get on with their job, live off their hosts, control them and are almost invulnerable.

So, will they inherit the Earth? Given their ability to mutate and run ahead of Mankind’s ability to counter them and given the vast overpopulation of the world, it does seem likely.

Well done Dog!

( ps, I am an atheist. Mentioning this on Good Friday is purely coincidental!)
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There was a wonderful program on a few years ago called 'Life After People'.

We had all gone. And in spite of the way of our going, the predictions are that nature will take over and rebuild this planet. Going as far as there being next to no sign that we were ever here, apart from say the Lascaux Cave paintings still being there.

When this program started I thought it would be depressing, but it felt uplifting that this little blue planet could survive our ravages or nature in it's own ways fighting back and thrive without us.

My son and I have had conversations such as your post for quite some time. We both understand that most people are uncomfortable and unhappy with such discussions. And yet, we both believe that nature will one day have had enough, or we will simply self destruct.

I am fully aware that I am here for but a blink in time.

As I said, I don't find this depressing if the planet will sort itself out eventually. AND I truly find great beauty and balance in that idea.

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I rather think that Mother Earth/nature will be extremely pleased to see the back of us.   We really are a parasitic species and destroy so much that is beautiful.

Anyone remember Carl Sagan?   The American astro/physicist in charge of the Golden Record; he also suggested to NASA that they should turn one of the Voyager space craft around to take 'a look back at Earth, and the planets' as it left the solar system.   Staggering series of photos .

Carl Sagan also, in one of his lectures about the Voyagers, and highlighting our little blue planet surrounded by the vastness of space - said (I've probably got the quote a bit wrong but bear with me...) - that after millions of years maybe the only evidence of mankind might be the Voyagers, that mankind would no longer exist - but the earth would continue without us.

I always took 'the meek' to mean the animals..... !!

We've had floods, plagues of locusts, the volcanoes are kicking off, and now a virus.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse anyone !!!

As for the Hares and Chickens - like many other pre-Christian Celtic symbols been 'nabbed' by the Church.   Didn't the ancient Egyptians worship cats?   And the Minoans the Bull ?   Don't the Indians regard the cow as sacred ?

Weird old world isn't it ?

Keep coping everyone - we'll survive.

Chessie XX

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Perhaps, in the absence of wars that involve a large number of the population of the Earth and the resultant deaths reducing the population then to reduce the ever expanding population then viruses are a necessity.

We also live in a too sterile world such that we do not build up resistances and are therefore prone to being affected by viruses etc.
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"We've had floods, plagues of locusts, the volcanoes are kicking off, and now a virus.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse anyone !!!"

Chessie, it wouldn't surprise me at all.  There's much in what you said in your post .. if nothing else, this virus should make everybody think about the future in its various forms, but will they, I expect not.

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Hi Judith -

Thanks.  Of course 'they' won't - because they're all blasted men in power !!

Give me a world of women - PD James wrote a book on that didn't she ? !!

Joking apart - I'd read far, far too many sci-fi and environmental books when I was growing up from Arthur C Clark right through to Havelock and many others.

There were a great many warnings for the future of mankind in those books - the environmental damage, the control by 'cults' (from religious to the weirdos); over-population - lot of insight in those books.

When I talk about over-population I get shouted at as wanting 'ethnic cleansing' etc etc.  Of course I don't, but there needs to be huge changes in the way people look at the world and its resources.   Sadly, and here I'll be in trouble, religion - which is about control, and lack of birth control all add to the problems.  Plus the control of women by various religions, the lack of education for young women in many parts of the world, and the brutal treatment of young girls all comes down to men and religion.

And please don't get me started on the barbarity, the cruelty, the stupidity of what happened in China, and round the world, as regards animals.  

Which leads to why I feel the way I do about mankind;  the planet would be happier without us.

Which does NOT mean I 'hate' my fellow man;   I do not.  I support many animal charities, but also humanitarian ones, and sponsorship as well.

But on the whole- well........as another poster pointed out, maybe another virus will indeed kill off the majority because it's the only way the planet, and its animals and plants, can survive for the future.

And on that happy note   

Was going to say this will soon be over, the swallows will be here soon - but apparently vast numbers have died caught up in the storms in the eastern Med - which is tragic.   Keep telling them every autumn they should stay this side of the Med... they don't listen.


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Morning Chessie,

Whilst not the overt encironmentalist many are, just been brought to save and respect the enviroment, I have never forgotten reading Rachel Carson's Silent Spring.  It said it all, and so long ago .. in the 60's. And no-one listened up until now.

And as for women, well, I won't start on that ... long time passion to get women the respect and rights they deserve.

Where are you in 47?  Must say hello next time I come up that way to see the family - when we are all mobile again, of course, they are currently stuck in the UK when they would have been here at this time of year normally.  Sounds like we'd have lots to talk about!

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Shades of HG Wells War of the Worlds except that the aliens did not come from Mars but from Earth.

Perhaps, this was the ideal time for mankind to do nothing and only those that could survive the virus left to carry on. But human nature being what it is there would have been a fight to be king - or based on another thread that has a bit of 'man bashing in it :) - queen.

Changes the story from Man destroying mankind in a nuclear battle to one of a microscopic agent causing the world to go in to lockdown as it battles to find a vaccine to counteract it......when will the next strike or a mutant version of Covid-19 that is immune to the vaccine and the one after that?
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