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JAB !!!


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Jab is fine.  Vaccination is too general and imprecise, for example, the polio vaccination is administered in the form of drops or on a sugar tube and swallowed.

I looked up the meaning of "jab" and I saw that one of the uses is an injection, particularly a vaccination.

What interests me more is the etymology of the word "vaccine".  OH tells me that the origin is from the Latin and means cow, with reference to the use of cow pox to prevent smallpox.

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As your OH says Mint, Edward Jenner in late18C first used cowpox, which had minor effects, as a vaccine which proved effective against smallpox hence vaccine from Latin for cow.

Although he discovered a world changing process his methods might well be frowned upon ethically today.

He infected a boy, I believe aged 8, first with the cowpox and then later with smallpox. Doubt if permission was ever asked for or given!!

I have no hangups with injections or even jabs. I usually do my OH's and my own for flue each year. Out local pharmacist actually suggested it.
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Be careful using the French; faire piquer and se faire piquer as there is a significant difference. Most on here can work it out or look them up.

In the context of jabs I once suggested one of the two with reference to my late and much hated m.i.l. which brought a serious Belgian scowl of disapproval, even though I pleaded ignorance!?
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[quote user="Weegie"]As your OH says Mint, Edward Jenner in late18C first used cowpox, which had minor effects, as a vaccine which proved effective against smallpox hence vaccine from Latin for cow.

Although he discovered a world changing process his methods might well be frowned upon ethically today.

He infected a boy, I believe aged 8, first with the cowpox and then later with smallpox. Doubt if permission was ever asked for or given!!

I have no hangups with injections or even jabs. I usually do my OH's and my own for flue each year. Out local pharmacist actually suggested it.[/quote]

I love your flue Weegie.  I'm not sure they mean you to put it up the chimney?

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This is nothing to do with ‘Jab’, but equally irritating for grumpy old me:

In a newspaper at the weekend ....... “He won’t be able to play because his Achilles is saw”.

Then somewhere else, “I tolled him not to do that .....”

There’s no hope is there?

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