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I am coming out


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ALBF who was once the greatest supporter of the EU and the remain campaign.....is now officially a 'Brexiteer'.

GO UK...go girl.

Nobabdy cares of course...but I just wanted to get that off my chest.

The recent behaviour of the EU and Mr Macron was enough for me.

I wonder how many others living in the EU feel the same ?

In France ?
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It is fine ALBF, we all change our minds, it is what human beings do.  I cannot help but wonder who is constantly content with everything.

I have no idea how my french friends feel about the EU, never asked. I know when I was on the phone to a friend the other day she was surprised when I made a derogatory comment about Macron, but she didn't defend him either, just said 'ah bon' in a tone which indicated more than a little dismay and changed the subject.[blink]

ps I have not changed my view of EEA to EU since the early 70's. Because things always seemed to get worse instead of better as far as I was concerned.  AND I could have changed my mind if I thought it was gradually on track to becoming excellent.[:-))]

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Family ALBF are the European dream.

Both born in 1973.

Met at university. OH was on the erasmus scheme.

OH studied in Strabourg. Home of the EU.

Got married. We have lived in the UK and France.

Have three bilingual kids. One is learning Spanish.

We are the 'European dream'.

Something has gone wrong when people like us feel that the EU has lost its meaning.

That is the problem.

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I voted no in the 1975 referendum and I met my husband that xmas, and he had voted no too.

And then in 81 we moved to France and neither of us had any appreciation for the EEC or EU or whatever it likes to be called. Then these things happened, in no particular order, Maastricht, Schengen, all the eastern european countries joining and talk of Turkey too and we were not happy about any of those things mentioned.

We had lived with borders etc, and being able to live in France as long as we could prove income etc, and found it normal as etrangers to have to do these things. We weren't french, would never feel french ( even though a few things rubbed off ) and would never have taken citizenship as if we had it would simply have been a flag of convenience, and just not felt 'right'.

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