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[quote user="Lehaut"]William Hill 11/8 for 2021.

As I have never placed a bet in my life, I have no idea it means.[/quote]


you were to place a bet of an event happening, eg. a race being won and the winner was quoted '100 to 1' it means the bookies consider this participant was capable of winning 1 race in a 100.

If a participant in the above race is quoted at '11 to 8' it means the bookies consider that if this participant performed in 100 races they or it would win races at a rate of 8 out of 11.  Or to put it another way, their chances of winning this event are mathematically  1.375 to 1 which is rounded up to whole numbers of '11 to 8'.    

The above principle should be transposed to whatever event you are quoting William Hill's odds for.

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