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Complete France Forum

idun..Has anyone had any news?


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Sorry, guys, just looked in here hence only just read this.

I had heard from her but it must have been a month ago.  OK, just checked; it was 18 October.  At that time she was well and busy doing a few things around the house.  She didn't say why she'd not been on the forum.

I am sure she will be back when she feels "good and ready", as she herself might say! I don't think there is any need to worry about her[:)]

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Yes, I miss her here.  I have spoken with her a couple of times via private emails.  The last was towards the end of October and she was okay.

I did not pass along any forum news except to say that she was missed.  As was said, I'm sure she will return when she is ready.  Hopefully that will be soon.

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Said it before - but isn't it lovely when a poster will reach out and ask about another poster and their absence for a while.
Shows the lovely side of people - and is much needed in these horrible times.
I'm feeling quite cut-off from usual meet-ups with friends;  if I didn't have this forum to occasionally just express my feelings about 'life 'n stuff' I'd be a lot more depressed than I am at the moment.   Which will pass - get Christmas over with, suffer the dark days of January, feel the lighter evenings in February - it'll soon be next year and time to open the pool !!!!
And I'll be one year older. Oh dear.

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