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Techie question; Sue, are you there?


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I have a very annoying friend who has sent me a blog of her "incredible" holiday and, so far, this blog has taken up over 30 000 GO, whatever GO is.

There is a message next to it from Orange, asking if I needed more space.  MORE space, so that people can send me more of their boring, ridiculous, self-inflating blogs?  And you thought being made to look at other people's holiday photos the pits in the old days?

So, Sue, or anyone else, please, please, please, TELL me how to erase these stupid blogs or whatever they are called?  I can't see immediately how it might be done.

As an aside, Sue, did you read my post of this morning on the thread about making RVs through sante.fr?  I thought of you because of the mention of the Variole in Vannes I had to look up Variole but it did look nicely alliterative next to Vannes?

The person posting said how the mayor got everybody vaccinated against it in 2 days.  Which was EXACTLY what I said weeks ago.  That, in our little village, our mayor could organise for us all to be done in an orderly fashion inside of a day or two.  And I reckon there will be fewer refuseniks because he and all the councillors would be able to persuade and speak encouraging to them and the mayor himself certainly commands respect and liking.

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Alliterative it might be, but how awful to have variole doing the rounds, now I have to look up who is suffering. Just looked it up, and as I hadn't seen Sue's post was relieved to see that it was in the mid 1950's.

That's all we need now, an outbreak of something else.[blink]

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Funnily enough, smallpox has been very much on my mind today. I volunteered to take part in an annual "Transcription Tuesday", when you undertake take to spend a day transcribing old records so they can be put online for genealogists and other researchers.

I opted to do documents from the Foundling Hospital, for the Coram Foundation, and have been typing up entries from the 1740s. I was amazed to see how many of the children were being inoculated against smallpox at that time. I actually googled to see when Jenner had come up with the vaccination, and it was not till the 1790s. But seemingly "variolation" was being practised from the 1720s.

On ne mourira pas bête, as my French-Canadian sister-in-law would say...

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mint wrote the following post at 02 Feb 2021 20:14:

I have a very annoying friend who has sent me a blog of her "incredible" holiday and, so far, this blog has taken up over 30 000 GO, whatever GO is.

There is a message next to it from Orange, asking if I needed more space. MORE space, so that people can send me more of their boring, ridiculous, self-inflating blogs?

Good grief .. that's the kind of friend you don't really need.

Did she send it via email .. as an attachment ? Pièce-jointe ?
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Sue, thank goodness you are there[:)]

Haven't actually looked at the email but, yes, inside the email, there is a link ending tumbl.com or something like that.  Opened the first page and read the first few lines so I can report back.  Photo of her and husband, holding what I presume was the grandchild they'd gone to see.  First sentence was about arriving, what they ate on the plane, where they went for the hire car.  Plus a board showing the in-flights in the airport , including theirs, I suppose but hell's bells, I didn't read further.

So now Sue, help me to get rid of all this guff?  Imagine having that inflicted on you.  En plus, I don't know how many of these I have to endure.

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Can you not just look at the list in your Inbox, mint; highlight several emails that you want to delete (without opening them), and click Delete/Supprimer? And then go to whatever option is the equivalent of Empty Trash?

It can't be that simple, otherwise you would have thought of it already! I am agog to see what Sue comes up with.
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GO is French for Gigabyte so 30go is HUGE!

There are a number of possible solutions though.

1. delete the mails then either ask your 'friend' to refrain from sending them.

2. bin them on receipt.

3. set up a filter to bin them automatically.

4. use the nuclear option and block their email address altogether.
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AnOther wrote the following post at 03 Feb 2021 4:16:

GO is French for Gigabyte so 30go is HUGE!

Hi mint .. AnO is right when he says 30Go is huge.

As our Orange email page says the total overall limit for emails is 10Go I think maybe your friend's blog might be 3Go .. but written down in the odd way that Orange do using Ko (which is a fraction of a Go) to make it seem a huge number.

IIRC then 1 Go = 1000 Mo = 1'000'000 Ko

Looking at the list of emails in your Inbox just put a tick in the box by the one you want to get rid of then click on the email (don't open the attachment) and boxes will appear at the top of the list - choose supprimer and the mail will go into the corbeille.

From there it will either disappear on its own in 7 days or you can repeat the ticking process and definitively delete it from the corbeille forever.

Good luck

Edit : Perhaps you could tactfully explain to your enthusiastic friend that her emails are a bit big !
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Thank you, so much, AnOther and Sue.  I have been deleting, got out all her emails and deleted them to 2018.  They do seem to still be around but perhaps, as Sue has said, after repeated deletes, they might eventually go away.[:-))]

Sue is also right about the 3 GOs as indeed I think that's what it is.  Incidentally, on going through the suprimer, suprimer process, I even had an email from one of her children titled X and Y's hospital adventures.  Sigh.....I like a bit of a catch-up but perhaps not in such detail!

When I say "friend", I perhaps meant someone I knew reasonably well over a number of years and they lived in our village. We were not in daily, weekly or even monthly contact but we have helped them in the past, loan of equipment etc and they also have reciprocally helped us.  It was a working relationship but, apart from that, we were not anything like "in each other's pockets".  She is a kindly person, if a bit bossy and fancies she could WRITE[:-))]  She can be a bit touchy so I wouldn't want to offend her or cause her any hurt.  I shall just keep deleting anything where the title looks like the body of the mail could be long and contain photos!

BTW, the message about this person's mail taking up the 3 GO is still present.

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You could also declare her email address as spam so future emails will be directed there. Empty spam regularly with a single action.

If you are brave enough you could tell her not to send her blog information but you would still like to receive general emails.

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mint wrote the following post at 03 Feb 2021 11:20:

BTW, the message about this person's mail taking up the 3 GO is still present.

Have you looked in the 'Corbeille' ? If the persistent email is there (along with others) then, at the top of the list, tick the box and click to delete them forever.

If this action doesn't do the trick then pomme might be right and further action might be needed.

Report back, mint.
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Just to possibly clear up some of my earlier comment, the tumblr problem I had seems to be a problem in Europe and I couldn't get past the blank consent screen (GDPR ?). When I set my VPN to the USA I didn't get that screen and could have set up an account. It wasn't due to tumblr itself being ad-blocked by my Pi-Hole. But seems the tumblr platform is riddled with advertising, etc. so I didn't bother to go any further.
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Hello, techies (with a wink and limp wrist greeting, smiling)

Yes in the corbeille and have emptied it. Anything else I can or should be emptying?

Thanks all, so good to have so many ready and willing helpers; sorry can't smile at you, back on Opera.
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